

字词 工业化城市


industrial conurbation; manufacturing city


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 252.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972: 237.






1. 关键性的转折出现在中国最大的工业城市上海。在这里,1966年12月关于把“文化大革命”扩展到工人中去的决议引发了大规模的骚乱,在年底爆发了一股罢工和煽动涨工资及改善工作条件的浪潮。以巴黎公社为榜样的说法在过去就存在,次年2月初“上海人民公社”成立了。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:240

1. The decisive turning point occurred in China’s largest industrial conurbation, Shanghai. Here the decisions of December 1966 to extend the Cultural Revolution to the workers led to widespread unrest. A wave of strike and agitation for higher wages and better working conditions had broken out by the end of 1966. There had been talk of the Paris Commune as the model to be followed and in early February a Shanghai People’s Commune was established. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 252.

2. “近60年来(写于1844年)英国工业的历史,在人类的编年史中是无与伦比的历史…… 60-80年前,英国和其他任何国家一样,城市很小、工业少而不发达、人口稀疏而且多半是农业人口。现在它却是和其他任何国家都不一样的国家了:有居民达250万的首都,有许多巨大的工业城市,有供给全世界产品而且几乎一切东西都是用极复杂的机器生产的工业,有勤劳而明智的稠密的人口,这些人口有三分之二从事于工业和商业,完全是由另外的阶级组成的,而且和过去比起来实际上完全是具有另外的习惯和另外的需要的另外一个民族。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:204

2. “Such, in brief, is the history of English industrial development in the past sixty years” (this was written in 1844), “a history which has no counterpart in the annals of humanity. Sixty, eighty years ago, England was a country like every other, with small towns, few and simple industries, and a thin but proportionally large agricultural population. Today it is a country like no other, with a capital of two and a half million inhabitants; with vast manufacturing cities; with an industry that supplies the world, and produces almost everything by means of the most complex machinery; with an industrious, intelligent, dense population, of which two-thirds are employed in trade and commerce, and composed of classes wholly different; forming, in fact, with other customs and other needs, a different nation from the England of those days. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1972: 237.

3. 英国许多地方的居民没有足够的资本来改良和耕种他们的土地。苏格兰南部各郡的羊毛,因为缺乏就地加工的资本,大部分不得不通过很坏的道路,长途运送到约克郡去加工。英国有许多小工业城市,那里的居民缺乏足够的资本把他们的工业产品运到可以找到需求和消费者的遥远市场上去。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十二卷)》,1979:72

3. The inhabitants of many different parts of Great Britain have not capital sufficient to improve and cultivate all their lands. The wool of the southern counties of Scotland is, a great part of it, after a long land carriage through very bad roads, manufactured in Yorkshire, for want of capital to manufacture it at home. There are many little manufacturing towns in Great Britain, of which the inhabitants have not capital sufficient to transport the produce of their own industry to those distant markets where there is demand and consumption for it. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1975: 257.


例句 1:
Dongguan City is in the forefront of the reform and opening up. The community and the economy develop very quickly. It created a world-renowned “Dongguan miracle”. Dongguan City has become one of the most dynamic emerging industrial city.

例句 2:
The concept of contradiction of the city is mainly manifested in two aspects: the narrative embodied in the industrial city, is a breeding ground for disease spread, contradictory death dark “coal city” and full of vitality, hope to save the life of the world; reflected in the upper female narrative of the city, is the style of debauchery, immoral Lady Ladies with abstinence, elegant angel contradiction. The writer city concept contradiction is the inevitable mutation characteristic of the early British city of “radical”, shows that the perplexity and struggle writer from rural society to the city in the process of rapid social transformation thought, opposition and collision of the rural city narrative perspective and works and the writer grasps in.






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