字词 | 奴隶主阶级 |
释义 | 奴隶主阶级 【英】slaveowner class; class of slave-owners; slave-owning class译文来源[1]金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:329. 定义奴隶主阶级,和“奴隶阶级”相对,共同构成奴隶社会的两个阶级。奴隶主阶级和奴隶制生产方式相联系、占有生产资料和奴隶(奴隶和牲畜、工具一样都属于奴隶主所有)。“奴隶主占有土地及其他生产资料,并占有生产劳动者——奴隶。这是奴隶社会生产关系的基础,也是奴隶制和其他剥削制度不同的特点。所以,奴隶社会又叫做奴隶占有制社会,或叫做畜奴制社会”(《奴隶们创造了历史》编写组,1977:2)。奴隶主阶级为了其统治,加强对奴隶阶级的剥削,镇压奴隶阶级,于是建立起了军队、警察、法庭、监狱等等一系列维护奴隶主阶级的国家机器,这样,国家便产生了。奴隶主贵族、商人、高利贷者与官吏在城市中居住,广大奴隶和生产劳动者便通常住在贫穷的乡村,城乡的对立也开始出现,再加上脑力劳动和体力劳动的对立都是由于奴隶主阶级对奴隶阶级的统治与支配而造成的,是阶级对立的产物。奴隶主阶级对奴隶阶级的非人待遇、残酷剥削与压迫一方面使奴隶阶级不堪重负奋起反抗,另一方面也使社会生产力的发展遭到破坏。随着社会的不断进步发展,奴隶主阶级压迫的加深,社会矛盾激化,奴隶制生产关系和生产力矛盾更加尖锐。到了奴隶社会后期,奴隶开始大规模的起义,奴隶主阶级对奴隶阶级的统治已经无法维持下去了,新的封建制生产关系在奴隶社会中产生萌芽,最终被奴隶革命所彻底埋葬,封建社会开始登上历史舞台(刘建明,1992:473)。 定义来源[1]《奴隶们创造了历史》编写组.奴隶们创造了历史[M].上海人民出版社,1977. 例句1. 只有当社会划分为阶级的第一种形式出现时,当奴隶制出现时,当某一阶级有可能专门从事最简单的农业劳动而生产出一些剩余物时,当这种剩余物对于奴隶维持最贫苦的生活并非绝对必需而由奴隶主攫为己有时,当奴隶主阶级的地位已经因此巩固起来时,为了使这种地位更加巩固,就必须有国家了。——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986:66-67 1. Only when the first form of the division of society into classes appeared, only when slavery appeared, when a certain class of people, by concentrating on the crudest forms of agricultural labour, could produce a certain surplus, when this surplus was not absolutely essential for the most wretched existence of the slave and passed into the hands of the slave-owner, when in this way the existence of this class of slave-owners was secure—then in order that it might take firm root it was necessary for a state to appear. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29), 1974: 478. 2. 但是,他们在服从奴隶主阶级的意志的同时,应当把罪责加在这个阶级身上,应当不投票赞成军事拨款,不派王德威尔得以部长身分去拜访剥削者,而派他去组织(同各国革命的社会民主党人一起。关于“社会主义变革”和国内战争的秘密革命宣传工作,应当在军队中也进行这项工作(经验证明,工人士兵甚至可能在交战军队的战壕内举行)联欢!)。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1990:125 2. But, while submitting to the will of the slave-owning class, they should have placed the responsibility on the latter, and not have voted for war credits; they should have sent Vandervelde, not to engage in ministerial missions to the exploiters, but to organise (together with the revolutionary Social-Democrats of all countries) illegal revolutionary propaganda in favour of the “socialist revolution” and civil war; in the army too such work should have been conducted (experience having shown that even “fraternisation” between workingmen clad in uniforms is possible in the trenches of the fighting armies!). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21), 1974: 122. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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