

字词 非科学


non-science; nonscience


Nonscience. via:https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nonscience


非科学一是指那些与科学有着统一的文化体系,但不同于科学认识对象的其他文化部门,比如西方文化中的宗教、哲学、艺术等;二是指与科学处于不同的文化体系中,但未按照科学的认识方式认识事物的文化部门,诸如道家文化、儒家文化、中医等。总起来说,非科学指“无法运用自然科学方法进行检验或评价的领域。通常把不满足精确性和可检验性的问题或理论统称为非科学。精确性指有关结论要系统、明确,彼此不矛盾,通常能用公式、数据、图形来表示,其误差被限制在一定范围内。可检验性指结论和有关陈述是具体的、确定的,在可控条件下可以重复接受检验。凡不具备可检验性特征者就不能说是科学。形而上学命题等之所以是非科学,其根据即在于其不具有可检验性”。(金炳华,2003:354)这些非科学同科学一样,在人类社会文化中有自己不可剥夺的生存权,它们同科学一样是人们对周围自然事物的有效认识。但是,如果这些非科学被当成科学来发展和应用,那么最终会损害这些被当成科学的非科学自身。(非科学.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900010424230&d=1F6750EAF06AA1997580BCE1513A6388)。


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典(修订本)(上)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 非科学.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900010424230&d=1F6750EAF06AA1997580BCE1513A6388


1. 从拉脱维亚社会民主党人的例子显然可以看出,在我国如此常用的、不把游击战争同起义环境联系起来的分析方法,是完全不正确的、非科学的、非历史的。 ——《列宁全集(第十四卷)》,1988:6

1. The example of the Letts clearly demonstrates how incorrect, unscientific and unhistorical is the practice so very common among us of analysing guerrilla warfare without reference to the circumstances of an uprising. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1972: 217-218.

2. 对这一问题的无条件承认,对其克服的放弃,直接导致各种形式的虚构学说(Fiktionslehre);导致对任何一种(在关于存在的科学的意义上的)形而上学的拒绝,导致制定这样一种目标,即把握各个极其专门化的部分性领域的现象,其手段是依靠非常适应于这些领域的抽象的预测性的部分性体系,而并不试图以此为出发点,把可知的整体统一地如以把握,甚至把这种尝试当作“非科学”而加以拒绝。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:189

2. The unconditional recognition of this problem, the renouncing of attempts to solve it leads directly centring on to the various theories centring on the notion of fiction. It leads to the rejection of every ‘metaphysics’ (in the sense of ontology) and also to positing as the aim of philosophy the understanding of the phenomena of isolated, highly specialised areas by means of abstract rational special systems, perfectly adapted to them and without making the attempt to achieve a unified mastery of the whole realm of the knowable. (Indeed any such attempt is dismissed as ‘unscientific’). -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 120.

3. 与莫斯-巴塔耶一样,鲍德里亚视原始社会中的巫术和魔力为人类没有被效用价值体系毒化的本真存在,所以.他不满于现代科学对无知和愚昧的否定和超越,在他们看来,原始文化与现代科学绝不是同一序列的东西,凭什么科学就能够获得某种绝对的权威性?凭什么历史唯物主义要断言自己是在非科学的历史观断裂之后出现的唯一的“历史科学”,并自以为握有了打开历史之谜的钥匙?——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:261

3. Like Mauss-Bataille, Baudrillard regards witchcraft and magic in primitive societies as the authentic being of man which has not been poisoned by the system of utilitarian value. He is dissatisfied with the negation and transcendence of ignorance and darkness by modem science. In his eyes, primitive culture and modem science are not in the same timeline. Should science acquire absolute authority? Should historical materialism dec1are itself the only “science of history” after the non-scientific conception of historical rupture, and think of itself as the key to solve the mystery of history? -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 346.


例句 1:
Popper mainly criticized the induction of the method of logical positivism, and based on this, he raised critical-rationalism; In addition, he made an academic debate on the demarcation standard of science and logical positivism.

例句 2:
Although the ideologies are the same, the behaviors of parties will be contracted with each other duing to different outlooks of ideology. Scientific outlook of ideology can bring about enough people’s approvement to party.

例句 3:
Non-scientific socialism is the theoretical foe for scientific socialism. It has considerable influence and broad market in the practice of socialism in developing countries.





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