

字词 阶级斗争论


class struggle


Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 200.


阶级斗争指对抗阶级之间的对立和斗争,是根本利益对立的阶级之间相互冲突的表现,是解决对立阶级之间矛盾的基本手段(金炳华,2003:332)。一切阶级斗争,都是在物质利益即经济利益互相对立和冲突的基础上发生的,归根到底也都是围绕着物质利益而进行的。 在阶级社会里,阶级斗争首先在各个社会形态的两大基本阶级之间展开,如奴隶社会奴隶阶级和奴隶主阶级的斗争,封建社会农民阶级和地主阶级的斗争,资本主义社会无产阶级和资产阶级的斗争。阶级斗争存在于阶级社会的各个领域,表现为多种多样的形式。阶级斗争的形式在不同的历史阶段上有着不同的发展情况和成熟程度。就阶级斗争发展程度最为充分的资本主义社会来说,无产阶级反对资产阶级的斗争可区分为经济斗争、政治斗争、思想斗争三种基本形式。阶级斗争是阶级社会发展的直接动力。在阶级社会中,社会基本矛盾必然表现为阶级矛盾,表现为剥削阶级和被剥削阶级、统治阶级和被统治阶级之间的阶级斗争。被剥削、被统治阶级只有通过阶级斗争,推翻剥削阶级的政治统治,夺取政权,才能运用政权的力量变革生产关系,为生产力的发展开辟道路。但是,阶级斗争作为阶级社会发展的直接动力和社会变革的杠杆,只是为生产力发展扫清了障碍,创造了更好的社会条件,生产的实际发展还必须通过生产活动本身来实现(《阶级斗争》,via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=47ImnF_bSTthlQACJA2r6UvEa7mAMF-P2-nh36mvOeizl7oAU-yBoyW08AdUaAsJk8SarsE5aN8vKb48ezldRgwOukNpZxDeY59wQe0gcDq)。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 阶级斗争.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=47ImnF_bSTthlQACJA2r6UvEa7mAMF-P2-nh36mvOeizl7oAU-yBoyW08AdUaAsJk8SarsE5aN8vKb48ezldRgwOukNpZxDeY59wQe0gcDq


1. 阶级斗争和民族斗争的关系也是这样。在抗日战争中,一切必须服从抗日的利益,这是确定的原则。因此,阶级斗争的利益必须服从于抗日战争的利益,而不能违反抗日战争的利益。但是阶级和阶级斗争的存在是一个事实,有些人否认这种事实,否认阶级斗争的存在,这是错误的。企图否认阶级斗争存在的理论是完全错误的理论。我们不是否认它,而是调节它。我们提倡的互助互让政策,不但适用于党派关系,也适用于阶级关系。为了团结抗日,应实行一种调节各阶级相互关系的恰当的政策,既不应使劳苦大众毫无政治上和生活上的保证,同时也应顾到富有者的利益,这样去适合团结对敌的要求。只顾一方面,不顾另一方面,都将不利于抗日。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:525

1. The same is true of the relationship between the class struggle and the national struggle. It is an established principle that in the War of Resistance everything must be subordinated to the interests of resistance. Therefore, the interests of the class struggle must be subordinated to, and must not conflict with, the interests of the War of Resistance. But classes and the class struggle are facts, and those people who deny the fact of class struggle are wrong. The theory which attempts to deny this fact is utterly wrong. We do not deny the class struggle, we adjust it. The policy of mutual help and mutual concessions which we advocate is applicable not only to party relations but also to class relations. Unity against Japan requires an appropriate policy of adjustment in class relations, a policy which does not leave the labouring people without political and material safeguards but also gives consideration to the interests of the rich, thereby meeting the demands of solidarity against the enemy. It is bad for the War of Resistance to pay attention only to the one side and neglect the other. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 200-201.

2. 什么是知识?自从有阶级的社会存在以来,世界上的知识只有两门,一门叫做生产斗争知识,一门叫做阶级斗争知识。自然科学、社会科学,就是这两门知识的结晶,哲学则是毛泽关于自然知识和社会知识的概括和总结。此外还有什么知识呢?没有了。我们现在看看一些学生,看看那些同社会实际活动完全脱离关系的学校里面出身的学生,他们的状况是怎么样呢?一个人从那样的小学一直读到那样的大学,毕业了,算有知识了。但是他有的只是书本上的知识,还没有参加任何实际活动,还没有把自己学得的知识应用到生活的任何部门里去。像这样的人是否可以算得一个完全的知识分子呢?我以为很难,因为他的知识还不完全。什么是比较完全的知识呢?一切比较完全的知识都是由两个阶段构成的第:一阶段是感性知识,第二阶段是理性知识,理性知识是感性知识的高级发展阶段。学生们的书本知识是什么知识呢?假定他们的知识都是真理,也是他们的前人总结生产斗争和阶级斗争的经验写成的理论,不是他们自己亲身得来的知识。他们接受这种知识是完全必要的,但是必须知道,就一定的情况说来,这种知识对于他们还是片面性的,这种知识是人家证明了,而在他们则还没有证明的。最重要的,是善于将这些知识应用到生活和实际中去。所以我劝那些只有书本知识但还没有接触实际的人,或者实际经验尚少的人,应该明白自己的缺点,将自己的态度放谦虚一些。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:815-816

2. What is knowledge? Ever since class society came into being the world has had only two kinds of knowledge, knowledge of the struggle for production and knowledge of the class struggle. Natural science and social science are the crystallizations of these two kinds of knowledge, and philosophy is the generalization and summation of the knowledge of nature and the knowledge of society. Is there any other kind of knowledge? No. Now let us take a look at certain students, those brought up in schools that are completely cut off from the practical activities of society. What about them? A person goes from a primary school of this kind all the way through to a university of the same kind, graduates and is reckoned to have a stock of learning. But all he has is book--learning; he has not yet taken part in any practical activities or applied what he has learned to any field of life. Can such a person be regarded as a completely developed intellectual? Hardly so, in my opinion, because his knowledge is still incomplete. What then is relatively complete knowledge? All relatively complete knowledge is formed in two stages: the first stage is perceptual knowledge, the second is rational knowledge, the latter being the development of the former to a higher stage. What sort of knowledge is the students’ book--learning? Even supposingall their knowledge is truth, it is still not knowledge acquired through their own personal experience, but consists of theories set down by their predecessors in summarizing experience of the struggle for production and of the class struggle. It is entirely necessary that students should acquire this kind of knowledge, but it must be understood that as far as they are concerned such knowledge is in a sense still one-sided, something which has been verified by others but not yet by themselves. What is most important is to be good at applying this knowledge in life and in practice. Therefore, I advise those who have only book-learning but as yet no contact with reality, and also those with little practical experience, to realize their own shortcomings and become a little more modest. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 39-40.

3. 在俄国运用各国社会民主党人共同的纲领时,究竟会产生哪些主要问题呢?我们已经说过,这个纲领的实质就是组织无产阶级的阶级斗争,领导这一斗争,而斗争的最终目的是由无产阶级夺取政权和组织社会主义社会。无产阶级的阶级斗争分为经济斗争(反对个别资本家或个别资本家集团,争取改善工人生活状况)和政治斗争(反对政府,争取扩大民权,即争取民主和争取扩大无产阶级的政治权力)。有些俄国社会民主党人(主办《工人思想报》的那些人大概可以包括在内)认为经济斗争重要得多,而政治斗争则似乎可以推延到比较遥远的将来。这种见解是完全不正确的。所有的社会民主党人都认为必须组织工人阶级的经济斗争,必须在这个基础上到工人中间进行鼓动,即帮助工人去同厂主进行日常斗争,叫他们注意压迫的种种形式和事实,从而向他们说明联合起来的必要性。但是,因为经济斗争而忘掉政治斗争,那就是背弃了全世界社会民主党的基本原则,那就是忘掉了全部工人运动史所教导我们的一切。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:192

3. What are the main questions that arise in the application to Russia of the programme common to all Social-Democrats? We have stated that the essence of this programme is to organise the class struggle of the proletariat, and to lead this struggle, the ultimate aim of which is the conquest of political power by the proletariat and the establishment of a socialist society. The class struggle of the proletariat comprises the economic struggle (struggle against individual capitalists or against individual groups of capitalists for the improvement of the workers' condition) and the political struggle (struggle against the government for the broadening of the people’s rights, i.e. for democracy, and for the broadening of the political power of the proletariat). Some Russian Social-Democrats (among them apparently those who direct Rabochaya Mysl regard the economic struggle as incomparably the more important and almost go so far as to relegate the political struggle to the more or less distant future. This standpoint is utterly false. All Social-Democrats are agreed that it is necessary to organise the economic struggle of the working class, that it is necessary to carry on agitation among the workers on this basis, i.e., to help the workers in their day-to-day struggle against the employers, to draw their attention to every form and every case of oppression and in this way to make clear to them the necessity for combination. But to forget the political struggle for the economic would mean to depart from the basic principle of international Social-Democracy, it would mean to forget what the entire history of the labour movement teaches us. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 212.


例句 1:
The book introduces several theoretic definitions about tax based on the two governmental theories of class struggle and social bargain, clarifies the constitutional essence of tax, expatiates the definitions of the tax right, especially the right of tax revenue legislation and its important effect to a country’s constitution.

例句 2:
The theory of class struggle and the method of class analysis are not out of date. It is necessary to use the method of class analysis to correctly understand social history, contemporary world and China.

例句 3:
During the period of socialism, the class struggle still exists in a certain range. We should correctly deal with the class struggle in such a way proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping as to uphold the Marxist political stance. The Marxist political stance, first of all, is a class position.





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