

字词 对象化与异化


objectification and alienation


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 161.


在马克思的早期思想逻辑当中,对象化和异化概念的区分具有极其重大的理论意义。对象化是人的本质性活动。在马克思看来,任何存在物都是对象性的存在,非对象的存在物是“怪物”、“无”、“非存在物”。承认人的对象性的存在,必然承认以下几个前提:一是自然界的客观存在,即自然界不是某种观念设定的东西,而是感性的并且可以通过感觉感知的。二是人的自然属性,即人不是某种精神性的主体,而是纯粹自然界的一部分,是具有受到性的存在。三是人的活动即对象性的活动是一个客观的能动的物质性活动。人不同于动物的地方就在于,人能够通过自己的自觉的对象性活动占有自然和改造自然,从而使自然界成为属人的自然界,并反过来也改造了人自身以及人和人之间的社会关系。作为主体的人改造客体的活动是历史的进程(詹石窗,张有奎,2005:188)。人的对象化并不导致异化,反过来说,异化只是人的对象化的特定表现。“异化”一词源于拉丁文Alienatio和Alienare,有脱离、转让、出卖、受异己力量支配等含义。作为一个哲学概念,异化的敌对的力量而转过来反对主体自身。霍布斯和卢梭等人在其社会政治学说中提出过异化思想,表示人的自然权利向社会的转让和出让。在德国古典哲学中,异化概念被提升到哲学高度。费希特用外化概念表示异化,认为自我外化为非我,而非我反过来使自我成为受限制的东西(via: http://bfts.5read.com/pdf/7E/7EDA003F0429904106A044C3DCDEBB54186-192.pdf)。


[1] 詹石窗,张有奎.现代性的哲学批判:从马克思生存论角度的分析[M].社会科学文献出版社,2005.
[2] 对象化与异化.via: http://bfts.5read.com/pdf/7E/7EDA003F0429904106A044C3DCDEBB54186-192.pdf


1. 在此我们不得不打住,先来讨论一下马克思用来实现自身理论建构的第一个重要逻辑构件,即劳动的对象化与异化问題。这当然要从黑格尔和费尔巴哈开始说起。在本书第一章中,我们已经阐述过黑格尔的主体对象化与异化包含了两层意思:一是自然实现的自在的对象化;二是人类主体观念本质的物化,同时也就是外化和异化,物化是虚假的现实,异化关系倒是真实的。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:215-216

1. At this point let us pause momentarily to discuss the first important logical element that Marx uses to realize his own theoretical structure—the question of the objectification and alienation of labor. This discussion, of course, must begin with Hegel and Feuerbach. In the first chapter of this book, I explained that Hegel’s concept of the objectification and alienation of the subject had two levels of meaning: the first is a naturally realizing self-objectification; the second is the reification (externalization and alienation) of the essence of the human subjective idea. This reification leads to a false reality, and alienated relations become what is true. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 161.

2. 一开始,观念本质是通过对象化为物质存在而得以实现的,虽然精神“沉沦”于自然物质,但它从自身异化出去也就是过渡性地肯定自己,因此异化等于对象化。而在表征绝对观念运动的第三阶段上,人的现实“激情”成了造物主的工具,因而异化的后继过程是客观精神对象化和外化为社会活动之结果,以及人的精神对象化为自己劳动的产品。在费尔巴哈对黑格尔的批判中,他直接否定了黑格尔的总体对象化和异化,因为这是一种自然与观念、主语与谓语的唯心主义颠倒。于是,物质存在是第一性的,它不是观念目的论的工具。费尔巴哈进而抓住了黑格尔第二个层面上的人的感性对象化活动。在他看来,对象化不是异化,而是真实的现实生活,反之唯心主义和宗教神学倒成为一种类本质之异化。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:216

2. In the beginning, the essence of the Idea realizes itself through objectification into material existence, and although the Spirit “falls,” becoming natural material, this is only a transitory stage of self-affirmation. Thus alienation is equal to objectification. In the third stage of the expression of the Absolute Idea, the “passions” of man in reality become tools in the hands of the Creator. Therefore, the resulting process of alienation is the objectification and externalization of the Objective Spirit as the result of social activity, and man’s spirit is objectified as the product of labor. In Feuerbach’s criticism of Hegel, he directly rejects Hegel’s general idea of objectification and alienation, because this is an idealist inversion of nature and the Idea as well as the subject and predicate. Therefore, material existence comes first, and is not a tool of idealist teleology. Feuerbach goes on to understand the sensuous objectification activity at Hegel’s second level. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 161-162.

3. 工人在他的产品中的外化,不仅意味着他的劳动成为对象,成为外部的存在,而且意味着他的劳动作为一种异己的东西不依赖于他而在他之外存在,并成为词他对立的独立的力量;意味着他给予对象的生命作为敌对的和异己的东西同他相对抗。这样,“工人生产得越多,他能够消费的越少;他创造价值越多,他自己越没有价值、越低贱;工人的产品越完美,工人自己越畸形;工人创造的对象越文明,工人自己越野蛮;劳动越有力量,工人越无力;劳动越机巧,工人越愚钝,越成为自然界的奴隶”。我们可以看出,马克思在这里否定了黑格尔把对象化与异化混同起来的做法,精准地抓住了工人被自己的创造物(对象化劳动产品)所奴役的不正常现象,并对此进行了深入的考察。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:217-218

3. The alienation of the worker in his product means not only that his labor becomes an object, an external existence, but that it exists outside him, independently, as something alien to him, and that it becomes a power on its own confronting him. Thus “the more the worker produces, the less he has to consume; the more values he creates, the more valueless, the more unworthy he becomes; the better formed his product, the more deformed becomes the worker; the more civilized his object, the more barbarous becomes the worker; the more powerful labor becomes, the more powerless becomes the worker; the more ingenious labor becomes, the less ingenious becomes the worker and the more he becomes nature’s slave.” We can see that Marx here refutes Hegel’s lumping together of objectification and alienation, astutely observing and analyzing the unnatural phenomenon of workers becoming the slaves of their own creations (objectified products of labor). -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 163.


例句 1:
The first object is a way of human existence, people get rich object is the process of object, instead of loss of object of process performance for alienation, such object generates object and alienation of two-dimensional.

例句 2:
Marx differentiates the objection and the alienation, but Lucaks confuses these two concepts.

例句 3:
In Social Existence on Ontology, Lukács distinguished objectification and alienation, he pointed out that sublation of alienation depending on the critique of alienated ideology and practical negation.





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