字词 | 《进一步,退两步》 |
释义 | 《进一步,退两步》【英】One Step Forwards; Two Steps Backwards One Step Forward; Two Steps Back译文来源[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 49. 定义全名《进一步,退两步(我们党内的危机)》。列宁著。批判孟什维克机会主义组织路线,阐述马克思主义的无产阶级政党学说的著作。在研究俄国社会民主工党第二次代表大会的记录和文件后于1904年2—5月写成。1904年夏在日内瓦出版。编入中文版《列宁全集》第7卷。全书共18章。指出孟什维克、马尔托夫等人在组织问题上的哲学根据是无政府主义,其基本特征是拥护自治制、歪曲民主和集中的辩证关系,他们与布尔什维克的这场争论的实质是“自治制同集中制的冲突,民主主义同‘官僚主义’的冲突,削弱组织严格性和纪律严格性的倾向同加强组织严格性和纪律严格性的倾向的冲突,不坚定的知识分子的心理同坚定的无产者的心理的冲突,知识分子的个人主义同无产阶级的团结精神的冲突”。提出建立一个战斗的、集中的、有纪律的无产阶级政党必须遵循的基本原则。其中特别强调党的组织的重大作用,党员必须参加党的某一个组织,指出无产阶级在争取政权的斗争中,除了组织而外,没有别的武器。(金炳华,2003:741)《进一步,退两步》,它是列宁阐述党的组织建设基本原理的一篇名著,是建党初期列宁同党内机会主义派别斗争的产物,是一部论战性的、纪实性的、重要的历史文献,奠定了布尔什维克党的组织基础,是马克思主义党的建设理论的重要著作。(进一步,退两步.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v100164860.htm) 定义来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003. 例句1. 正是从这一点出发,她于1904年刊载在《新时代》上的《俄国社会民主党的组织问题》一文,就批评了列宁的《进一步,退两步》。在该文中,她竭力强调了领袖与群众之间的“辩证”关系,以反对被她视为中央委员会的机械控制现象。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:44 1. It was from this point of view that she criticized Lenin’s One Step Forwards, Two Steps Backwards in her article on ‘Organizational Questions of Russian Social Democracy published in Die Neue Zeit of 1904. Here Luxemburg was at pains to emphasis the ‘dialectical’ relationship between leaders and masses as against what she saw as mechanical control by a Central Committee. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 49. 2. 《俄国社会民主工党第二次代表大会记事》是在这次代表大会后,布尔什维克同孟什维克的分裂、破坏活动进行尖锐斗争的时期写的。在大会记录于1904年1月公布以前,这篇《记事》是阐明第二次代表大会的结果和党分裂的原因的唯一文件。《记事》中的思想在列宁后来的一些文章、信件、讲话中,特别在《进一步,退两步(我们党内的危机)》中,得到了进一步的发挥。——《列宁全集(第八卷)》,1986:499 2. The Account of the Second Congress of the R.S.D.L.P., written at the time of the Bolsheviks’ bitter struggle against the disruptive, splitting activities of the Mensheviks after the Second Congress, played a big part in exposing the Mensheviks’ opportunist tactics and rallying the supporters of the majority. Until the publication of the Congress minutes (in January 1904) it was the only Party document dealing with the results of the Second Congress and the causes of the split in the Party. The ideas contained in it were further developed in subsequent articles, letters, and speeches by Lenin, and particularly in his book One Step Forward, Two Steps Back. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 543. 3. 关于这种小组习气,必须向现在的读者解释一下。无论在《怎么办?》这本小册子中还是在随后的《进一步,退两步》这本小册子中,读者都会看到国外小组之间所进行的激烈的、有时是狂暴而残酷的斗争。毫无疑问,这一斗分有许多令人不快的地方。——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:96 3. This circle spirit has to be briefly explained to the present-day reader. The pamphlets What Is To Be Done? and One Step Forward, Two Steps Back published in this collection present to the reader a heated, at times bitter and destructive, controversy within the circles abroad. Undoubtedly, this struggle has many unattractive features. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 104. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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