

字词 资本集中


the centralisation of capital; the concentration of capital


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 49) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2001: 440.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 28.


资本集中是指已经形成的各个资本的合并,它是通过大资本吞并小资本,或若干小资本联合成少数大资本而实现的个别资本迅速增大。资本集中是由分散的中、小资本合并成少数大资本的过程,是单个资本扩大其总额的一种形式。资本集中是资本主义发展的必然结果,使资本主义能在短期内集中巨额资本,兴办中、小资本所无力筹建的大企业,如铁路、大型水利、航空、航天和原子能利用等。资本集中同资本积聚相比,有两个显著不同的特点:① 资本积聚以积累为基础,通过追加生产资料和劳动力使资本增长,因此使社会资本总额增大;而资本集中则是已经存在并执行职能的资本在各个资本家之间的重新分配和组合,使单个资本增大,并不增加社会资本的总额。② 资本积聚的增长受社会财富的绝对增长的限制,它的增长缓慢;而资本集中则不受社会财富的绝对增长或积累的绝对界限的限制,能在较短的时间内集中大量的资本。资本集中是已经存在并执行职能的资本在各个资本家之间的重新分配和组合,使个别资本总额增大,并不增加社会资本的总额;同时它也不受社会财富的绝对增长或积累的绝对界限的限制,能在较短的时间内集中大量的资本。竞争和信用是资本集中的两个最强有力的杠杆。资本集中对资本主义生产的发展具有重要意义,它在加强和加速资本积累作用的同时,也加速了资本有机构成的提高,从而减少对劳动力的需求,加深无产阶级和资产阶级的对立。(资本集中.via:




1. 你信中谈到奥匈工业迅速发展的情况,我看了非常高兴。这是我们运动取得进展的唯一牢固的基础。同时,这也是保护关税制度的唯一好处,至少对大部分大陆国家和美国是这样。大工业、大资本家和庞大的无产阶级群众正在人为地制造出来,资本集中正在加速进行,中等阶层正在被消灭。其实,保护关税制度在德国是多余的,因为它正是德国在世界市场上的地位得到巩固的时候实施的,它阻碍了这一过程的发展;可是,它也弥补了德国工业中的许多缺陷,不然,这些缺陷还会长期存在下去;如果德国为了取得在世界市场上的地位而被迫放弃保护关税制度,她的竞争能力就会和以前完全不同。在德国,如同在美国一样,保护关税制度目前只是一种障碍,因为它使这些国家在世界市场上小能占有她们应得的地位。因此,它在美国必将很快废止,德国也将照样行动。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十八卷)》,1972:440

1. What you say about the rapid industrial advance of Austria and Hungary has pleased me immensely. That is the only solid basis for the advancement of our movement. And it is also the only good aspect of protectionism--at any rate in the case of most of the continental countries and of America. Large-scale industry, big capitalists and large masses of the proletarians are being artificially nurtured, the centralisation of capital is being speeded up and the middle classes destroyed. In Germany protective tariffs were, in fact, unnecessary, having been introduced at the precise moment when Germany was establishing herself in the world market and it is that process which they have disrupted, though to make up for it they have filled a number of gaps in German industry which would otherwise have long remained unfilled and, were Germany to be compelled to sacrifice her protective tariffs to her position in the world market, she would be far better able to compete than hitherto. Both in Germany and in America protective tariffs are now simply a hindrance because they hinder those countries from taking their proper place in the world market. In America, therefore, they are bound to be abandoned before long and Germany is bound to follow suit. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 49), 2001: 440.

2. 但是,考茨基却认为这些思想是危险的错误观念。特别是,他认为伯恩施坦对马克思资本集中学说所作的批评是其修正主义的要害。考茨基不同意伯恩施坦从统计数据中得出的结论,他坚持认为,虽然小企业的数量未必减少,但它们经济活动的范围却缩小了,因为它们通常只不过是成为濒于无产阶级化的下层中产阶级的最后的避难所。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:24

2. Kautsky, on the other hand, considered such ideas to be dangerous illusions. In particular, he considered Bernstein’s critique of Marx’s doctrine of concentration to be the key to his revisionism. Contesting the conclusions that Bernstein drew from his statistics Kautsky maintained that, although the number of small enterprises was not necessarily less, their economic domain was decreasing as they were often little but the last refuge of the lower middle classes on the verge proletarianisation. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 28.

3. 在这里把下面这种现象撇开不说:由于流通中的各种冒险行为,一个资本家夺取了其他资本家的一部分剩余价值,甚至夺取了他们的一部分资本,因此,在货币资本和生产资本上发生了片面的积累和集中。例如,A攫取的并作为货币资本积累的一部分剩余价值,可以是B的一部分剩余价值,这部分剩余价值不会流回到B的手里。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十四卷)》,1972:388

3. No notice has been taken here of those adventures of circulation in which one capitalist grasps a portion of the surplus value, or even of the capital, of another, thereby bringing about one-sided accumulation and centralisation of money capital as well as of productive capital. For instance a part of the snatched surplus value accumulated by A as money capital may be a part of the surplus value of B which does not return to him. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36), 1997: 348.


例句 1:
Western countries’strengthening de-industrilization, which appears as intelligentmanufacturing slowing down capital accumulation, independent service-industry aggraeating centralization of capital, and capital flow virtualization reinforcing oligopoly, iscausing employment problems such as decreasing employment opportunities, increasingeconomic dependence, and declining employment stability.

例句 2:
Enterprise group can integrate different scale, different industry, different field, different area and different owership enterprises, and it can finish the reorganization and centralization of capital, and have the moreadvantage than otherenterprise organization.

例句 3:
Classical economists put forward the theory of labor value and they believe that labor is goods. Their understanding reflects the social reality of their times and has propelled the society forward. However, t





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