

字词 《判断力批判》


Critique of Judgment; Critique of the Power of Judgment


[1] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics[M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1971: 137.
[2] via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critique_of_Judgment


《判断力批判》是18世纪德国哲学家康德晚年的作品,是论述美学与目的论是先验唯心主义著作,与《纯粹理性批判》、《实践理性批判》并称康德的“三大批判”,《判断力批判》是“三大批判”中最后一部。康德试图在本书中找到沟通“现象”领域和“本体”领域之间的桥梁,使二者趋于和谐,这两者分别在他的前两部批判中被论述过。康德认为,可以通过感性的自然界和超感性的道德界这两个领域之间的中介,即“判断力”,用目的论的方式来解释自然。康德通过“审美判断力”和“目的论判断力” 的批判,把割裂的自然界和道德界、认识领域和实践领域结合起来,建成了一条由此达彼的桥梁。本书共分为两部分,第一部分“审美判断力批判”,指出审美判断是与理性相关的想象力的自由活动,审美快感只涉及对象的形式美,美之所以具有普遍性,在于人的普遍赞同,美表明对象合目的性的形式。第二部分“目的论判断力批判”,康德集中讨论了动物有机体的合目的性问题,进而论述整个自然界的目的论。康德认为用机械决定论来说明生命物体的本质是不可能的,在自然界中,一切有机物都互为目的和手段,不能把有生命的物体看作具有其内在的目的。在书中,康德还提出了“道德的神学” 学说,宣称必须假定有神存在,而神是为了一定的道德的目的,即所谓使自然界的必然王国和道德界的自由王国达到和谐,以便人类得以完全实现其道德的本性,才把宇宙创造出来的。总体上,本书是康德关于自然界合目的性的论述,是关于必然王国和自由王国的关系的理论,具有重要意义(汝信:1993)。




1. 大家知道,康德早在《判断力批判》中,就把在否则是不可调和的对立之间起中介的作用,即完善体系的作用赋与了这个原则。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:212

1. It is well known that Kant in the Critique of Judgment assigned to this principle the role of mediator between the otherwise irreconcilable opposites, i.e. the function of perfecting the system. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 137.

2. 同样,对他来说,直接按照康德所理解的“机械的”=一元的,而不=力学意义上的机械的。在这样的用语混乱之下,谬论是不可避免的。海克尔在这里关于康德的《判断力批判》所说的话,是同黑格尔不一致的(《哲学史》第603页)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:550

2. Likewise for him “mechanical”, adopted out of hand from Kant=monistic, not= mechanical in the sense of mechanics. With such confusion of language, nonsense is inevitable. What Haeckel says here of Kant's Kritik der Urteilskraft does not agree with Hegel. (Geschichte der Philosophie, p.603.) -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 489.


例句 1:
Secondly, take the former as context to revealed that Kant`s critique of aesthetic judgment and the definition of reflective judgment, the critical exploration on the principle of aesthetic judgment and its validity in the Critique of Judgment supply the possibilities of Arendt' critique of political judgment.

例句 2:
The object of this thesis is confined to Kantian aesthetics in the critical period of the whole academic career of Kant. In detail, it is a critical interpretation of the first part, “The Critique of Aesthetic Judgment”, of The Critique of Judgment.

例句 3:
Apart from Plato, Immanuel Kant is also a great philosopher who genuinely explores the two concepts in a profound way: beauty and sublime. Through the Critique of Judgment (1790), Kant laid a sound foundation for modern aesthetics. His exploration of the two concepts can be viewed as two research periods: pre-critical period and critical period.





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