

字词 工业污染源全面达标排放计划


initiative to ensure that all industrial polluters comply with discharge standards








1. 在重点区域实行大气污染联防联控。全面推进城镇污水处理设施建设与改造,加强农业面源污染和流域水环境综合治理。加大工业污染源治理力度,对排污企业全面实行在线监测。强化环境保护督察,做到奖惩分明。新修订的环境保护法必须严格执行,对超排偷排者必须依法严厉打击,对姑息纵容者必须依法严肃追究。——《2016年政府工作报告》,2016

1. We will coordinate efforts to prevent and control air pollution in regions where it presents a problem. We will press ahead with the nationwide development and upgrading of urban sewage treatment facilities, and strengthen comprehensive efforts aimed at controlling agricultural pollution from non-point sources and at improving the water environment in river basin areas. We will step up efforts to deal with industrial pollution at the source and conduct online monitoring of all polluting enterprises. We will strengthen environmental inspection and reward and punish as appropriate. We must ensure that the newly revised Environmental Protection Law is strictly enforced, that those who emit pollutants beyond the limit allowed by their permit or without a permit are severely punished as stipulated by law, and that those who knowingly allow such violations are held to account in accordance with the law. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.

2. 继续把简政放权、放管结合作为改革的重头戏。国务院各部门全年取消和下放24项行政审批事项,取消评比达标表彰项目29项、职业资格许可和认定事项149项,再次修订投资项目核准目录,大幅缩减核准范围。着力改革商事制度,新登记注册市场主体达到1293万户,其中新登记注册企业增长45.9%形成新的创业热潮。经济增速放缓,新增就业不降反增,显示了改革的巨大威力和市场的无限潜力。——《2015年政府工作报告》,2015

2. We have continued to give the central stage in reform to streamlining administration and delegating more powers to lower-level governments and to society in general while improving regulation. Over the course of the year, departments under the State Council cancelled the requirement of or delegated the power for review on 246 items. We cancelled 29 performance evaluations, inspections on the meeting of standards, and commendations, and 149 verifications and approvals of vocational qualifications. We again revised and significantly shortened the list of investment projects requiring government review. We channeled great effort into the reform of the business system. The number of newly registered market entities reached 12.93 million, with that of enterprises increasing by 45.9%, creating a fresh surge of entrepreneurial activity. While economic growth slowed down, more jobs were created, which fully demonstrates both the tremendous power of reform and the endless potential of the market. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2015.

3. 资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设取得重大进展。主体功能区布局基本形成,资源循环利用体系初步建立。单位国内生产总值能源消耗和二氧化碳排放大幅下降,主要污染物排放总量显著减少。森林覆盖率提高,生态系统稳定性增强,人居环境明显改善。——《十八大报告》,2012

3. Major progress should be made in building a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society. The establishment of functiona1 zones should be basically completed, and a system for recycling resources should begin to take shape. Energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP as well as the discharge of major pollutants should decrease sharply. Forest coverage should increase, the ecosystem should become more stable, and the living environment should improve markedly. -Quoted from Hu Jintao's report at 18th Party Congress, 2012: 18-19.


例句 1:
To strengthen environmental protection management and promote environmental quality improvement, China began to implement the planning that all the industrial pollution sources should achieve standard discharge, and set up corporate emissions permit system covering all stationary sources. From the ideas of promoting cooperatively the standard discharge planning and emissions permit system, their inner link was analyzed in this paper. And the problems of cooperative promoting in the present stage were identified. Then the policy suggestions of strengthening promotion were put forward.

例句 2:

例句 3:
2016 年 11 月 29日,环境保护部发布了《关于实施工业污染源全面达标排放计划的通知》(以下简称《通知》),要求到2017年底,钢铁、火电、水泥、煤炭、造纸、印染、污水处理厂、垃圾焚烧厂等8个行业达标计划实施取得明显成效,污染物排放标准体系和环境监管机制进一步完善,环境守法良好氛围基本形成。到2020年底,各类工业污染源持续保持达标排放,环境治理体系更加健全,环境守法成为常态。——“环保部发布《关于实施工业污染源全面达标排放计划的通知》,达标排放时间表确定”,载于《造纸信息》,2017年第1期





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