

字词 法兰克福学派


The Frankfurt School


Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 78.


法兰克福学派是20世纪西方马克思主义的主要流派之一,其成员主要是一些有着犹太血统的德国哲学家和社会学家。这个学派的名称来源于法兰克福大学社会学研究所,这个研究所创办于1923年。1931年,霍克海默的思想家担任了所长。他在一篇题为《社会哲学的现状和社会研究所的任务》的就职演说中指出,社会研究所的任务是建立一种社会哲学,它不满足于对资本主义社会进行经济学和历史学的实证性分析,而是以“整个人类的全部物质文化和精神文化”为对象,揭示和阐释“作为社会成员的人的命运”。对整个资本主义社会进行总体性的哲学批判和社会学批判。这个学派的代表人物主要是阿多诺、马尔库塞、本雅明和哈贝马斯等人。法兰克福学派在媒介研究中主要的贡献是提出了“文化工业”的概念,“单向度文化”的概念以及“机械复制”理论。在这些学者眼里,传媒是我们文化生活的重要组成部分。(法兰克福学派.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=BSoxTpkbjnmWjoL3O1Ou4Qgnnz87hWnjuUscJZKe4Kbb-Vcn0m6NVVK-xp_xFCUrS-0yNttoTZyqUA_BAR8EPr3AzQChO485hlTI_cHopK3w4omPWXHurPGwIvdJkO1mT9Jp9DPZ2U-fMqoElTgUU_)
 法兰克福学派被视为“新马克思主义”的典型,并以从理论上和方法论上反实证主义而著称。它继承了青年黑格尔派M.施蒂纳等人的传统,受A.叔本华、F.W.尼采和W.狄尔泰的非理性思想影响,并受新康德主义、M.韦伯的“文化批判”和社会学的启迪,借用K.马克思早期著作中的异化概念和G.卢卡奇的“物化”思想,提出和建构了一套独特的批判理论,旨在对资产阶级的意识形态进行“彻底批判”。(法兰克福学派.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5984590-6197556.html)


[1] 法兰克福学派.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=BSoxTpkbjnmWjoL3O1Ou4Qgnnz87hWnjuUscJZKe4Kbb-Vcn0m6NVVK-xp_xFCUrS-0yNttoTZyqUA_BAR8EPr3AzQChO485hlTI_cHopK3w4omPWXHurPGwIvdJkO1mT9Jp9DPZ2U-fMqoElTgUU_
[2] 法兰克福学派.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5984590-6197556.html


1. “工业主义迈步向前,生产也继续增长,而生产者的困境也日益加剧。”西斯蒙第发问道,工业主义在“不遗余力地增加物质财富时,只是见物不见人,结果不是制造了一批穷人吗”?在工业主义试图证明人征服大自然的胜利的时候,也许“它更证明了人征服人的胜利”。这一批判逻辑,后来在法兰克福学派的工具理性批判中得到深化。参见霍克海默·阿多诺的《启蒙辩证法》一书中的相关论述。在这个为了生产而生产的社会中,“凡是物取得进步的地方,人就得受苦”。 ——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:93

1. In Studies on Political Economy, Sismondi questions whether or not as industrialism “exerts itself to increase material wealth, only seeing things and not people, will the result not merely be a mass of impoverished people?” As industrialism seeks to prove the victory of man over nature, perhaps it is in reality “proving the victory of man over man. This critical logic was later made more profound by the instrumental critique of reason by the Frankfurt School. Refer to the Dialectic of Enlightenment by Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno. In this industrialized society where production takes place for the sake of production, any instance “where things replace progress, man must suffer. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 61.

2. 法兰克福学派受早期卢卡奇的精神的影响,继续进行自我批判的马克思主义运动,甚至超越了后马克思主义的边界。比如,阿多诺的《否定辩证法》后来被它的翻译者描述为“一部异端的申辩书,一个马克思主义思想家无法行走在为正确马克思主义思想所制定的路线的一份说明书”。 ——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:122

2. Imbued with the spirit of the early Lukács, the Frankfurt School carried on the campaign for a self-critical Marxism right up to, and arguably well beyond, the boundary with post-Marxism. Adorno’s Negative Dialectics, for example, is later to be described by its translator as ‘an apologia for deviationism, a Marxist thinker’s explication of his inability to toe the lines laid down for proper Marxist thinking’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 78.

3. 可是,齐泽克告诉我们,在法兰克福学派一类更复杂的意识形态批判程序中,“意识形态并不仅仅是一个如其‘所是’(really are)地看待事物(即社会现实)的问题,也不是一个抛弃意识形态的歪曲性景观的问题”,因为,今天的意识形态不再是简单的社会和生活假象,而是成为现实生活的一部分,甚至是社会存在的内在本质。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:381

3. However, Zizek tells us, in the more complicated critical process of the Frankfurt School, ideology " is not just a question of seeing things (that is, social reality) as they 'really are', of throwing away the distorting spectacles of ideology" because today's ideology is no longer the simple illusion of society and life but a part of reality, even the internal nature of existence. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 491.


例句 1:
It includes the social history and cultural background and thinking source of Frankfurt School’s theory.

例句 2:
Faced with the rapid development of popular culture since the 1990’s, some Chinese intellectuals are feeling extremely anxious. Frankfurt School supplies them with criticism weapon.

例句 3:
Modernist art has faced controversy since it was born. Lukacs had opposed to modernism art, while Frankfurt school actively defending modernist art. The defense for modernism art formed unique modernism literary theory, and constituted an important part of The Frankfurt school’s critical aesthetic.





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