

字词 沙皇


tsar; tzar; csar; or czar


[2]Tsar. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar


沙皇,君主的称谓之一,是俄罗斯帝国皇帝、俄国最高封建统治者的称呼,“沙”是拉丁文“凯撒”——古罗马独裁者的俄语变音,中文译为沙皇,沙是音译,皇是意译。莫斯科的大公伊凡三世(1462-1505年)迎娶了拜占庭帝国末代皇帝的侄女索非亚为妻,自命为拜占庭——东罗马帝国的继承人。16世纪初,俄国统治集团公然发出建立“第三罗马帝国”的叫嚣。“至1547年伊凡四世亲政后正式使用‘沙皇’的称号,表明他对内要确立君主专制制度,对外要步恺撒后尘,为实现:‘第三罗马帝国’的狂妄野心而进行大规模的侵略扩张”(何新,王均等,1989:226)。之后,俄国的君主就都开始称为沙皇。直到1917年2月,俄国爆发了著名的资产阶级革命,沙皇俄国的制度终于被推翻,至此“沙皇”的称号便不再沿用。19世纪末,保加利亚国王也开始称沙皇,并一直持续到1946年人民共和成立。另外,俄罗斯的沙皇头衔有很多,举个例子来说,比如“蒙上帝恩典,俄罗斯、莫斯科、基辅、弗拉基米尔和诺夫哥罗德的皇帝及独裁者;喀山、阿斯特拉罕、波兰、西伯利亚、陶立克克森尼索和格鲁吉亚沙皇;斯摩棱斯克、立陶宛、沃里尼亚、波多利亚和芬兰大公、爱沙尼亚、利沃尼亚、库尔兰、瑟米加利亚、萨莫吉希亚、别洛斯托克、卡累利阿、特维尔、尤戈尔斯克、尤格拉、维亚特卡、保加尔和其他地区的王公等等都属于沙皇头衔”(沙皇.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=d2W19sjLnlaf3OSTdSnJ3t7_Uee35d8xGKwB63TWMRhVQ2hZKhBtGb8DcGB2MFHeN_6vEX5JPUiiq2NH5WNZkforjiiE-UxG87E5neHUeFy)。


[1]何新,王均等.中外文化知识辞典[Z]. 黑龙江人民出版社,1989. 
[2]沙皇.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=d2W19sjLnlaf3OSTdSnJ3t7_Uee35d8xGKwB63TWMRhVQ2hZKhBtGb8DcGB2MFHeN_6vEX5JPUiiq2NH5WNZkforjiiE-UxG87E5neHUeFy.


1. 只是石块“如冰雹一般”四处横飞。工人不仅表现出顽强的反抗精神,而且也表现出机智,表现出善于随机应变和选择最好的斗争方式的本领。他们占据了邻近的院子,从围墙内把石块投向沙皇的走狗。甚至在遭到三排枪射击之后,在一个工人被打死(就只一人?),八人受伤(?)(一人在第二天死亡),人群开始逃散的时候,战斗还在继续进行,奉命赶来的鄂木斯克步兵团的几个连还得把邻院内的“工人清除出去”。——《列宁全集(第五卷)》,1986:14-15

1. Stones, however, fell “like hail”, and the workers not only put up a stubborn resistance, they displayed resourcefulness and ability in adapting themselves immediately to the situation and in selecting the best form of struggle. They occupied the neighbouring courtyards and from over the fences poured a hail of stones on the tsar’s bashi-bazouks, so that even after three volleys had been fired, killing one man (only one?) and wounding eight (?) (one of whom died the following day), even after this, although the crowd had fled, the fight still continued and some companies of the Omsk Infantry Regiment had to be called out to “clear the workers out of the neighbouring courtyards”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1977: 29.

2. 医治这种缺乏政治觉悟和死气沉沉的一种非常好的“解毒剂”,通常就是“机密文件”,因为这些文件表明,不仅某些不顾死活的亡命之徒或政府的顽固的敌人,而且连大臣和沙皇在内的政府人员自己,都意识到专制政体的摇摇欲坠,并竭力寻求种种办法来改善这种根本不能使他们满意的处境。——《列宁全集(第五卷)》,1986:18

2. A particularly good “antidote” to this political apathy and somnolence is usually contained in the “secret documents” which reveal that, not only desperate cutthroats and confirmed enemies of the government, but also members of the government itself, including ministers, and even the tsar, realise the tottering state of the autocracy and seek ways and means to improve their position, which they consider totally unsatisfactory. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1977: 35.

3. 山民同志们!在俄国历史上的旧时期,沙皇和沙皇将军践踏你们的权利,摧残你们的自由,这个压迫和奴役的时期已经一去不复返了。现在,俄国政权已经转到工人和农民手中,俄国不应该再有被压迫者了。——《斯大林全集(第四卷)》,1956:286

3. Comrade highlanders, the old period in the history of Russia, when the tsars and tsarist generals trampled upon your rights and destroyed your liberties—that period of oppression and slavery has gone forever. Now, when power in Russia has passed into the hands of the workers and peasants, there must no more be any who are oppressed in Russia. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 4), 1953: 414.


例句 1:
Russia early expelled Jew from the country determinedly, but from 1772 to 1795 they divided up Poland three times, and gained tens of thousands of Jews from the former Poland territory, which made it the country with the most Jews. Then the problem of Jews became a real problem for Russia. So it gave up the policy of deporting on Jews, but built up pale of settlement to reinforce its ruling on the Jews.

例句 2:
Russian local self-government was deep-rooted in its special historic tradition, from ancient Russia to Nicholas I’s reign, reform of local management was involved in every reform they performed.

例句 3:
Russian emperor propped up the middle and small nobility, taking back the power of hereditary aristocratic, from then on, the central government started investigating the local place management system.





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