

字词 妇联


women’s federation


Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. via:


妇联是妇女联合会的简称,指在中国共产党的领导下,各族劳动妇女、拥护社会主义祖国的爱国妇女、拥护祖国统一的爱国妇女构成的群众组织,妇联是中国共产党联系妇女群众的纽带。抗日战争时期,在共产党领导的抗日根据地,曾有过“妇女救国联合会”(简称“妇救会”)的妇女组织。1949年成立了“中华全国民主妇女联合会”,1957年9月更名为“中华全国妇女联合会”。“中华全国妇女联合会”(简称“全国妇联”)是妇联的全国领导机构,各省市、自治区及各县、市均有相应分支机构,各企事业单位均有妇联基层组织,设有专职或兼职的妇女干部。妇联的机关刊物是《中国妇女》。(妇联. via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006533946&d=1AAB401F534BE81619F698F880F78F4E)各级妇联的任务是:第一,向妇女进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义、共产主义的思想教育,进行妇女解放、男女平等教育,鼓励妇女树立崇高的革命理想,努力学习马克思主义、毛泽东思想,学习文化、科学、技术,在社会主义精神文明建设和物质文明建设中发挥积极作用。第二,保护妇女、儿童的合法权益,坚决同歧视、虐待、摧残和迫害妇女儿童的行为作斗争。第三,教育妇女以社会主义思想道德正确处理恋爱,婚姻及家庭问题,实行计划生育,建立民主和睦的五好家庭,促进社会风气的健康发展。第四,协同有关部门并推动社会各方力量,兴办儿童保教事业和福利事业,兴办生产、生活服务事业,为妇女儿童服务。第五,加强各族、各界和不同宗教信仰的妇女大团结。加强同台湾女同胞,去台人员家属、港澳女同胞、海外女侨胞、归国女侨胞和伊眷的联系与团结,扩大妇女界的爱国统一战线,促进祖国的统一和繁荣富强。第六,发展同世界各国妇女的友好往来,为反对帝国主义、霸权主义、殖民主义和种族歧视,维护世界和平,促进人类进步,保护妇女儿童权益而共同奋斗。因此,各级妇联领导机构,同时是党的思想政治工作机构。(敬永和,1990:710)


[1] 妇联.via:
[2] 敬永和.现代思想政治工作辞典[Z].上海人民出版社,1990.


1. 加强和创新社会治理。做好基层基础工作,推进城乡社区建设,促进基层民主协商。支持工会、共青团、妇联等群团组织参与社会治理。加快行业协会商会与行政机关脱钩改革,依法规范发展社会组织,支持专业社会工作、志愿服务和慈善事业发展。——《2016年政府工作报告》

1. We will make sure foundational work and work at the community level is carried out to proper effect. We will promote urban and rural community development and encourage democratic consultation at the community level. We will support the participation of people’s organizations, such as trade unions, Communist youth league organizations, and women’s federations, in social governance. We will move faster to untie industry associations and chambers of commerce from any connections they still have with the government. Social organizations will be developed and regulated in accordance with the law, and support will be given to the development of specialized social work, volunteer services, and charity. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016.

2. 坚持艰苦奋斗、勤俭节约,下决心改进文风会风,着力整治庸懒散奢等不良风气,坚决克服形式主义、官僚主义,以优良党风凝聚党心民心、带动政风民风。支持工会、共青团、妇联等人民团体充分发挥桥梁纽带作用,更好反映群众呼声,维护群众合法权益。——《中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会报告》,2012

2. We should always work hard and practice economy. We should make determined efforts to improve the style of writing and the conduct of meetings, and reject undesirable practices such as mediocrity, laziness, laxity and extravagance, the practice of just going through formalities, and bureaucratism. We should use the Party's fine conduct to enhance Party cohesiveness, win popular support and improve the conduct of the government and the general public. We should support people's organizations such as trade unions, the Chinese Communist Youth League and women's federations in fully playing their roles as bridges linking the Party and government with the people, voicing public concern and protecting people's legitimate rights and interests. -Quoted from Report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 2012.

3. 第四,依靠工人阶级必须成为党的指导思想,必须贯彻到部门中去。不能把它看作只是工会和工厂的事情。我们的青年团、妇联、合作社、文化团体等等都必须把工人工作放在重要的地位。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1994:176

3. Fourth, relying on the working class must become the Party's guiding concept to be carried out in all departments. This cannot be taken as a matter of trade unions and factories alone. Our Youth League organizations, women's federations, cooperatives and cultural organizations must ensure an important place for work among workers. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 1), 1995: 184-185.


例句 1:
During this process, the Women's Federation Organization achievement has the dual status Public sectors, whose acting's role and undertakes the duty has also correspondingly changed.

例句 2:
Women’s federation organizations are bridges and taches linking the Party with women. At present, Zhejiang has already formed a rural organizational system consists of women’s federations at township (town) level, women congresses at villages, township and village enterprises, and an urban organizational network consists of women’s committees in the Party and the governmental departments, and women’s organizations and groups in the private sector.

例句 3:
With the advance of reform and opening and the development of the socialist market economy. The Women’s Federation is facing all kinds of surroundings at home and abroad. As a bridge between the party, government and the women, the Women’s Federation holds a very special place





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