

字词 本原


principle; origin; source


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. Lawrence & Wishart, 1988: 107.
[2] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 403.
[3] Arche. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arche


本原是希腊文arche或拉丁文Principium的意译,有“始基”的意思。指一切事物最初的根源或构成世界最根本的元素。古代哲学家在阐明对世界的总的看法、探讨世界现象的多样性与统一性的关系时,把“多”之中的“一”叫做本原。他们认为,万物皆由本原的东西产生,又复归于它。然而,不同的哲学派别对本原的看法不同。唯心主义者主张世界的本原是精神。例如,古希腊的唯心主义者柏拉图认为“理念”是世界的本原。毕达哥拉斯则认为这一本原是“数”。中国的老子认为“道”是万物之源,朱熹把先于世界而独立存在的“理”看成是万事万物的本原。唯物主义者认为世界的本原是物质。如:古希腊米利都学派的阿那克西曼德认为万物的本原是“无限”,阿那克西米尼认为是“气”,赫拉克利特认为是“火”。德谟克利特则认为微小不可分割的原子是构成世界的本原。中国古代朴素唯物主义者认为,金、木、水、火、土(五行)或气等是世界的本原。《管子》的作者说:“水者,何也?万物之本原也,诸生之宗室也。”本原一词,在旧哲学中广泛沿用。 寻求万物始初的元素,是科学不发达、人们对外部世界的认识受幻想、臆测影响的历史阶段的产物。随着近代实证科学的发展,具体科学从哲学中分化出去,寻求万物本原的哲学理论就被否定了。在马克思主义哲学中,论及哲学基本问题时,也使用本原概念,但不是在原来的意义上使用。恩格斯指出:“什么是本原的,是精神,还是自然界?”这是从“思维对存在的地位”来说的,指的是精神和自然界二者之间何者为本原的问题,即哪一个是第一性的,哪一个是第二性的问题,不是指古代人追寻的构成万物的始初元素。由于对精神和自然界何者是本原的回答不同,哲学学说划分为唯物主义与唯心主义两大派别。对本原问题的回答,又构成了认识论的基本前提。坚持自然界是精神的本原,就会坚持唯物主义的认识论;反之,就会走向唯心主义的认识论或不可知论(金炳华,2003:166)。




1. 在这里被滑稽地当作前提的费尔巴哈哲学,不配而且不能理解批判家,不配而且不能知道和认识在发展中的批判,不配而且不能知道:批判对一切超验东西来说是无尽的斗争和胜利,是不断的破坏和建设,是唯一的创造的和动力的本原。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:104

1. Feuerbach’s philosophy, which strangely enough is presupposed here, dare not and cannot understand the critic, dare not and cannot know and perceive criticism in its development, dare not and cannot know that, in relation to all that is transcendental, criticism is a constant struggle and victory, a continual destruction and creation, the sole creative and productive principle. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1988: 107.

2. 马克思新世界观中已经没有旧式的本体论,这里的“本体论”只是在承认自然物质的基始性的前提下,人们面对客观世界的一种历史性视角,它绝无将社会存在视为世界的本原之意。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:512

2. Marx’s new worldview no longer had the old ontology. The “ontology” here only acknowledges, under the premise of the foundational nature of natural material, a historical perspective of man’s relation to the objective world. It certainly does not imply viewing social existence as the source of the world. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 403.

3. 当然,走在前面的是关于创造世界的神话,也就是关于批判家的艰巨“工作”的神话,这种工作是“唯一的创造的和动力的本原,无尽的斗争和胜利,不断的破坏和建设”,是“现在工作”和“过去工作”云云。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:105

3. First of all, of course, the myth of the creation of the world, i.e., of the hard “labour” of the critic, which is “the sole creative and productive principle, a constant struggle and victory, a continual destruction and creation”, “working” and “having worked”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 108.


例句 1:
Undoubtedly, it was a big contributes for enriching and enlarging the theory of human nature, and helped the annotation with the question of human nature from the Philosophical original height.

例句 2:
In this paper, the basis problem is to discuss Derrida’s Deconstructionism of unique problem and the method. This dissertation is to some extent a solution to that problem through a systematic elaboration of Derrida’s deconstructionism, giving a answer to what is the meaning of arches and how to think about arches.

例句 3:
Later, Pythagoreans propose a new arche which is different from former philosophers’, he believes that figure is the arche.





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