

字词 工业社会


industrial society


Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2001: 84.


工业社会(industrial society)是人类历史发展的一个阶段,是指以工业生产为经济主导成分的社会。工业社会是继农业社会或传统社会之后的社会发展阶段。工业社会以经济增长为轴心,同经过加工的自然界竞争,机器是资源,企业主是社会的统治人物。以轻工业为主的是工业社会前期;以重工业为主的是工业社会后期;从时间上大约是蒸汽机出现之后到20世纪70,80年代电子信息技术广泛应用之前。学者丹尼尔·贝尔对把人类历史划分为三个阶段:前工业社会、工业社会和后工业社会。所谓前工业社会即是生产力发展水平不高,机械化程度很低,主要以农业、渔业、采矿等消耗天然资源的经济部门为主的社会形态。工业社会的主要特征是大机器工业生产取代了以往的农业、手工业生产。生产力水平大幅度提高,经济部门主要以制造业即第二产业为主。后工业社会是工业社会进一步发展的产物,后工业社会的关键变量是信息和知识,主要经济部门是以加工和服务为主导的第三产业甚至第四、第五产业,诸如运输业、公共福利事业、贸易、金融、保险、房地产、卫生、科学研究与技术开发等(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6286210-6499691.html)。概括起来,工业社会泛指产业革命后以机器大工业生产为基础的社会。与“农业社会”相对。


via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6286210-6499691.html


1. 马尔库塞认为,“牵制社会变革或许是发达工业社会最非凡的成就”:这是鲍曼(Bauman)后来意识到的一个观点。观点。他在 《后现代性的通告》(Intimations of Postmodernity)中思考了共产主义的崩溃对于后工业社会的意义。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:130-131

1. Marcuse maintains that the ‘containment of social change is perhaps the most singular achievement of advanced industrial society’: an argument later picked up on by Bauman, when considering the implications of the collapse of communism for a post-industrial society in Intimations of Postmodernity. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 84.

2. 如果说,刚才我们看到在第二笔记本的残片中已经出现了一种新的可能性,而在第三笔记本的第一个“补入”中,马克思实际上再一次批判性地从政治经济学的思路阐明了现实历史从农业文明到工业社会的进步的事实。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:232

2. What we saw in the existing fragments of the second notebook was a new possibility; in the first interpolation of the third notebook, Marx once again uses a political economy line of thinking to critically explains the advancement of actual history from agricultural civilizations to an industrial society. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 174.

3. 马尔库塞对发达工业社会的判断,以及他的许多独特的分析,与霍克海姆和阿多尔诺在《启蒙的辩证法》中的表述完全一致。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:282

3. Marcuse’s verdict on advanced industrial society, and much of his specific analysis, is fully in line with that of Horkheimer and Adorno in their Dialectic of the Enlightenment. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 296.


例句 1:
At last this thesis explains the theoretical meaning, limitation, and historic influence of Marcuse’s theory based on the analysis and survey of Marcuse’s critical theory of ideology control in developed industrial society.

例句 2:
Product design criticism is the specific application and extension of the critical theory in product design area. Taking the product design as the criticism subject, this paper approaches to provide some thinking of building up a product design criticism system which complies with the characteristics of post-industrial society as well as the design critical theory itself.

例句 3:
This change is not only a positive governmental response to the human post-industrial society after pre-industrial society and industrial society, but also the results of the inevitably inter-logical evolution of government function structure in accordance with the “govern-oriented-manage-oriented-service-oriente





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