

字词 资本主义农场


capitalist farm; capitalist farming


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 23) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1988: 131.


资本主义农场,是资本家雇佣农业工人以榨取剩余价值为目的而经营的农业企业。这种企业存在着农业资本家、土地所有者、农业工人三个阶级的对立关系,以农业资本家和土地所有者共同剥削农业工人为特征。在14世纪,英国出现资本主义农场的萌芽,到16世纪,英国已形成农业资本家阶级。到了近代,随着大工业的发展,机器及科学技术在农业中的广泛应用,加速了农村的阶级分化,资本主义农场的发展更加迅速,在一些主要资本主义国家的农业生产中,已居于统治地位。资本主义农场在生产力方面所表现的主要特点是机械化、专业化和科学化水平都比较高。美国、英国在20世纪40年代、联邦德国在50年代、法国和日本在60年代,都先后基本上实现了农业机械化,随之向高度机械化和电气化发展。资本主义国家存在着不同性质的各种私人经营的农场,有资本主义大农场,也有个体经营的家庭农场。通常在 资本主义国家通行的农业统计中,并不按雇工多少和剥削程度来进行农场分类,分类如下:按土地面积大小或按全年销售农产品金额来划分大、中、小型农场;按土地占有形式来划分“完全自有”、“部分自有”和“完全租佃”农场;按农场组织形式来划分“独资农场”、“合伙农场”、“公司农场”和其他农场等。资本主义农场普遍实现了农场专业化和工艺专业化,一般只从事某种(某些)农产品生产,有的专门生产某一种产品的某一个品种,有的只完成产品生产全过程中的某一环节。随着农业机械化、专业化和科学化的发展,加速了农场的合并和农业生产的集中。由于农场规模的扩大,现代化水平不断提高,农业的资本有机构成已发生很大变化,有的国家已经接近乃至相当于工业的资本有机构成。(资本主义农场.via:




1. 然而,我且不谈所谓的所有“权”,我确信,社会的经济发展、人口的增加和集中—这些情况迫使资本主义农场主在农业中采用集体的和有组织的劳动并使用机器和其他发明—将使土地国有化愈来愈成为一种“社会必然性”,抗拒这种必然性是任何拥护所有权的言论都无能为力的。社会的迫切需要必须而且一定会得到满足,社会必然性所要求的变化一定会给自己开辟道路,并且迟早总会使立法适应这些变化。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十八卷)》,1964:65

1. However, leaving aside the so-called “rights” of property, I assert that the economical development of society, the increase and concentration of people, the very circumstances that compel the capitalist farmer to apply to agriculture collective and organised labour, and to have recourse to machinery and similar contrivances, will more and more render the nationalisation of land a “Social Necessity”, against which no amount of talk about the rights of property can be of any avail. The imperative wants of society will and must be satisfied, changes dictated by social necessity will work their own way, and sooner or later adapt legislation to their interests. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1988: 131-132.

2. 在西欧和中欧,这些困难在可能的限度内是这样解决的:(1)资本家农场主或土地所有者在自己的农场整年要留下一部分工人,为了尽量少付现金,而尽可能让他们食用农场生产的东西。这个办法在德国东北部用得很普遍,而在英国却采用得较少,尽管这里的气候在冬季也有许多农活可干。此外,在资本主义农场中,即使冬天也经常有许多农活。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十八卷)》,1972:366

2. This difficulty is got over, as far as possible, in the following way in Western and Central Europe: 1) the farming capitalist or landowner keeps a portion of the labourers, all the year round, on his farm and feeds them as much as possible with its products, so as to spend but little actual money. This is done to a great extent in North East Germany, in a lesser degree here in England, where however the climate admits of a good deal of agricultural work being carried on in winter. Moreover, in capitalist farming, there is a good deal of work to be done on a farm even in winter. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 49), 2001: 444.


例句 1:
18th-century in Britain was the period when Agricultural Revolution rose and developed
rapidly. During this period, the rise ofEnclosure movemet by parliamentary acts changed the ownership andthe operation model of the land, and also promoted the establishment of capitalist farms.

例句 2:
The clarification of land property rights was the precondition of the formation of capitalist farm, which was a new organization of agricultural production.

例句 3:
Considering British tenant farms as capitalist farms, the tenant farmers as industrial capitalists, and the British agriculture of the nineteenth century as a typical capitalist one, these ideas were from the Capital of Karl Marx.





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