

字词 科学辩证法


scientific dialectics


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1985: 29.


科学辩证法为徳拉沃佩学派的概念。徳拉沃佩学派断然否定马克思和黑格尔之间的连续性,认为二者是根本对立的。这种对立表现在“科学辩证法”和“思辨辩证法”的根本不同。科学辩证法抛弃了黑格尔的不确定的抽象方法,而代之以确定的抽象方法。其中,确定的抽象在本质上是历史的。是从历史中产生并在历史中得以创造的科学创造的过程。所以,科学辩证法只是实验本身,它从一个具体的问题出发,提出一个合理的假设,为了证实而又回到具体性。尽管经济的、社会的、物理的和心理的各种经验和实在是不相同的,但方法只是一个,即“具体—抽象—具体”循环的科学辩证法(夏基松,1987: 391)。




1. 在那里,我顺便指出了,由于他不是把经济范畴看做历史的、与物质生产的一定发展阶段相适应的生产关系的理论表现,而是荒谬地把它看做历来存在的、永恒的观念,这就表明他对科学辩证法的秘密了解得多么肤浅,另一方面又是多么赞同思辨哲学的幻想,而且,他是如何拐弯抹角地又回到资产阶级经济学的立场上去。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十六卷)》,1964:31

1. There I have shown, among other things, how little he had penetrated into the secret of scientific dialectics and how, on the contrary, he shares the illusions of speculative philosophy, for instead of regarding economic categories as the theoretical expression of historical relations of production, corresponding to a particular stage of development in material production, he garbles them into pre-existing eternal ideas, and how in this roundabout way he arrives once more at the standpoint of bourgeois economy. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 20), 1985: 29.

2. 但是他从来也不懂得真正科学的辩证法。这里的“科学辩证法”,是指马克思在1845年以后重新“回到”黑格尔所获得的哲学新视域,也就是作为方法论历史唯物主义核心的真正彻底的历史辩证法。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:461

2. But as he never grasped really scientific dialectics he never got further than sophistry. Marx uses “scientific dialectics” in reference to his “return” to the new philosophical outlook that Hegel obtained after 1845—a truly profound historical dialectic on which was centered methodological historical materialism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 361.

3. 正由于蒲鲁东没有理解从黑格尔辩证法中重生出来的科学辩证法的本质,所以他还犯了更深一层方法论上的唯心主义错误,即当蒲鲁东面对经济学研究时,他一方面满怀激愤地批判资产阶级社会,可另一方面却又将资产阶级社会生产方式中历史地出现的社会关系之反映的经济范畴永恒化。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:461

3. Because Proudhon was unable to understand the essence of the scientific dialectic developed from Hegelian dialectics, he committed a deeper idealist mistake: in his discussion of economics, at the same time as he indignantly criticizes bourgeois society, he also eternalizes the economic categories reflected by the social relations of the historically appearing modes of production of bourgeois society. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 361.


例句 1:
The concept of scientific development holds up the flag of people-oriented value; it insists that development is the first priority to our Party in governing and rejuvenating the country; it reflects the scientific dialectics of development; it presents the objective requirements in realizing the harmony between human and nature; it finds a creative mechanism in realizing all-round, harmonious and sustainable development; it supplies a scientific method in balancing economic society and human development. 

例句 2:
The two basic principles of G. Bachelard’s scientific dialectics are negative and complementary ones.

例句 3:
We should use correct views of history to examine the birth of globalization, use a systematic theory to study the development of globalization, use scientific dialectics to analyze the result of globalization and study the role of nations, and use views of internationa





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