

字词 帝国主义




Imperialism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperialism


帝国主义是指一个国家、民族或种族对其他类似集团进行直接或间接的政治、经济或文化的统治或控制。帝国主义即垄断资本主义,是资本主义的垄断阶段,也是资本主义发展的最高阶级和最后阶段。随着生产力的发展和生产社会化程度的提高,资本关系的社会化随之发展,资本主义生产关系发生新的变化,垄断组织的统治成为经济生活的基础,资本主义就从自由竞争阶段进入垄断阶段。列宁依据马克思在 《资本论》中对资本主义的基础所作的分析,阐明了帝国主义的经济特征和历史地位(姜安,2014:11)。列宁指出,帝国主义是一个体系,即“极少数‘先进’国对世界上大多数居民施行殖民压迫和金融扼制的体系。”同时,对帝国主义的历史地位作了科学分析,指出了它被社会主义制度代替的必然性。帝国主义的实质和最深厚的基础是垄断。帝国主义的经济特征主要有,在生产和资本集中高度发展的基础上形成垄断统治;银行资本和工业资本溶合为一,形成金融资本,并在此基础上产生金融寡头、资本输出、国际垄断同盟、瓜分殖民地。同时由于各国的社会经济条件和历史条件的不同,帝国主义的特征在每个国家的表现形式、发展程度,有着很大的差异,如在美国托拉斯则是最普遍的表现形式,在德国是资产阶级与地主阶级妥协的情况下发展资本主义经济和进入垄断资本主义阶段的。随着时代的发展,帝国主义垄断实质的发展、资本社会化程度的提高和国际政治经济条件的变化,使当代帝国主义经济特征发生了明显的变化。主要表现为国家垄断资本主义大大发展,跨国垄断组织获得了广泛的发展,“经济一体化”的趋势,新殖民主义等等(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/1183421-1251863.html)。


[1] 姜安.列宁“帝国主义论”:历史争论与当代评价[J].中国社会科学,2014(4).
[2] via: http://baike.so.com/doc/1183421-1251863.html


1. 在路易·菲力浦的统治下,“国民报”的很大一部分拥护者都是因为它鼓吹这种隐蔽的帝国主义思想而获得的,也正因为如此,所以后来在共和国时期,这种帝国主义思想就能以路易·波拿巴为代表,作为一个胜利的竞争者来同“国民报”本身对立。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:132

1. A large part of the following that the National had under Louis Philippe was due to this concealed imperialism, which could consequently confront it later, under the republic, as a deadly rival in the person of Louis Bonaparte. It fought the finance aristocracy, as did all the rest of the bourgeois opposition. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 113.

2. “我们反对帝国主义,不论是英帝国主义还是德帝国主义我们都反对;普鲁士统治下的各弱小民族憎恨它的专制,而受它威胁的各弱小国家,则把英国海军和德国社会民主党看作是自己唯一的希望……”——《列宁全集(第二十卷)》,1989:232

2. “We are opposed to imperialism, whether British or German; the small nationalities under Prussian rule hate her despotism, and the small nations threatened by her regard the British Navy and German Social-Democracy as their only hope....” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 17), 1977: 175.

3. 海德门在他最近转向沙文主义以前,曾经坚决反对过英帝国主义,从1878年起,他搞了一个高尚的揭露运动,揭露各个党派的英国人(包括“有教养的”和“激进的”作家约翰·莫利在内)在印度所干的那些早已使他们声名狼藉的可耻的迫害、暴行、掠夺和欺骗行径(直到鞭笞政治“犯”)。——《列宁全集(第二十卷)》,1989:389

3. Until he recently turned to jingoism, Hyndman was a determined enemy of British imperialism, and from 1878 carried on a noble campaign of exposure against the shameful acts of violence, outrage, plunder, and indignity (including the flogging of political “criminals”) for which Britishers of all parties in India, including the “educated” and “radical” author, John Morley, have long made themselves famous. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 17), 1977: 307.


例句 1:
At present, we are not surprised that “Neo-imperialism” is so popular around the world. With the end of Cold War and change of global situation, especially establishment of superpower status of USA, discussions about Neo-perialism are rising. Threats in 21st century from the non-trational security areas such as terrorism surge up. So they provide excuses for western capitalist countries to invade or explore small countries. The real purpose is always Capital accumulation and extension. In the introduction, we raise the issue of Neo-imperislism, discuss latest academic researches from home and abroad, and then, based on these, the author raises views and ideas of his own on Neo-imperialism.

例句 2:
As the major post-colonial discourse of critical theory, the cultural imperialism has been given more critical connotation when facing with the rapid development trend of globalization.

例句 3:
2016年是列宁完成《帝国主义是资本主义的最高阶段》100周年 。——“列宁《帝国主义论》:方法论、核心意蕴与当代价值”,载于《毛泽东邓小平理论研究》2016年第6





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