

字词 分工和交换


division of labour and exchange


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 413.


分工和交换是亚当·斯密研究国民财富增长的起点,是其经济理论的出发点,他认为人类的交换行为引起了分工,分工又促进了劳动生产率的提高,从而促进了财富的创造和积累。在《国民财富的性质和原因研究》一书中,亚当·斯密做了详细的探究,他认为“劳动生产力上最大的增进,以及运用劳动时所表现的更大的熟练、技巧和判断力,似乎都是分工的结果”。(亚当·斯密,1972:5)亚当·斯密对分工的认识,主要体现在:其一,分工的优点为提高劳动生产率;其二,分工的缺点为分工造成了个体劳动者才能的差异,损害了工人全面的活动能力和智力的发展并造成了社会的不平等;其三,分工产生的原因是人的利己心所产生的交换本能;其四,分工的程度受到市场广狭的限制。亚当·斯密强调分工的客观作用,优于当时的重农主义思想,但他对分工的论述也具有局限性,忽视了劳动生产力的发展对分工的促进作用,忽视了分工的社会历史性。(王志伟,2013:80)“分工一旦确立,交换便成为经常的经济活动,并且不断得到发展。通过分工和交换可以得到更多产品的事实又促使人们去专门学习一种技艺。分工的发展程度受交换(即市场)的范围和商业上的自由程度以及资本的集中和职业自由制度确立的限制,因此,实行经济自由,破除一切对经济活动的人为限制,就成为促进分工的充分发展和国民财富的增加所必须具备的条件”。(分工.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900008260309&d=50712A22508019D33693F0076A876765)


[1] 亚当·斯密.国民财富的性质和原因研究[M].郭达力,王亚楠译.商务印书馆,1972.
[2] 王志伟.西方经济思想史[M].东北财经大学出版社,2013.
[3] 分工.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900008260309&d=50712A22508019D33693F0076A876765


1. 功利论一开始就带有公益论的性质,但是只有在开始研究经济关系,特别是研究分工和交换的时候,它才在这方面有充实的内容。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:484

1. From the outset the utility theory had the aspect of a theory of general utility, yet this aspect only became fraught with meaning when economic relations, especially division of labour and exchange, were included. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 413.

2. 不论B是自己生产他用来维持生存的食品,还是从A那里取得这些食品,即他不直接生产食品而生产衣服,用衣服从A那里换得食品,这实际上只表现为由分工和交换所引起的形式上的差别。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六a卷)》,1979:464

2. It appears in fact merely as a formal distinction mediated by division of labour and exchange, whether B himself produces his own means of subsistence, or whether he obtains them from A and, instead of producing the means of subsistence directly, produces clothes for which he obtains his subsistence from A in exchange. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 393-394.

3. 这是因为,只有在劳动分工和交换中,特别是在劳动变成雇佣劳动(劳动与生产资料的分离)中,才客观地出现了现代意义上的非个人的社会劳动。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:51

3. Only in division of labor and exchange—especially as labor becomes hired labor (separation of labor and means of production)—does there objectively appear non-individual social labor in the modern sense. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 24.


例句 1:
In inheriting and criticizing Hegel based on the concept of civil society from the Angle of economics, Marx, apply foreignization theory reconstruct the logic of division and exchange, it is concluded that the theory of civil society is based on the value of their goods in theoretical, equates the premise of private all division and exchange system of the emergence, development process theory.

例句 2:
At last, he understood that division of work and exchange system in modern society established a universal social contact between individuals and that the task for modern states was to promote this potential social ethnic relationship to a self-conscious will of the community. 

例句 3:
The Practices of the Reform and Open-up proves the fact that China’s participation into the international labor division and exchange is grounded on the comparati





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