

字词 资本积累


the accumulation of capital; capital accumulation


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1986: 245, 430.
[2] Capital Accumulation.via:






1. 原始积累应当同资本积累区别开;后者以资本为前提,以现存的资本的关系为前提,因而也以资本同劳动、价格(固定资本和流动资本)、利息以及利润的关系为前提。但是,为要形成资本,就要以一定的积累为前提,这种积累已经包含在物化劳动对于活劳动的独立的对立中,包含在这种对立的独立存在中。这种积累——它是形成资本所必需的,因而已经作为前提,作为因素之一包含在资本的概念中——应当在本质上同已经成为资本的资本积累区别开,在后一种积累中,资本必须已经存在。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:281

1. It must be distinguished from the accumulation of capitals; this presupposes capitals, presumes the relationship of capital as present, and therefore also implies its relations to labour, prices (capital fixe and circulant), interest and profit. But capital, in order to become capital, presupposes a certain accumulation which is already contained in the independent antithesis of objectified labour to living labour; in the independent existence of this antithesis. This accumulation, which is necessary for the genesis of capital, and is therefore already contained in its concept as premise--as a moment--is to be distinguished essentially from the accumulation of capital which has already become capital, where capitals must already be available. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 245.

2. 资本的原始形成,完全不是象人们所想象的那样,似乎是资本积累了生活资料、劳动工具和原料,一句话,积累了同土地相分离的、而且本身早已将人类劳动吸收在内的劳动的客观条件。决不是资本创造出劳动的客观条件。相反,资本的原始形成只小过是这样发生的:作为货币财富而存在的价值,由于先前的生产方式解体的历史过程,一方而能买到劳动的客观条件,另一方面也能用货币从已经自由的工人那里换到活劳动本身。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷上)》,1979:509-510

2. The original formation of capital does not, as is often supposed, occur in the form that capital amasses means of subsistence, instruments of labour and raw materials, in short, the objective conditions of labour detached from the soil and already fused with human labour. Capital does not create the objective conditions of labour. Its original for-m,ation occurs simply because the historical process of the dissolution of the old mode of production enables value, existing in the form of monetary wealth, to buy the objective conditions of labour on the one hand, and to exchange the living labour of the now free workers for money on the other. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 430.

3. 我们完全了解为什么我们俄国的浪漫主义者竭尽全力来抹杀上述两种危机理论的区别。这是因为对待资本主义的两种根本不同的态度与上述两种理论有着最直接最密切的联系。事实上,如果我们用产品实现的不可能性、用生产和消费之间的矛盾来解释危机,那我们就会否认现实,否认资本主义所走的那条道路是适当的,认为它是一条“错误的”道路而要去寻找“另外的道路”。如果从这个矛盾中引出危机,我们就一定会认为,这个矛盾愈向前发展,摆脱矛盾也就愈困难。而我们看到,西斯蒙第十分幼稚地说出的正是这种见解。他说,如果资本积累得慢,这还可以忍耐:如果资本积累得快,这就不能忍受了。相反,如果我们用生产的社会性和占有的个人性之间的矛盾来解释危机,我们就会承认资本主义道路的现实性和进步性,并指责寻找“另外的道路”是荒唐的浪漫主义。从而我们也就承认,这个矛盾愈向前发展,摆脱这个矛盾就愈容易,而出路正在于这种制度的发展。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:141

3. We fully understand why our Russian romanticists exert every effort to obliterate the difference between the two theories of crises mentioned. It is because fundamentally different attitudes towards capitalism are most directly and most closely linked with the theories mentioned. Indeed, if we explain crises by the impossibility of realising products, by the contradiction between production and consumption, we are thereby led to deny reality, the soundness of the path along which capitalism is proceeding; we proclaim this path to be a “false one,” and go out in quest of “different paths.” In deducing crises from this contradiction we are bound to think that the further it develops the more difficult will be the way out of the contradiction. And we have seen how Sismondi, with the utmost naïveté, expressed exactly this opinion when he said that if capital accumulated slowly it was tolerable; but if it accumulated rapidly, it would become unbearable--On the other hand, if we explain crises by the contradiction between the social character of production and the individual character of appropriation, we thereby recognise that the capitalist road is real and progressive and reject the search for “different paths” as nonsensical romanticism. We thereby recognise that the further this contradiction develops the easier will be the way out of it, and that it is the development of this system which provides the way out. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol.2), 1972: 172.


例句 1:
The historical development of the accumulation of capital and poverty results in the two conditionsfor the birth of the socialist system: first, the material condition which is the high level of socializationof productive force that makes the capital accumulation reach its peak;second, the subjective conditionwhich is the accumulation of poverty of proletariat that reaches its peak.

例句 2:
In The Accumulation of Capital, Rosa Luxemburg, starting from the aspect of capital accumulation, explored the source and internal mechanism of capitalist crisis and made an etiological diagnosis of it.

例句 3:
The defining of the accumulation of capital is major work in classic Marxist social theory. This may be narrowed down into a study of the capital accumulation mechanism with its changes at different times.





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