

字词 拉瓦锡


Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:99.
[2] Antoine Lavoisier. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antoine_Lavoisier






1. 同样,在化学中,燃素说经过百年的实验工作提供了这样一些材料,借助于这些材料,拉瓦锡才能在普利斯特列制出的氧中发现了幻想的燃素的真实对立物,因而推翻了全部的燃素说。但是燃素说者的实验结果并不因此而完全被排除。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:388

1. Similarly, in chemistry the phlogistic theory first supplied the material, by a hundred years of experimental work, with the aid of which Lavoisier was able to discover in the oxygen obtained by Priestley the real antipode of the fantastic phlogiston and thus could throw overboard the entire phlogistic theory. But this did not in the least do away with the experimental results of phlogistics. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1975: 344.

2. 第三位有资格要求最早发现权的是拉瓦锡(Lavoisier),他在1774年普利斯特列的实验之后开始做这一工作而导致他发现氧,而且这种发现可能是从普利斯特列那里得到暗示的结果。早在1775年,拉瓦锡报告说,加热红色氧化汞所得的气体是“其自身完全没有改变的空气,只是它更纯净、更适于呼吸而已”。 ——《科学革命的结构》,2003:50

2. The third claimant, Lavoisier, started the work that led him to oxygen after Priestley' s experiments of 1774 and possibly as the result of a hint from Priestley. Early in 1775, Lavoisier reported that the gas obtained by heating the red oxide of mercury was "air itself entire without alteration [except that]…it comes out more pure, more respirable." -Quoted from The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1970: 53.


例句 1:
分析了 18世纪化学革命产生的的背景,阐述了燃烧氧化学说的伟大意义及其在化学发展史上的地位,并探讨了拉瓦锡的科学思想和研究方法。——“拉瓦锡与近代化学革命”,载于《临沂师范学院学报》2001年第6期
The background of how modern chemistry began in the eighteenth century is analysed. The great significance of the theory of oxygen chemistry of burning and its position in the history of chemistry are expounded. Lavoisier's scientific ideology and research ways are explored.

例句 2:
Both Berthollet and Kirwan were famous chemists, one in French and the other in England, in Late 18th Century and Early 19th Century. Both of them had been phlogistians and later abandoned their phlogiston theories. There were similarities between Berthollet s phlogiston theory and Lavoisier s theory of heat matter in fact, Berthollet accepted oxygen easier. In comparison to Berthollet s phlogiston theory, Kirwan s was formed under the England tradition of pneumatic chemistry and differed characteristically from Lavoisier s theory, thus Kirwan resisted Lavoisier s theory within a longer time. The differences lay between French and England chemistry tradition





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