

字词 中央预算内投资


central government budgetary investment


Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via: http://english.gov.cn/premier/news/2016/03/17/content_281475309417987.htm






1. 发挥有效投资对稳增长调结构的关键作用。我国基础设施和民生领域有许多短板,产业亟需改造升级,有效投资仍有很大空间。今年要启动一批“十三五”规划重大项目。完成铁路投资8000亿元以上、公路投资1.65万亿元,再开工20项重大水利工程,建设水电核电、特高压输电、智能电网、油气管网、城市轨道交通等重大项目。中央预算内投资安排5000亿元。深化投融资体制改革,继续以市场化方式筹集专项建设基金,推动地方融资平台转型改制进行市场化融资,探索基础设施等资产证券化,扩大债券融资规模。完善政府和社会资本合作模式,用好1800亿元引导基金,依法严格履行合同,充分激发社会资本参与热情。 ——《2016年政府工作报告》

1. We will see that effective investment plays a key role in maintaining stable growth and making structural adjustments. The many weak areas in infrastructure and public services in China and the urgent need for industry upgrading leave vast scope for growth in effective investment. This year, we will launch a number of projects set forth in the 13th Five-Year Plan. More than 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction, and investment in road construction will reach 1.65 trillion yuan. A further 20 water conservancy projects will be carried out, and major projects will be launched to develop hydropower, nuclear power, ultra high-voltage power transmission, smart grids, pipelines for oil and gas transmission, and urban rail transit. Central government budgetary investment will be 500 billion yuan. We will deepen the reform of the investment and financing systems. Funds for specific projects will continue to be raised through market-based mechanisms. Local financing platforms will be required to transform themselves and shift toward market-based financing, the securitization of tangible assets such as infrastructure will be explored, and debt financing will be increased. We will improve the public-private partnership model, make good use of the 180 billion yuan in seed funds, and strictly honor contracts in accordance with the law, so as to bring the enthusiasm of private investors to the table. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.


例句 1:
2013—2015年黄土高原全国坡耕地水土流失综合治理工程共完成坡改梯(土坎)80 381.56 hm²,占国家计划的99.79%,完成总投资 159 895.83 万元,占国家计划的96.56%,其中完成中央预算内投资126 000 万元,占国家计划的100%。——“黄土高原区坡耕地水土流失综合治理工程经验和问题探讨”,载于《中国水利》2016年第22期
In order to control soil and water losses, there are 80 381.56 hm²terraced fields had beenconstructed in slope land of Loess Plateau in 2013-2015 which takes 99.79% of planned areas. The completedinvestment reached to 1598.9583 million yuan that amounts to 96.56% of the total listed in the national plan,among which 1.26 billion yuan from central government budget was already completed.

例句 2:
Monitor on comprehensive treatment project of soil and water conservation of Liujiazhang basin which was investmentprojects in the central budget in 2014 was carried out. Implementation effect of each measure was analyzed.

例句 3:
According to the statistics, nearly RMB 600 Billion of budgetof Chinese central government has been invested in the construction ofagricultural and rural infrastructure during the 11thFive-Year Plan, with anannua





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