

字词 《实践理性批判》


Critique of Practical Reason


[1] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics [M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1971: 123.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:37.
[3] Critique of Practical Reason. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critique_of_Practical_Reason


《实践理性批判》是德国古典哲学家康德的代表作之一,1788年出版。《实践理性批判》是按照从实践理性到日常道德经验的方式构造伦理学的理论体系。在《实践理性批判》一书中,康德进一步讨论了意志自由、灵魂不死、上帝存在以及“自在之物”何以可能等问题。所谓实践理性指的就是意志。康德认为,理性只能居于从属的地位,离开意志就不能存在。人们可以选择行为,证明意志是自由的。自由与必然的对立说明“自在之物”存在。为宗教辨护,认为最高的善不在现世,希望应寄托在灵魂的不死上。本书表现了强烈的唯心主义本质。作者意志多于理性的说法,后来便发展为叔本华、尼采等人的唯意志论(何新,1989:663)。全书分为“原理论”和“方法论”两部分。“原理论”为主体,再分为“分析篇”和“辩证篇”。在分析篇部分,康德论述了道德意志的形式规定,即道德的基本法则,并揭示了意志自由的原则。在辩证篇部分,则揭示了人们在现实的尘世生活中德行与幸福的矛盾,即所谓实践理性的二律背反,并由此为道德神学寻找理性的前提。他认为绝对命令排除了一切经验内容,所以是普遍必然的、无条件地适应于一切时代、一切民族的道德律。但是现实中的人又是具有感性和理性的双重存在,从而发生了幸福与德性的“二律背反”,幸福不是德性,有德的未必有福。同时这种矛盾在现实中无法解决,必须在“至善”中达到统一,因此又提出了“灵魂不死”和“上帝存在”的道德假设,由伦理学过渡到宗教。方法论中,论述了主体的道德修养,是要寻找使实践理性的法则进入人心的方式,从而使实践理性的法则在人的主观上成为实践的力量(《实践理性批判》.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900008553255&d=8175D429B65232DDD0813D1E9B22D9FF)。


[1] 何新.中外文化知识辞典[Z].黑龙江人民出版社,1989.
[2] 《实践理性批判》.via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900008553255&d=8175D429B65232DDD0813D1E9B22D9FF


1. 但这种统一是活动(Tätigkeit)。康德的《实践理性批判》(Kritik der praktischen Vernunft)曾受到许多误解并常常被和纯梓理性批封错误地对立了起来。康德早在这部著作中就已试图把理论上(直观上)不可克服的局限性看作是从实践上可以克服的。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:193

1. But this unity is activity. Kant had attempted in the Critique of Practical Reason (which has been much misunderstood and often falsely opposed to the Critique of Pure Reason) to show that the barriers that could not be overcome by theory (contemplation) were amenable to practical solutions. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 123.

2. 18世纪末德国的状况完全反映在康德的“实践理性批判”中。当时,法国资产阶级经过历史上最大的一次革命跃居统治地位,并且夺得了欧洲大陆;当时,政治上已经获得解放的英国资产阶级使工业发生了革命并在政治上控制了印度,在商业上控制了世界上所有其他地方;但软弱无力的德国市民只有“善良意志”。 ——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:211

2. The state of affairs in Germany at the end of the last century is fully reflected in Kant's Kritik der practischen Vernunft. While the French bourgeoisie, by means of the most colossal revolution that history has ever known, was achieving domination and conquering the Continent of Europe, while the already politically emancipated English bourgeoisie was revolutionising industry and subjugating India politically, and all the rest of the world commercially, the impotent German burghers did not get any further than “good will”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 193.


例句 1:
Kant researched the general principles of the law by the critic of pure reason and practical reason, and on the basis of moral philosophy and on the core of people’s freedom of the will. 

例句 2:
Kantianism is called critical philosophy, the most primary of which are critique of pure reason and critique of practical reason. From an angle of private law, these two kinds of critique of reason precipitate the possibility of Kant’s thought of private law from the aspects of ontology and method respectively. And the two kinds of critique of reason constitute the philosophical foundation of Kant’s thought of private law.

例句 3:
Rorty defends liberalism by the way of pragmatism, he doesn't try to set up a philosophical foundation, such as human nature of individualism and Kant’s critique of practical reason, and then constructs a tool on them to settle all kinds of issues.





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