

字词 封建主


feudal lord; feudal aristocracy


[1] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 357.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 24) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 134.


封建主指封建社会中占有生产资料,享有各种特权的统治阶级,是在其领地内拥有行政、司法权的统治者。在不同的国家和不同的时期封建主有不同的称谓。如在中国古代称天子、诸侯、大夫等,在中世纪的欧洲称农奴主、封建领主、庄园主等。封建主凭借占有领地和政治统治的权力,通过劳役对农奴或农民进行残酷的经济剥削和政治压迫。(封建主.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006842758&d=59A75DFAA4DCECD3DA4E9007586C6671)。农民或农奴被压在社会的最底层,被束缚在土地上,有着不同的人身依附关系,不仅被攫取高额地租,还被迫承担无偿劳役,过着牛马般的生活。封建主内部因实行土地分封而形成层层的封建等级。封建国家的皇帝或国王是最大的封建主,皇帝或国王以分封和赏赐的形式,将土地封给子弟、亲族、功臣,受封者再将土地分封给下一级的封建主。封建主上下级之间形成宗主和附庸(陪臣)的隶属关系,构成封建社会的等级制度。封建主也有破产的,有的封建主为满足奢侈生活的需要而向高利贷借钱,当他们负债累累时就破产。破产的封建主失掉土地的所有权,政治权力也随之而丧失。(封建主.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900005475348&d=E550308AC28346BEB4A9B92F520D4328)。


[1] 封建主.via:
[2] 封建主.via:


1. 中国有一句老话:“有饭大家吃。”这是很有道理的。既然有敌大家打,就应该有饭大家吃,有事大家做,有书大家读。那种“一人独吞”、“人莫予毒”的派头,不过是封建主的老戏法,拿到二十世纪四十年代来,到底是行不通的。 ——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1965:683

1. "If there is food, let everyone share it." This old Chinese saying contains much truth. Since we all share in fighting the enemy, we should all share in eating, we should all share in the work to be done, and we should all share access to education. Such attitudes as “I and I alone will take everything” and “no one dare harm me” are but the old tricks of feudal lords which simply will not work in the Nineteen Forties. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 357.

2. 由于基督教的这种影响非常强烈,所以解放农奴的斗争伴随着反对教会封建主的最残酷的流血斗争,并且这种斗争曾不顾由神甫们体现出来的基督教的埋怨和愤怒而进行到底。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:241

2. It was due to this power of Christianity that during the liberation of the feudal serfs the most bloody and embittered struggles were precisely those against the spiritual feudal lords, and it was carried through despite all the grumbling and indignation of Christianity as embodied in the priests. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 220.

3. 当法国封建主扼杀18世纪法国大革命的时候,法国工农曾对他们进行了合理的、正义的革命战争。今后,当法国资本家变成流亡者而组织外力来侵犯社会主义的法兰西共和国的时候,法国工农也一定会对他们进行同样合理的、正义的革命战争。法国工农一定会比较容易地击溃本国的剥削者,因为被卑鄙的凡尔赛和约弄得残破不堪、苦难深重、相互敌视的整个欧洲会直接间接地站在他们一边。 ——《列宁全集(第四十二卷)》,1987:308-309

3. The workers and peasants of France proved that they were capable of waging a legitimate, just and revolutionary war against their feudal aristocracy when the latter wanted to crush the great French Revolution of the eighteenth century. They will be able to wage a similarly legitimate, just and revolutionary war against the French capital-fists when the latter become émigrés and organise foreign invasion against the French Socialist Republic. It will be easier for the French workers and peasants to crush their exploiters because the whole of Europe, exhausted, tormented and Balkanised by the atrocious Treaty of Versailles, will, directly or indirectly, be on their side. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 33), 1977: 134.


例句 1:
Signeurs supported and joined the construction of cities for their own political, economic and martial requires when cities were constructed in Western Europe in middle ages.

例句 2:
Medieval Europe is an important period in the history of democratic system,it’sthe beginning of the history of moderm democracy. Medieval city in Europe against the background of feudalism, In the fedal power of the Church and local forces caught between the right to grown up.

例句 3:
This was attributed to the existence of many marginal elements, for example, family settlements designed by individual landlords, inheritance customs persisted in by common people, and the equal distribution plans promoted by church and chancery.





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