字词 | 股指期货 |
释义 | 股指期货【英】stock index futures; share price index futures译文来源Report on the Work of the Government, 2011. via: http://www.gov.cn/english/official/2011-03/15/content_1825268_5.htm 定义股指期货(Share Price Index Futures),英文简称SPIF,全称是股票价格指数期货,也可称为股价指数期货、期指,是指以股价指数为标的物的标准化期货合约,双方约定在未来的某个特定日期,可以按照事先确定的股价指数的大小,进行标的指数的买卖,到期后通过现金结算差价来进行交割。作为期货交易的一种类型,股指期货交易与普通商品期货交易具有基本相同的特征和流程。 股指期货是期货的一种,期货可以大致分为两大类,商品期货与金融期货。 定义来源[1] 股指期货.via: 例句1. 国有大型商业银行股份制改革顺利完成,政策性金融机构改革、农村信用社改革积极推进;平稳解决上市公司股权分置问题,创业板、股指期货和融资融券顺利推出,债券市场稳步发展;深入推进保险业改革开放;人民币汇率形成机制改革有序推进,跨境贸易人民币结算试点不断扩大。——《2011年政府工作报告》,2011 1. The reform to convert large state-owned commercial banks to stockholding companies was smoothly completed, and the reform of policy-based financial institutions and rural credit cooperatives is well underway. We steadily resolved the issue of floating non-tradable shares of listed companies; successfully launched the ChiNext stock market; and introduced stock index futures and securities margin trading. The market for government bonds developed steadily. We deepened the reform and opening up of the insurance industry. Orderly progress was made in reforming the mechanism for setting the RMB exchange rate, and the trials of settling cross-border trade accounts in RMB were constantly expanded. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2011. 2. 全面深化金融体制改革,国有大型商业银行股份制改革顺利完成,政策性金融机构改革有序推进,农村信用社改革成效明显,银行业新监管标准实施,创业板、股指期货和融资融券业务相继推出,保险业改革开放深入推进,人民币汇率形成机制不断完善,利率市场化和资本项目可兑换改革稳步推进,建立宏观审慎政策框架,扩大人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用。——《2013年政府工作报告》,2013 2. We comprehensively deepened reform of the financial system. Specifically, we smoothly completed the transformation of large state-owned commercial banks into joint-stock companies and carried out reform of policy-based financial institutions in an orderly way. We made notable achievements in reforming rural credit cooperatives, implemented new oversight and supervision standards in the banking industry, launched the ChiNext stock market, and introduced stock index futures and securities margin trading. We deepened reform of the insurance industry and opened it wider. We improved the mechanism for setting the RMB exchange rate, made steady progress in making interest rates more market-based and promoting the RMB’s convertibility under capital accounts, established a macroprudential policy framework, and expanded the use of the RMB in cross-border trade and investment. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2013. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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