

字词 共产主义




McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 164.


共产主义(communism)是一种政治信仰或社会状态。当他指社会状态时,是指英文communist society,即共产主义社会;当他指政治信仰时,是指英文communism,又可以叫马克思主义。现今的共产主义奉马克思、恩格斯思想为基本思想。共产主义主张消灭私有产权,并建立一个没有阶级制度、没有国家和政府,并且进行集体生产的社会。共产主义设想未来的所有阶级社会将最终过渡成为共产主义的无阶级社会。共产主义思想的实行上,需要每人有高度发达的集体主义思想。1920年10月4日,北京第一个共产主义小组成立,李大钊为负责人(《共产主义》,via: http://baike.so.com/doc/4735802-4950793.html)。实现共产主义要通过社会政治运动,由卡尔·马克思和弗里德里希·恩格斯提出(参见《共产党宣言》),后来经列宁等人继承和发扬,并且还在不断的发展和完善中。马克思主义分析了社会的阶级划分和社会的发展方向,提出人类社会必然走向共产主义的理论。20世纪初,发展自马克思主义的列宁主义,主张通过暴力革命的手段,武装夺取政权。在理论上,共产主义是一个消除了阶级的社会,一个生产力极大发展的社会,一个物质财富和精神财富极大丰富的社会,所有的财产归全人类所有,产品各取所需,所有的人平等地享受社会经济权利,人们不再将劳动做为谋生的手段,而“劳动将成为人们的第一需要”。根据共产主义的理论,要达到共产主义必须经历长期的发展,而实现共产主义的第一步是通过革命,暴力夺取政权,建立社会主义国家。用马克思主义的话说,就是占人口少数的处统治和剥削地位的资产阶级将会被占人口多数长期处於被剥削被统治地位的广大无产阶级取代。在马克思主义理论著作中,这个政权称为是“无产阶级专政”。马克思主义相信,资本主义必将灭亡,社会必将发展到社会主义并最终到达民主主义。马克思指出,民主主义社会的物质基础是由资本主义造成的。没有资本主义的充分发展,不可能进入民主主义(《共产主义》,via: http://wenda.so.com/q/1363448796066211?src=150)。


[1] 共产主义.via:
[2] 共产主义.via:


1. 1848年在布鲁塞尔出版了《关于贸易自由的演说》(有俄译),后来在伦敦又和弗·恩格斯合作出版了著名的《共产党宣言》,它被译成欧洲几乎一切国家的文字及世界上其他一部分国家的文字(俄译本共有大约8种版本,在1905-1906年出版,其中包括铁锤出版社、钟声出版社和阿列克谢耶娃等的版本。大部分被没收。曾用过《共产主义宣言》、《论共产主义》、《社会各阶级和共产主义》、《资本主义和共产主义》和《历史哲学》等各种名称;该书及马克思其他著作的完整的和最确切的译本,大部分见“劳动解放社”在国外出版的版本)。——《列宁全集(第二十六卷)》,1990:84

1. In 1848 the Speech on Free Trade was published in Brussels (Russian translation available), followed by the publication in London, in collaboration with Frederick Engels, of the celebrated Manifesto of the Communist Party, which has been translated into probably all the languages of Europe and into a number of other languages (there are about eight Russian publications referring to 1905 and 1906; by Molot, Kolokol, Alexeyeva, etc., most of which were confiscated. These appeared under various titles: The Communist Manifesto, On Communism, Social Classes and Communism, Capitalism and Communism, The Philosophy of History. A complete and most accurate translation of this, as well as of other works by Marx, will be found in the editions of the Emancipation of Labour group, issued abroad). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 21),1974: 81.

2. 在20 世纪70 年代,法国共产党和西班牙共产党仿效意大利共产党的榜样,从而产生并发展出“欧洲共产主义”概念。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:155

2. The French and Spanish Communist Parties have, in the 1970s, followed the Italian lead and thus given rise to the concept of “Euro-communism”. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 164.

3. 这种较少辩证法色彩的理论研究方法,所带来的必然是更多地从实际问题推导出来的结论。恩格斯的《论权威》一文便是把某种技术性的方法发挥到极致的一个典型例子。他在该文中把革命后社会的必要的纪律与当时工厂通行的纪律作了比较。起码从1847年写《共产主义原理》以来,他在思想上就存在着倚重非主观因素的倾向,从而使他常常对资产阶级国家采取比较温和的态度。他倾向于避免强调国家机器必须打碎的思想,而认为共和国是“无产阶级将来进行统治的现成的政治形式”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:12 .

3. This less than dialectical approach to theory had its corollary in more practical matters: a technological approach illustrated at its most extreme in Engels’s article: On Authority, where he compares the discipline necessary in post-revolutionary society to that currently obtaining in factories. The emphasis on the non-subjective factors that had been present in his thought at least since the Principles of Communism of 1847 led him often to adopt a relatively mild attitude to the bourgeois state. Engels tended to avoid emphasizing the ides that the State needed to be smashed and considered the republic to be the ‘ready-for-use political form for the future role of the proletariat’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 14-15.


例句 1:
If communism is the Marx’s communist ideal is its expression scientific conception of social system, then the of the reality with the characteristics of practical generative. If the social class, nationality, country, etc. is dead and there is no ideology in communism, so as the practice of the communist ideal is impossible to have no ideology.

例句 2:
科学共产主义是马克思主义的理论核心,也是整个马克思主义的出发点和落脚点,它是人类通向未来理想社会的一扇大门。——《青年马克思的共产主义概念 ——从<莱茵报>到<共产党宣言>》,河南大学硕士学位论文,2013
Scientific communism is the theoretical core of Marxism. Is also the starting point and the foothold of the Marist, it is the human a gate that leads to the future ideal society.

例句 3:
Being one of main contents of Marxist theoretical system, the communism idea has been the focus which the educational circle pays attention to and studies.





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