

字词 条件




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:248.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 271.




[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 冯契.论根据与条件[J].学术月刊,1960(01).


1. 虽然此时前一条线索仍然是马克思的主要关注点,但他毕竟在“所有制及其结果”和“财产”这两个索引中,标注了有产者与社会、所有者与财产、占有与财产、平等与财产、政治与经济之间的重要关系。尤其重要的是,马克思开始意识到,在新的资产阶级社会中,“财产作为选举权和被选举权的条件”的意义。由此出发,在第三册中,马克思通过罗素的近代英国史进一步了解到,在18世纪末,当时英国84个市镇的所有者把157位代表送进了议会,可资产阶级的“议会的成员不是人民的代表,大部分是他们自己利益的代表”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:138-139

1. Although the first line of thought was still the focus of Marx’s attention at this time, under the topics “ownership and its consequences” and “property,” he includes the relations between “owners and society,” “owners and property,” “appropriation and property,” “equality and property,” and “politics and economics.” Most importantly, Marx begins to realize the significance, the new bourgeois society, of property as a condition both to vote as well as to be voted into office. Proceeding from this point, in Marx’s excerpts from Lingard’s Geschichte von England he understood that at the end of the 18th century, 84 English towns sent 157 representatives to parliament; however, “the bourgeois members of parliament were not the representatives of the people, only of their own interests. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 97-98.

2. 有意思的是,汤普逊专门提出了这样一种观点,试图界划劳动力与劳动产品的不同:劳动力是将要生产出来的东西,而劳动产品是已经生产出来的东西这样,他所说的劳动生产的重心就落在人类主体“双手”所发动的活劳动上。这一点,对马克思以后的经济学建构也是极重要的。同样有意义的是,汤普逊也肯定了这样一个观点,即交换对于现代生产的必要性。肯定交换的意义实际上也是承认分工的意义。这一点他承袭了斯密。分工是生产技术的专门化,同时也是时空上的生产劳动的整体性与合作进一步发展的条件。“所以,交换和劳动一样,对于有益的和扩大了的生产是必要的。”因而,“没有交换就不能有生产,也就不能继续生产财富。没有交换的劳动和没有劳动的交换几乎是同样地毫无用处”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:350

2. It is interesting to note that Thompson proposed this idea especially in an attempt to delineate between labor force and the product of labor. The force of labor comprises things that will be produced, while the products of labor are things that have already been produced. Thus the focal point of the production of labor falls on the living labor of the human subject. This point would come to be very important for Marx’s later economics construction. Equally interesting is the fact that Thompson affirmed the view that exchange was necessary to modern production. Affirming exchange is, in fact, a recognition of the significance of the division of labor. He inherited this view from Smith. The division of labor is the specialization of productive technology; at the same time, it is a further condition of the wholeness and cooperation of productive labor in time. Thus exchange is like labor, it is necessary to beneficial and expanded production. Therefore, without exchange there can be no production, no further production of wealth. Labor without exchange, like exchange without labor, are nearly the same in their uselessness. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 270-271.

3. 但是,马克思在超越经济学社会唯物主义的行进步伐中,最关键的一步是科学的历史辩证法的创立,即任何人类生活都是一定历史条件下的具体的现实生存,一切外部对象也都只是在一定的历史语境中才能被历史地呈现出来。所以,对于历史辩证法来说,没有任何具体的社会存在是永恒的。这是马克思新世界观最彻底的革命性和批判性之所在。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:407

3. However, in Marx’s process of surpassing the social materialism of political economy, the most important step was the establishment of the scientific historical dialectic, i.e., the idea that the life of any person is a concrete, real existence under certain conditions of history. Furthermore, any external object can only be historically revealed in a certain historical context. Therefore, in the historical dialectic, there is no social existence that is eternal. Herein lines the utter and revolutionary nature of Marx’s new worldview. In this sense, the essence of the general theory of historical materialism is critical. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 315.


例句 1:
中国共产党的入党条件是党组织吸纳党员的标准和要求,是规范和约束党员行为的基本尺度。中国共产党的最终目标和最高理想是实现共产主义。它制定入党条件的目的,就是筛选为共产主义而奋斗的先进分子。严格按照入党条件将社会中的先进分子吸收到党内,是马克思主义党建思想的重要内容,是加强党的先进性和纯洁性建设的重要保障,是发展党员工作的基本遵循。入党条件不是一成不变的。在 90 余年的历程中,中国共产党始终根据自身地位和任务的变化,解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,不断严格入党条件,切实提高党员质量,永葆党的先进性和纯洁性。当前,学术界关于中共入党条件的研究,不能充分展现入党条件变迁的整个过程。所以,本文把中共入党条件作为研究对象,试图对入党条件变迁的基本脉络进行梳理,并在此基础上分析影响因素、总结历史启示。——《中国共产党的入党条件变迁研究》,中共中央党校博士学位论文,2016
The Conditions of Joining the CPC are the standards and requirements of which the CPC absorbs the party’s members, and are the basic criterion for party members' behavior norms and constraints. The ultimate goal and the highest ideal of the CPC is the realization of communism. The purpose of setting the conditions of joining Party is screening advanced members who struggle for communism. This work that the CPC absorbs advanced members in accordance with the conditions of joining the party, is the important content of Marxist party building thought, and is the important guarantee to strengthen the construction of the party's advanced nature and purity, and also is the basic development of party members to follow. During the development’s history of the CPC’s more than 90 years, the CPC, "emancipating the mind" and "seeking the truth from facts" together with "advancing with time", put forward th





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