

字词 时空观


outlook of time and space; conception of space and time


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:182.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 45.
[3] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 175.




[1] 时空观.via:http://epub.cnki.net/kns/brief/default_result.aspx
[2] 马克思,恩格斯.马克思恩格斯选集(第三卷)[C].人民出版社,1995.


1. “大家回想一下我们用来促使无限性概念及其批判具有空前影响的那些极端简单的表现方式……由于现代的尖锐化和深化而如此简单地形成的普遍的时空观念的因素。” ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:53

1. "Recall to your mind the extremely simple methods by which we helped forward the concepts of infinity and their critique to a hitherto unknown import ... the elements of the universal conception of space and time, which have been given such simple form by the sharpening and deepening now effected" [427-28]. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 45.

2. (《费尔巴哈全集》第2卷第332页)费尔巴哈承认我们通过感觉认识到的感性世界是客观实在,自然也就否认现象论(如马赫会自称的)或不可知论(如恩格斯所说的)的时空观。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:179

2. (Werke, II, 332).Regarding the sensible world we know through sensations as objective reality, Feuerbach naturally also rejects the phenomenalist (as Mach would call his own conception) or the agnostic (as Engels calls it) conception of space and time. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 175.

3. 人类的时空观念是相对的,但绝对真理是由这些相对的观念构成的;这些相对的观念在发展中走向绝对真理,接近绝对真理。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:180

3. Human conceptions of space and time are relative, but these relative conceptions go to compound absolute truth. These relative conceptions, in their development, move towards absolute truth and approach nearer and nearer to it. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 175.


例句 1:
The Space-time notion of Marxist philosophy can be divided into two parts: dialectical natural space-time notion and social space-time notion. Dialectical natural space-time notion is a modern materialistic scientific space-time notion. Social space-time notion which has a series of characteristics: humanity, historic, exchanges and value is an important dimensionality of Marxist philosophy, and is a new angle and a new way for us to grasp the essence of social historic phenomena.

例句 2:
Compared with the concept of time and space in classical physic appearance of the new concept of time and space in system science is a complete revolution.

例句 3:
Marx extended the natural view of time-space to social field. On the basis of Marx’s time space view, Harvey put forward the dialectical view of space-time with more emphasis on space perspective.





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