

字词 公民权利


the interests of citizens; citizen’s rights and interests; the civil rights


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Uinversitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 98.
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 157.
[3] Lenin. V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 290.


公民权利(the interests of citizens, citizen’s rights and interests, the civil rights)是为公民所拥有、为宪法和法律所保障的合法权利,简称民权。例如投票权。它是根据宪法、法律的规定公民享有参与公共社会生活的权利。现代民主国家公民权利分为四类:(1)法律权利,指基本人权,大多是自由权,和法律程序性权利。(2)政治权利,指公民参与政治生活的基本权利。(3)社会权利,指公民维持其社会存在的基本权利。(4)参与权利,公民参与市场和公共生活的基本权利。公民权利是社会成员的个体自主和自由在法律上的反映,是国家对公民所承诺和维护的权利,是一种社会所认可的赋予公民个体可做或可不做的自由,包括依照宪法和法律所享有的公民权利各种政治、经济和社会权利。具有以下特征:主体性;社会性;形式性(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6438187-6651867.html)。我国公民的八大基本权利:(1)政治权利和自由;(2)功宗教信仰自由;(3)人身自由;(4)批评、建议、申诉、控告、检举和取得赔偿权;(5)社会经济权利;(6)文化教育权利;(7)妇女、老人、儿童受国家的保护;(8)保护华侨、归侨和侨誉的权利和利益(via: http://wenda.so.com/q/1378692584075471?src=130)。


[1] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/6438187-6651867.html
[2] via: http://wenda.so.com/q/1378692584075471?src=130


1. 同时,当人民与政府的意见不一致时,“下院”总是“更多地”倾向“政府一边,而不是人民一边”!这证明,“代议制基于两重幻想:统一的公民权利的幻想和代表大会是全民代表的幻想。特别是等级选举法表现出人民主权的骗局”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:139

1. At the same time, when the views of the people differed from those of the government, the House of Commons tended most often to side with the government, and not with the people. For Marx, this proved that the system of representation was “based on two illusions: the illusion of homogeneous interests of citizens, and the illusion that parliament represented the will of the people. In particular, hierarchical voting laws demonstrated the hoax that was the so-called sovereignty of the people.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 98.

2. 我们要通过不懈努力,在全社会牢固树立宪法和法律的权威,让广大人民群众充分相信法律、自觉运用法律,使广大人民群众认识到宪法不仅是全体公民必须遵循的行为规范,而且是保障公民权利的法律武器。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014 :141

2. We should make unremitting efforts to firmly establish the authority of the Constitution and laws, get the people to fully trust the law, consciously apply the law and be aware that the Constitution is not only the code of conduct that all citizens must abide by but also a legal weapon to safeguard their rights and interests. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 157.

3. 最后,当然只有尤沙柯夫先生和瓦·沃·先生之流才会把农民的无权说成是农民被剥夺和被剥削的原因,但行政机关对农民的压迫不仅是明显的事实,并且不是简单的压迫,而是公然把农民看作“贱民”,认为他们命该受高贵地主的支配,让他们享受一般公民权利(例如迁徙权)只是一种特别的恩惠,任何一个庞巴杜尔都可以把他们当作关在贫民习艺所里的人来摆布。所以社会民主党人无条件地赞同这种要求:完全恢复农民的公民权利,完全废除一切贵族特权,取消官僚对农民的监护,给予农民自治权。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:240

3. Lastly, only the Yuzhakovs and V. V.s, of course, can speak of the peasants’ lack of rights as the cause of their expropriation and exploitation. As for the oppression of the peasantry by the authorities, it is not only an unquestionable fact, but is something more than mere oppression; it is treating the peasants as a “base rabble,” for whom it is natural to be subject to the landed nobility; to whom general civil rights are granted only as a special favour (migration, for example), and whom any Jack-in-office can order about as if they were workhouse inmates. And the Social-Democrats unreservedly associate themselves with the demand for the complete restoration of the peasants’ civil rights, the complete abolition of all the privileges of the nobility, the abolition of bureaucratic tutelage over the peasants, and the peasants’ right to manage their own affairs. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 290.


例句 1:
The content and the secure system of the Civil Rights which are established and consummated in one country are the symbol of the development of the Human Rights in the country and the inherent demand of the constitutional government.

例句 2:
As is known to all, administrative compulsion is a double-edged sword. It inevitably have a direct intervention of the citizen’s rights and obligations, therefore, it may pose a threat to the security of civil rights, whether in theory or in practice of administrative compulsory .

例句 3:
Human rights, which is called “the rights and freedom of human and citizen” in Russian traditional law, has different prescription in Soviet Union and Russia.





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