字词 | 企业 |
释义 | 企业【英】enterprise; business; company; firm译文来源[1] Business. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business 定义企业又称“厂商”。即从事商品生产、流通和服务性活动的经济组织。企业是商品经济发展到一定水平的产物。企业组织形式是企业作为经济组织,为了进行生产经营活动而具有的一定外在表现形式。企业组织形式对企业的法律地位,企业的设立、变更及终止,企业的组织机构以及由此而产生的企业内部和外部关系的处理等,都有重要意义。企业组织形式按资产结构划分,可分为:(1)业主制企业。又称“单一业主制企业”、“单人业主制企业”、“独资企业”、“个人独资企业”。由一个自然人投资,财产为投资者个人所有,投资人以其个人财产对企业债务承担无限责任的经营实体。它是最早产生,也是最简单的企业组织形式。(2)合伙制企业。又称“合伙企业”。由两个或两个以上出资者共同出资、合伙经营、共享收益、共担风险,并对企业债务承担无限连带责任的营利性经济组织。(3)公司制企业。依公司法成立的、实行公司制的企业,是现代企业的重要组织形式。企业按其所从事的主要经济活动,可分为工业企业、农业企业、商业企业、交通运输企业、服务性企业和金融企业等。在联合国的国民账户体系中,将企业分为非金融企业部门(又称“非金融公司部门”)、金融公司部门(又称“金融机构部门”);同时,还对“非法人企业”、“准公司”进行了归类。企业按规模,可分为大型企业、中型企业、小型企业。 定义来源刘树成.现代经济辞典[Z].凤凰出版社,2005. 例句1. 这次事故再一次给我们敲响了警钟,安全生产必须警钟长鸣、常抓不懈,丝毫放松不得,否则就会给国家和人民带来不可挽回的损失。必须建立健全安全生产责任体系,强化企业主体责任,深化安全生产大检查,认真吸取教训,注重举一反三,全面加强安全生产工作。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:195 1. This accident has sounded an alarm for us once more. We must maintain constant vigilance against workplace accidents, pay close attention to this problem, and guarantee without fail workplace safety, otherwise accidents will cause irreversible damage to the country and the people. We must establish a sound workplace safety responsibility system, highlight the key responsibilities of enterprises, enhance workplace safety inspections, apply lessons learned to analogous situations, and strengthen workplace safety. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 215. 2. 各级党委和政府、各级领导干部要牢固树立安全发展理念,始终把人民群众生命安全放在第一位。各地区各部门、各类企业都要坚持安全生产高标准、严要求,招商引资、上项目要严把安全生产关,加大安全生产指标考核权重,实行安全生产和重大安全生产事故风险 “一票否决”。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:195-196 2. Party committees, governments and leading officials at all levels should be keenly aware of the importance of safety issues, and always put people's lives first. All regions, government departments, and enterprises should be relentless in applying the highest standards of workplace safety, stringently supervise workplace safety when pursuing investment and implementing projects, increase the weighting of workplace safety in performance indicators, and follow the approach of "one vote against meaning veto" for ensuring workplace safety and guarding against the risk of major work-related accidents. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 216. 3. 所有企业都必须认真履行安全生产主体责任,做到安全投入到位、安全培训到位、基础管理到位、应急救援到位,确保安全生产。中央企业要带好头做表率。各级政府要落实属地管理责任,依法依规,严管严抓。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014: 196 3. Every enterprise must fulfill its principal responsibility for workplace safety with absolute dedication, and guarantee funding, training, basic management measures, and emergency rescue provisions to ensure workplace safety. Central-government-owned enterprises should take the lead and set a good example in this regard. Governments at all levels should perform their due responsibilities in places within their jurisdiction, and exercise strict supervision over workplace safety in full accordance with laws and regulations. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 216. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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