字词 | 文化价值 |
释义 | 文化价值【英】cultural values译文来源McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 340. 定义文化价值,是指文化的本质属性,是社会的产物,不能把文化价值仅仅理解为满足个体文化需求的事物属性。人不仅是文化价值的需求者,而且是文化价值的承担者。文化价值任何时候都是为人服务的,人类不需要的东西不具有文化价值。同时,文化价值又是由人创造出来的。不管是人的文化需要,还是满足这种需要的文化产品,都只能在人的社会实践中形成。人们创造文化需要和文化产品的能力,本身也是文化价值,而且是最本质的文化价值。任何社会形态都有该社会特有的文化需要,这种文化需要只有通过人们的文化创造活动来满足。文化价值是一种关系,它包含两个方面的规定性:一方面存在着能够满足一种文化需要的客体。另一方面存在着某种具有文化需要的主体,当一定的主体发现了能够满足自己文化需要的对象,并通过某种方式占有这种对象时,就出现了文化价值关系(百度百科)。文化具有二重要素:第一是指文化的效用价值。指文化事物满足某种人类需要的有用性。第二是指文化能创造价值。指凝结在文化事物中的一般人类创造。效用价值产生于具体的人类创造,是文化客观的财富内容:而创造价值来自抽象的人类创造,是文化主观的财富标志。二者是构成文化价值不可或缺的要素,不具有效用价值的创造活动不能传播,不能实现为价值,故不构成文化:不具有创造因素的效用价值,是未被人类利用的单纯自然价值,未通过传播,也不构成文化(知网百科)。总之,文化价值要实现其自身,就要同时具有创造价值和效用价值,即创造出来满足某种人类需要的事物有用性,才构成文化价值,并通过传播实现可以成为文化。 定义来源[1] 文化价值.via: 例句1. 在文学方面,很长时间以来,占统治地位的人物一直是雷蒙德·威廉斯(Raymond Williams)。在《文化与社会》和《漫长的革命》等著作中,他考察了英国公众生活中不同文化价值观在历史上的相互作用。最近,威廉斯得出了一种他描述为“文化唯物主义”的观点,并将其定义为“一种把文化当做(社会的和物质的)生产过程的理论,当做特殊实践的理论;和把‘文学艺术’当做物质生产资料(从作为物质的‘实践意识’的语言,到写作的具体知识和具体形式,直到机械的和电子的信息系统)的社会性使用的理论”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:326-327 1. In literature, the dominant figure has long been Raymond Williams who in such works as Culture and Society and The Long Revolution investigated the historical interaction of different cultural values in British public life. In his later work, Williams arrived at a position which he described as “cultural materialism” and which he defines as a theory of culture as a (social and material) productive process and of specific practices, of “arts” as social uses of material means of production (from language as material “practical consciousness” to the specific knowledge of writing and forms of writing, through to mechanical and electronic communications systems)’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 340. 2. 从阿多诺的角度来看,拒斥先前的艺术风格是必须的,因为它是先前的政治风格,而勋伯格在其对遵循常规的拒斥中显明了这种方式。那些依旧使用音调的作曲家,实际上赞成压抑着绝大多数西方社会的资产阶级的文化价值,“这些声音不仅仅陈旧过时,而且是错误的,它们不再能够实现它们的功能”。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:129 2. From Adorno’s perspective it is as necessary to reject previous artistic styles as it is previous political ones, and Schoenberg shows the way in his refusal to abide by convention. Those composers who continue to use tonality are, in effect, upholding bourgeois cultural values that are repressive to the bulk of Western society: “It is not simply that these sounds are antiquated and untimely, but that they are false. They no longer fulfill their function.” -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 83. 3. 用实质上未被认识的,只是形式上适用的“文化价值”作为有价值关系的历史客现性的基础,看来似乎消除了进行评价的历史学家的主观性,但是这只不过是把“对他的集体(即对他的阶级)有效的文化价值”这一事实性当做客观性的标准、导向客观性的向导。随意性和主观性被从个别事实的素材中,从对这些事实的判断中挪进了标准本身,挪进了“有效的文化价值”中,对于“有效的文化价值”的评价,甚至对它们的有效性的研究,在这种基础上将是不可能的:“文化价值”对历史学家来说成了自在之物。这是一种结构的发展,我们可以从本文第一部分对经济学和法学的考察中,发现存在着类似的情况。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:230-231 3. By positing the materially unknown and only formally valid cultural values, as the founders of a “value-related” historical objectivity, the subjectivity of the historian is, to all appearances, eliminated. However, this does no more than enthrone as the measure and the index of objectivity, the “cultural values” actually “prevailing in his community” (i.e. in his class). The arbitrariness and subjectivity are transformed from the material of the particular facts and from judgments on these into the criterion itself, into the “prevailing cultural values”. And to judge or even investigate the validity of these values is not possible within that framework; for the historian the “cultural values” become the thing-in-itself; a structural process analogous to those we observed in economics and jurisprudence in Section Ⅰ. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 151. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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