

字词 党的组织


the organization(s) of the (CPC) Party; the (CPC) Party organization(s)


[1] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1998: 56.
[2] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 32.




via: http://theory.people.com.cn/GB/49150/49151/10410235.html


1. 党的组织助长了一种总的保守趋势,那就是,到1906年,官僚主义分子在执行委员会内占大多数,而行政管理方面又日益脱离政治。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:50

1. This general conservative trend was reinforced by the organisation of the Party: by 1906 the bureaucratic element had a majority on the Executive and the administrative side became increasingly divorced from the political. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 56.

2. 革命的集体组织中的自由主义是十分有害的。它是一种腐蚀剂,使团结涣散,关系松懈,工作消极,意见分歧。它使革命队伍失掉严密的组织和纪律,政策不能贯彻到底,党的组织和党所领导的群众发生隔离。这是一种严重的恶劣倾向。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:360

2. Liberalism is extremely harmful in a revolutionary collective. It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension. It robs the revolutionary ranks of compact organization and strict discipline, prevents policies from being carried through and alienates the Party organizations from the masses which the Party leads. It is an extremely bad tendency. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 32.

3. 党的组织不但重新发展了,而且得到了巩固。敌人虽然天天在暗害我们的觉,但是党驱逐了暗害分子。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:611

3. The Party organization not only grew afresh but also became consolidated. Day in day out the enemy tried to sabotage our Party, but the Party drove out the saboteurs. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 293.


例句 1:
Over the past 90 years, the Party’s organization construction has experienced an extraordinary development. 

例句 2:
In order to accomplish the significantly historic commission from CPC and Chinese people, the South Bureau attached great importance to the organization construction in the areas under National Party’s ruling.

例句 3:
本文分为三个部分 第一部分,主要是谈转型时期加强非公有制企业党的组织建设的意义及研究价值,针对转型时期非公有制企业党的组织建设的内涵、特点、意义及研究价值等四方面进行了相关综述。——《转型时期非公有制企业党的组织建设探析》,中共吉林省委党校硕士学位论文,2011
This paper is divided into three parts: the first part, mainly talk about strengthening the significance and research value of non-public enterprise party organization construction in the period of transition, paper summarizes the four aspects, the non-public enterprises party organization construction characteristics, significance and research value.





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