

字词 农业革命


agricultural revolution; the revolution in agriculture


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998: 896.
[2] Stalin, J. V. J. Stalin Works (Vol. 6) [M]. Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1953: 287.
[3] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994:239.


农业革命预示农业化时代的到来,而中国大农业革命的来临则反映当代“向东方转换”和“走绿色道路”的大趋势。20世纪90年代以来,工业化的弊病日益加剧,西方的现代化方式日益失色,“回归自然”和“走可持续发展道路”的口号日益高昂。农业化将是紧随“第三次浪潮”而来的“第四次浪潮”,它将根本改变生产方式和生活方式,并使政治、经济、社会、文化面貌大为改观(农业革命.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=5qFOKXF5vxvDFm89c-qC8ia5vdoFhBvzXpDiuqD5s17ozNydl82z1O2EiajQSoMMos8Z3drkQnGjd18Cya3uiddHDA1_0bOA3nKE1w7wtFrObOdx2kCRO5y_0yzo7Q3b)。


[1] 胡代光,高鸿业.现代西方经济学辞典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1996.
[2] 农业革命.via:


1. 在农业方而也有同样的情形。大大扩充的银行,特别是在德国(在各式各样的官僚名义下),日益成为抵押土地的持有者;连同这些银行的股票一起,地产的实际的最高所有权被转移到了交易所手中;而在田庄落入债权人手里的时候,情形就更是如此。在这里,开垦草原所引起的农业革命,产生了强烈影响;长此以和,总有一天,英国和法国的土地也都会控制在交易所手中。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷下)》,1974:1030

1. The same in the field of agriculture. The enormously expanded banks, especially in Germany under all sorts of bureaucratic names, more and more the holders of mortgages; with their shares the actual higher ownership of landed property is transferred to the stock exchange, and this is even more true when the farms fall into the creditors’ hands. Here the agricultural revolution of prairie cultivation is very impressive; if it continues, the time can be foreseen when England’s and France’s land will also be in the hands of the stock exchange. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 896.

2. 农业革命的第一个行动,就是以极大的规模,象奉天之命一样,拆除耕地上的那些小屋。因此,许多工人不得不到村镇和城市里去寻找栖身之所。在那里,他们就象废物一样被抛进阁楼,洞窟,地下室和最糟糕的街区的屋角里。爱尔兰人素来以罕有的眷恋乡土之情、开朗的性格和纯正的家风而著称,这是连抱有民族偏见的英格兰人也承认的,可是现在,成千上万个这样的爱尔兰家庭突然被移植到罪恶的温室中来了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:774-775

2. The first act of the agricultural revolution was to sweep away the huts situated on the field of labour. This was done on the largest scale, and as if in obedience to a command from on high. Thus many labourers were compelled to seek shelter in villages and towns. There they were thrown like refuse into garrets, holes, cellars and corners, in the worst back slums. Thousands of Irish families, who according to the testimony of the English, eaten up as these are with national prejudice, are notable for their rare attachment to the domestic hearth, for their gaiety and the purity of their home-life, found themselves suddenly transplanted into hotbeds of vice. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 698.

3. 我们决定利用农民的坚定的决心尽一切可能来预防将来意外的旱灾,我们将竭力设法利用这种决心来实行(同农民一起)改良土壤、改进农业技术等等果断的措施。我们打算首先在萨马拉—萨拉托夫—察里津—阿斯特拉罕—斯塔夫罗坡里地区建立一个最低限度必要的土壤改良区。我们为这个事业准备了一千五百万至两千万卢布。明年我们要转向南方各省。这将是我国农业革命的开端。——《斯大林全集(第六卷)》,1956:193

3. We have decided to take advantage of the increased readiness of the peasants to do all in their power to insure themselves against the chance of drought in future, and we shall try to take the utmost advantage of this readiness to carry out (jointly with the peasants) resolute measures for land melioration, improvement of methods of cultivation, and so forth. We intend to start by creating a necessary minimum meliorated zone along the line Samara-- Saratov-- Tsaritsyn-- Astrakhan-- Stavropol. We are assigning fifteen to twenty million rubles for the purpose. Next year we shall pass to the southern gubernias. This will mark the beginning of a revolution in our agriculture. -Quoted from J. Stalin Works (Vol. 6), 1953: 287.


例句 1:
The background of this issue rising was following: agricultural revolution led agriculture commercialized in the British enclosure movement, and made rural people move to city; Mercantilist of Commercial revolution has accelerated the flow of people and goods in trade; industrialization and urbanization supported a lot of employment opportunities, which attracting a large number of immigrants came to the city; the urban population continue to rise, made housing supply can not fit the growth of population; This is the most fundamental reason brought Britain working-class housing problem.

例句 2:
Disintegration of serfdom in the late middle ages, rent manor proprietary, reform  land tenure system and improve farmers' personal status, consolidate the way of small-scale peasant household production. The Early Modern England was in the period of pre-industrialization. There are many disputes about the time of  Agricultural Revolution.





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