

字词 白板


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1. 米海洛夫斯基先生论断中的这一切特点,在他谈到俄国问题时,显然是原封未动的。他“衷心欢迎”某位雅柯夫列夫先生的异常古怪的谬论:俄国是一块白板,它可以从头开始,可以避免其他国家的错误等等。说这些话的人完全意识到,在这块白板上,拥有大地产和巨大政治特权的“旧贵族”制度代表人物还有很牢固的地位,而带来各种“进步。的资本主义也在迅速成长。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1955:345

1. Naturally, the peculiarities of Mr. Mikhailovsky’s reasoning remain unchanged even when he passes to Russia. He “welcomes with all his heart” the equally strange stories of a Mr. Yakovlev that Russia is a tabula rasa, that she can begin from the beginning, avoid the mistakes of other countries, and so on and so forth. And all this is said in the full knowledge that this tabula rasa still affords a very firm foothold for representatives of the “old-nobility” system, with its large-scale landed proprietorship and tremendous political privileges, and that it provides the basis for the rapid development of capitalism, with all its diverse “progress.” -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 400.

2. 必须对问题作更具体的阐述,必须撇开一般进步来谈俄国资本主义社会的“进步”来谈对这种进步的错误了解,因为这种了解曾造成所谓白板、所谓“人民生产”、所谓俄国资本主义没有根基这类可笑的民粹主义的童话。《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1955:102

2. The problem must be formulated more concretely, it must be reduced from progress in general to the “progress” of capitalist society in Russia, to those errors in understanding this progress which gave rise to the ridiculous Narodnik fables about the tabula rasa, about “people’s production,” about Russian capitalism having no basis, etc. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 441-442.

3. 马克思主义者对这些问题的提法应该和民粹派先生们的一贯提法有所不同。后者是从“现代科学和现代道德观念”的角度提出问题的,照他们说来,似乎这类改革的不能实现,没有什么深刻的、潜藏在生产关系本身中的原因,而只是由于情感粗暴方面的阻碍,如“理智的光芒”微弱等等,似乎俄国是一块白板,现在只是需要在上面正确地规划正确的道路而己。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1955:429

3. The Marxists must raise these problems differently than Messrs. the Narodniks do. The latter pose the problem from the viewpoint of “modern science, modern moral ideas”; the matter is presented as though there are no profound causes of the failure to implement such reforms, causes contained within production relations themselves, as though the obstacle lies only in grossness of feelings, in the feeble “ray of reason,” etc.; as though Russia is a tabula rasa on which nothing has to be done except properly outline the right paths. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 505.


例句 1:
Firstly, this article has reviewed literature of the previous researches on application of the interactive whiteboard in teaching and on the instruction of primary English writing and analyzed the significance, the overall goal and content and the concept and characteristics of the primary English writing. Meanwhile, it has pointed out the general problems existing in primary English writing instruction. Then through the analysis of the importance of primary English writing and advantages of interactive whiteboard in primary English instruction, the author proposed the principles of moderation, expansion and progression using in interactive electronic whiteboard for primary English instruction. At the same time, combining with the characteristics of the pupils' we have proposed the strategies about primary English writing instruction based on the interactive electronic whiteboard and put them into teaching practices.

例句 2:





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