

字词 过程






所谓过程,就是事物的有限存在和无限发展在时间、空间和条件上的辩证统一,是事物存在的基本形态和发展的必然联系的体现(刘志忠,1988:32)。事物发生、发展、完结的历史,就是该事物相对完整的过程。宇宙间一切具体事物,都有其产生、发展、完结的历史,都不是永恒的,因此都毫无例外地表现为过程,恩格斯说:“世界不是一成不变的事物的集合体,而是过程的集合体”(马克思等,1972:240),即总的系统过程,在这个过程的集合体中,各个似乎稳定的事物及其在我们头脑中的反映,都处在生成和灭亡的不断过程中;各个具体事物的过程又都是整个物质世界的无限发展过程中的一个阶段或一个部分。总过程一般是指世界的无限过程。这个总过程是无数具体的过程的集合体,是一个总的系统过程,只有这个过程是无限的。具体过程是指具体事物发生、发展、灭亡的过程。具体过程总是有限的,又总是和其它具体过程相联系的,并且具有自己的特殊性。具体过程是总过程的一部分,无数具体过程有机联系成总过程。总过程包含着具体过程,并通过具体过程表现出来。过程的根源在于矛盾,列宁说:“要认识在‘自己运动’中、自生发展中和蓬勃生活中的世界的一切过程,就要把这些过程当作对立面的统一来认识”(列宁,1990: 306)。矛盾的普遍性决定了过程的普遍性,矛盾的特殊性决定了不同事物过程的本质。任何过程都是有实际内容的,矛盾构成过程的实际内容,矛盾的对立性和同一性是事物表现为过程的主要动力和根本原因。过程又总是矛盾的发展状态和外在表现,它所遵循的道路总是螺旋式上升,波浪式前进,发展趋势总是由简单到复杂,由低级到高级的无限过程(刘志忠等,1988:34)。


[1] 马克恩,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集(第四卷)[C].人民出版社,1972.
[2] 列宁.列宁全集(第五十五卷)[M].人民出版社,1990.
[3] 刘志忠,李毅.过程转化论[M].中国展望出版社,1988.


1. 给归纳万能论者。我们用世界上的一切归纳法都永远不能把归纳过程弄清楚。只有对这个过程的分析才能做到这一点。——归纳和演绎,正如分析和综合一样,是必然相互联系着的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:570-571

1. To the Pan-Inductionists. With all the induction in the world we would never have got to the point of becoming clear about the process of induction. Only the analysis of this process could accomplish this.—Induction and deduction belong together as necessarily as synthesis and analysis. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 508.

2. 一种社会活动,一系列社会过程,愈是越出人们的自觉的控制,愈是越出他们支配的范围,愈是显得受纯粹的偶然性的摆布,它所固有的内在规律就愈是以自然的必然性在这种偶然性中为自己开辟道路。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:199

2. The more a social activity, a series of social processes, becomes too powerful for conscious human control, grows beyond human reach, the more it seems to have been left to pure chance, the more do its peculiar and innate laws assert themselves in this chance, as if by natural necessity. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 273.

3. 因而黑格尔陷入幻觉,把实在理解为自我综合、自我深化和自我运动的思维的结果,其实,从抽象上升到具体的方法,只是思维用来掌握具体并把它当做一个精神上的具体再现出来的方式。但决不是具体本身的产生过程。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十二卷)》,1962:751

3. Hegel accordingly arrived at the illusion that the real was the result of thinking synthesising itself within itself, delving ever deeper into itself and moving by its inner motivation; actually, the method of advancing from the abstract to the concrete is simply the way in which thinking assimilates the concrete and reproduces it as a mental concrete. This is, however, by no means the process by which the concrete itself originates. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 38.


例句 1:
Based on the review and evaluation of the theory, the thesis is to analyze the effects of the new changes and its profound implication on contemporary western ideology, which were brought by the globalization, multiculture-multilpolarization, and revolution of new science and technology, and to analyze the process of contemporary we stern ideological, from the perspective of the multidimension and multidirection. And then doin-depth thinking strategy.

例句 2:
Facing with these problems, thinkers tried to find new roads to liberation. But before Marx, no one really make their roads combined with the people because people are considered as metaphysical, so these type of liberation are just beautiful dreams.

例句 3:
The target is to product a general emergency disposal plan, based on the emergency plan of all kinds of process, organization and coo





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