

字词 生产领域


the sphere of production


McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 66.




[1] 约·维尔钦斯基.马克思主义、社会主义和共产主义词典[Z].裘因,龚亚铎,吴毓揆,邹用九译,东方出版社,1988.
[2] 刘佩弦.马克思主义与当代辞典[Z].中国人民大学出版社,1988.
[3] 生产领域.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%94%9F%E4%BA%A7%E9%A2%86%E5%9F%9F.
[4] 中国乡镇企业管理百科全书编辑委员会.中国乡镇企业管理百科全书[Z].农业出版社,1987.


1. 人们批评希法亭过分强调了金融资本的重要性,因为金融资本的主导作用并不能持久;还有人批评他只注重流通领域,而不注重生产领域——因此,他把危机只看作各个生产领域之间比例失调的结果。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:61

1. Hiiferding was criticised for attributing too great an importance to finance capital, whose dominant role was of short duration; and also for concentrating on the sphere of circulation rather than that of production (whence his view of crisis as simply the effect of disproportionality between different spheres of production). -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 66.

2. 20世纪20年代重新掀起了一场关于马克思的资本再生产和一般积累的模式的争论,当时亨利克·格罗斯曼(Henryk Grossmann)把强调的重心转向生产领域而不是流通领域,并声称利润率下降将导致积累的枯竭。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:180

2. The debate on Marx’s models for the reproduction of capital and accumulation in general was renewed in the 1920s when Henryk Grossmann changed the emphasis to the sphere of production rather than circulation and claimed that the falling rate of profit would lead to the end of accumulation. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 188.

3. 以马克思后来的科学表述,重农主义“把关于剩余价值起源的研究从流通转到了直接生产领域,这就为分析资本主义生产奠定了基础”。但是,他们的错误在于把财富(价值)看成是“由土地即自然所提供的物质以及这个物质的各种变态构成的”,而实际上,价值不过是“人的活动(劳动)的一定的社会存在方式”。《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:47

3. To cite Marx’s later scientific exposition, physiocracy “transferred the inquiry into the origin of surplus-value from the sphere of circulation into the sphere of direct production, and thereby laid the foundation for the analysis of capitalist production.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 20-21.


例句 1:
Economically, harmonious advances ecological factors gradually into the production field, and an internal structure is produced for the ecological mode of production for circular economy and law-carbon economy.

例句 2:
After many years of practice, the existing regulatory model is difficult to achieve good results. In order to improve the production of food safety supervision, we need to overcome the market failure, government failure exists through the public governance mode, give full play to the role of supervision subject.

例句 3:
The safety must be guaranteed if we want our enterprises to develop in a healthy way. It is an integral part of the work in protecting human rights, and both its theory and practice are testing the level and effectiveness of human rights protection of our country. To implement the principles of human rights protection in the field of safe production, the Government plays a central role.Besides, enterprise





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