

字词 《论联合政府》


On Coalition Government


Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 255.


《论联合政府》是1945年4月24日 毛泽东在中国共产党第七次全国代表大会上所做的政治报告。报告深刻分析了国内外形势,总结了中国共产党成立以来领导人民民主革命的经验,特别是抗战以来国共两条抗战路线斗争的经验,提出了党必须实行“放手发动 群众,壮大人民力量,在我们党领导之下,打败侵略者,建设新中国”的政治路线。(《论联合政府》.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v6951752.htm?fromTitle=%E3%80%8A%E8%AE%BA%E8%81%94%E5%90%88%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E3%80%8B)报告分析了当时的国际国内形势,指出中国人民的基本要求是成立民主联合政府,以便动员和统一全中国的抗日力量,夺取抗日战争的最后胜利,领导全国人民建设独立、自由、民主、统一和富强的新中国。总结了抗日战争中两条不同的指导路线的斗争和人民战争的基本经验。阐明了中国共产党在民族民主革命阶段的一般纲领和具体纲领,指出:“中国一切政党的政策及其实践在中国人民中所表现的作用的好坏、大小,归根到底,看它对于中国人民的生产力的发展是否有帮助及其帮助之大小,看它是束缚主产力的,还是解放生产力的。”在关于党的那一部分,强调“共产党人的一切言论行动,必须以合乎最广大人民群众的最大利益,为最广大人民群众所拥护为最高标准”。着重论述了作为中国共产党区别于其他任何政党显著标志的三大作风,即理论和实践相结合的作风、和人民群众紧密地联系在一起的作风以及自我批评的作风,号召全党团结起来为实现党的任务而斗争。(金炳华,2003:826)《论联合政府》全面系统地阐述了新民主主义理论和政策,阐明新民主主义国家政权性质、政权组织等新民主主义国家学说,极大丰富和发展了马克思列宁主义关于无产阶级革命和专政的学说。在中国面临着两种前途、两种命运斗争的重要时刻,总结了中国民主革命的经验,制定了正确的纲领和策略。(《论联合政府》.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v6951752.htm?fromTitle=%E3%80%8A%E8%AE%BA%E8%81%94%E5%90%88%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E3%80%8B)


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 《论联合政府》.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v6951752.htm?fromTitle=%E3%80%8A%E8%AE%BA%E8%81%94%E5%90%88%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E3%80%8B


1. 但是中国现在仍然不团结,中国仍然存在着严重的危机。在这种情况下,我们应该怎样做呢?毫无疑问,中国急需把各党各派和无党无派的代表人物团结在一起,成立民主的临时的联合政府,以便实行民主的改革,克服目前的危机,动员和统一全中国的抗日力量,有力地和同盟国配合作战,打败日本侵略者,使全国人民从日本侵略者手中解放出来。然后,需要在广泛的民主基础之上,召开国民代表大会,成立包括更广大范围的各党各派和无党无派代表人物在内的同样是联合性质的民主的正式的政府,领导解放后的全国人民,将中国建设成为一个独立、自由、民主、统一和富强的新国家。一句话,走团结和民主的路线,打败侵略者,建设新中国。一句话,走团结和民主的路线,打败侵略者,建设新中国。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:1029-1030

1. But China remains disunited and is still confronted with a grave crisis. In these circumstances, what ought we do? Beyond all doubt, the urgent need is to unite representatives of all political parties and groups and of people without any party affiliation and establish a provisional democratic coalition government for the purpose of instituting democratic reforms, surmounting the present crisis, mobilizing and unifying all the anti-Japanese forces in the country to fight in effective co-ordination with the allied countries for the defeat of the Japanese aggressors, and thus enabling the Chinese people to liberate themselves from the latter’s clutches. After that it will be necessary to convene a national assembly on a broad democratic basis and set up a formally constituted and will have a still wider representation of people from all parties and groups or without any party affiliation, and which will lead the liberated people of the whole country in building an independent, free, democratic, united, prosperous and powerful new China. In short, we must take the line of unity and democracy, defeat the aggressors and build a new China. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 255-256.

2. 我们共产党人提出结束国民党一党专政的两个步骤:第一个步骤,目前时期,经过各党各派和无党派人士代表人物协议,成立临时的联合政府;第二个步骤,将来时期,经过自由的无拘束的选举,召开国民大会,成立正式的联合政府。总之,都是联合政府,团结一切原意参加的阶级和政党的代表在一起,在一个民主的共同纲领下,为现在的抗日和将来的建国而奋斗。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:1068-1069

2. We Communists propose two steps for the termination of the Kuomintang one-party dictatorship. First, at the present stage, to establish a provisional coalition government through common agreement among representatives of all parties and people with no party affiliation. Second, in the next stage, to convene a national assembly after free and unrestricted elections and form a regular coalition government. In both cases there will be a coalition government in which the representatives of all classes and political parties willing to take part are united on a democratic common programme in the fight against Japan today and for national construction tomorrow. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 292.

3. 自由是人民争来的,不是什么人恩赐的。中国解放区的人民已经争得了自由,其他地方的人也可能和应该争得这种自由。中国人民争得自由越多,有组织的民主力量越大,一个统一的临时的联合政府便越有成立的可能。这种联合政府一经成立,它将转过来给予人民以充分的自由,巩固联合政府的基础。然后才有可能,在日本侵略者被打倒之后,在全部国土上进行自由的无拘束的选举,产生民主的国民大会,成立统一的正式的联合政府。没有人民的自由,就没有真正民选的民国大会,就没有真正民选的政府。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:1068-1069

3. Freedom is won by the people through struggle, it is not bestowed by anyone as a favour. The people in China’s Liberated Areas have already won freedom, and the people can and must win freedom in the other areas too. The greater the freedom of the Chinese people and the stronger their organized democratic forces, the greater the possibility of forming a provisional and unified coalition government. Once formed, this coalition government will in its turn provide full freedom for the people and so consolidate its own foundations. Only then will it be possible to hold free and unrestricted elections throughout the land after the overthrow of the Japanese aggressors, to create a democratic national assembly and to establish a regular and unified coalition government. Unless the people have freedom, there can be no national assembly or government genuinely elected by the people. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 293.


例句 1:
Its center issue is “whether China should establish a democratic coalition government”. In the report, the CPC used democracy to unite Democratic Forces, demanding that the Kuomintang end the one-party dictatorship, release political power, and carry out democratic politics.

例句 2:
 “On coalition government” was originally released in May 2,1945 was the “Liberation Daily”, then, when this report was collected in the 3rd volume of the Newly published “Selected Works of Mao Zedong” after we found the new China, it has been greatly modified, the revisions contents “which role the capitalism acts in the postwar China, “the new situation after the Second World War” , “China's transition from the New Democracy to the Socialism”, as well as “the leadership of the Communist Party of China”.

例句 3:
Under the context of Chongqing Negotiations, the CCP changed to propose “





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