

字词 单向度(又作单向度性)




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003: 964.
[2] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 132.






1. 这种状况甚至扩展到西欧的共产党。在马尔库塞看来,它们向欧洲共产主义的转变是单向度胜利的另一个征兆。从不愿看到马克思主义与其对手合作这一点来看,马尔库塞完全是一位纯化论者,但还不至于教条化,因而认识到马克思主义急需重新焕发活力,以对抗空前成功的作为一种文化形式的发达工业资本主义。当然,人们可以从获得的证据中得出不同于马尔库塞的结论;或许还可以质疑对手所享有的空前成功,是否是对自己理论之缺陷,或对深植于其中的人性概念之缺陷的评判(为何那些个体如此易于为“虚假需求”所裹挟?)——《后马克思主义思想史》,2001:84

1. This condition extends even to the Western European communist parties, whose drift towards Euro communism is for Marcuse another symptom of the triumph of one-dimensionality. Marcuse is enough of a purist not to want to see Marxism cooperating with the enemy, but undogmatic enough to realise that Marxism is also in dire need of revitalisation to combat the unprecedented success of advanced industrial capitalism as a cultural form. One could draw different conclusions than Marcuse does from the available evidence, of course; perhaps querying whether the unprecedented success enjoyed by the enemy is a comment on the weakness of one’s own theory, or on the concept of human nature embedded in it (why is it that individuals are so easily bought off by ‘false needs’?). -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001:132.

2. 呈现是被强制性设定的,而使景观展示出来的“同义反复”的表象也是被垄断的,垄断本身又由无须应答的单向度的肯定维系,这就是景观背面的真相。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:94

2. The manifestation is prescribed by force, and the tautological appearance of the spectacle is monopolized as well, which in tum is sustained by a one-dimensional affirmation that demands no reply. Such is the truth behind the spectacle. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts from Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 139.


例句 1:
In opposition to those who asserted that captitalistic society would step into peaceful and prosperous state, Marcuse gave a deep analysis of a series of “One-Dimensionality” problems which are deeply hidden behind the capitalistic inveracious prosperity, in his book which is published in 1964 and named “One-Dimension Man”, from another point of the irrational nature of capitalism and the history of temporary study.

例句 2:
Marcuse is the representative of the main left-wing Frankfurt School, One-Dimensionality advanced in contemporary industrial society-the totalitarian characteristics of his life is the essence of thinking.

例句 3:
Herbert Marcuse’s humanistic thought is mainly reflected in his criticism to the morbid performance of developed industrial societies and the one-dimensionality existence of human being caused by technical control.





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