字词 | 创业创新服务业 |
释义 | 创业创新服务业【英】innovation and business startup service industry译文来源中央文献重要术语翻译(2016年第四期).via: http://www.cctb.net/bygz/zywxsy/201606/t20160602_342272.htm 定义创新服务业是以高新技术为支撑,以研发业态为核心,以提升服务对象创新能力为目的的新词能够产业,是全球化的产物,也是服务业中最具创新活力的行业,是现代产业体系的核心。(左刚,2011:82) 定义来源[1]徐冠华,郭铁成,刘琦岩,王彦敏.关于促进我国创新服务业发展的几个问题[J].科技创新与生产力, 2011(10). 例句1. 我们不搞“大水漫灌”式的强刺激,而是持续推动结构性改革。深入推进简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革。取消和下放311项行政审批事项,取消123项职业资格许可和认定事项,彻底终结了非行政许可审批。工商登记前置审批精简85%,全面实施三证合一、一照一码。加强事中事后监管,优化公共服务流程。群众和企业办事更加方便,全社会创业创新热情日益高涨。——《2016年政府工作报告》 1. Rather than adopting strong stimulus policies that would have an economy-wide impact, we continued to move forward with structural reform. We intensified reform to streamline administration, delegate more powers, improve regulation, and provide better services. We delegated the power or cancelled the requirement for government review for 311 items, cancelled the requirement for verification or approval for 123 professional qualifications, and put a complete stop to the practice of non-administrative review. The number of items which require government approval for new businesses prior to registration was cut by 85%, and the system of a separate business license, organization code certificate, and taxation registration certificate was replaced by a unified business license with a unified social credit code. Both operational and post-operational oversight over businesses were strengthened, and public service procedures were improved. Government-related procedures for individuals and businesses were made much simpler, such that enthusiasm for stepping out into business and making innovations is rising by the day. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. 2. 二是发挥大众创业、万众创新和“互联网+”集众智汇众力的乘数效应。打造众创、众包、众扶、众筹平台,构建大中小企业、高校、科研机构、创客多方协同的新型创业创新机制。建设一批“双创”示范基地,培育创业服务业,发展天使、创业、产业等投资。支持分享经济发展,提高资源利用效率,让更多人参与进来、富裕起来。实施更积极、更开放、更有效的人才引进政策。加强知识产权保护和运用,依法严厉打击侵犯知识产权和制假售假行为。——《2016年政府工作报告》 2. Second, we will help people to pool their ideas and talents through a synergy of business startups, innovation, and the Internet Plus. Platforms will be created for crowd innovation, crowd support, crowdsourcing, and crowdfunding, and mechanisms will be built to encourage new types of business startups and innovation-making through cooperation between enterprises, institutions of higher learning, research institutes, and makers. We will establish demonstration centers for business startups and innovation, foster a business startup and innovation service industry, and ensure angel investment, venture capital, industrial investment, and other investment develop in accordance with regulations. We will give our support to the development of a sharing economy and see that resources are used more efficiently and that more people take part and benefit. We will adopt more active, open, and effective policies to attract talent from overseas. We will strengthen the protection and use of intellectual property rights and look to the law to crack down on the infringement of these rights and on the production and sale of counterfeit products. -Quoted from Report on the Work of the Government, 2016. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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