

字词 基本矛盾


basic contradiction; primary contradiction


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:584.
[2] Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 466.




[1] 钟学能.关于基本矛盾和主要矛盾的思考[J].华南热带作物学院学报,1996(1).
[2] 李太俊.谈谈基本矛盾、根本矛盾、主要矛盾的区别和联系[J].延安大学学报(哲学社会科学版),1980(2).


1. (五)有些同志由于对于中日矛盾是基本矛盾这一点发生动摇,并因此对国内阶级关系作了错误的估计,因而对党的政策也有时发生动摇。这些同志在皖南事变后,从其“四一二”和马日事变的估计出发,似乎感觉去年十二月二十五日的中央的原则指示,已不适用,或不大适用了。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:783

1. 5. Because some comrades have wavered on the point that the contradiction between China and Japan is the primary one and hence have wrongly appraised class relations in China, they have at times wavered on the policy of the Party. Proceeding from their appraisal of the Southern Anhwei Incident as another April 12th or May 21st Incident, these comrades now seem to think that the Central Committee’s policy directive of December 25 last year is no longer applicable, or at least not altogether applicable. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 466.

2. 哈贝马斯采用类似于马克思所用过的术语,简要地分析了自由资本主义,例如,其中所包含的社会生产与私人积累之间的基本矛盾。为了弄清晚期资本主义是否也是那样,哈贝马斯把当代社会固有的危机做了类型学的概括:经济危机、理性危机、合法性危机和原动力危机。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:285

2. Habermas analysed briefly liberal capitalism in terms similar to those of Marx, i.e., as involving a basic contradiction between social production and private accumulation. Enquiring whether the same was true of late capitalism, Habermas outlined a typology of crises inherent in contemporary society: an economic crisis, a crisis of rationality, of legitimacy, and of motivation. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 300.

3. (二)除了政治上经济上的基本矛盾,蒋介石无法克服,为我必胜蒋必败的基本原因之外,在军事上,蒋军战线太广与其兵力不足之间,业已发生了矛盾。此种矛盾,必然要成我胜蒋败的直接原因。——《毛泽东选集(第四卷)》,1991:1101

3. 2. Apart from the fundamental political and economic contradictions which Chiang Kai-shek cannot resolve and which are the basic cause rendering our victory certain and Chiang’s defeat inevitable, a sharp contradiction has arisen in the military sphere between Chiang’s over-extended battle lines and his shortage of troops. That contradiction is bound to be the direct cause of our victory and Chiang Kai-shek’s defeat. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 4), 1961: 113.


例句 1:
Mao Zedong’s important judgment that the basic contradiction of socialist society is still the contradiction between relation of production and productivity and the contradiction between superstructure and economic basis indicates that the basic contradiction of socialist society exists in all fields and consists with the basic contradiction of other society.

例句 2:
As the basic content of historical materialism, the theory of Marx’s social basic contradictions is the key to scientifically understand the development of human society. And human society advances under the effect of social basic contradiction and its regular development.

例句 3:
The basic contradiction of vocational education is an important component of the basic theoretical system of vocational education, and which is related with the many vocational educational practical issues.





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