

字词 阶级觉悟


class-consciousness; class self-consciousness; political consciousness


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:333.
[2] Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 288.




[1] 李志杰,王福强.浅谈如何提高政治觉悟[J].管理观察,2009,(7).
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 我们是革命转变论者,主张民主革命转变到社会主义方向去。民主革命中将有几个发展阶段,都在民主共和国口号下面。从资产阶级占优势到无产阶级占优势,这是一个斗争的长过程,争取领导权的过程,依靠着共产党对无产阶级觉悟程度组织程度的提高,对农民、对城市小资产阶级觉悟程度组织程度的提高。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:276

1. We are exponents of the theory of the transition of the revolution and we are for the transition of the democratic revolution in the direction of socialism. The democratic revolution will develop through several stages, all under the slogan of a democratic republic. The change from the predominance of the bourgeoisie to that of the proletariat is a long process of struggle, of struggle for leadership in which success depends on the work of the Communist Party in raising the level of political consciousness and organization both of the proletariat and of the peasantry and urban petty bourgeoisie. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 288

2. 今年,党代表大会要完成几项特别重要的任务。在奥地利,问题是要争得普选权,即争得那种在有阶级觉悟的工人手里要比受过机械训练的士兵所掌握的小口径连发枪射得更远、打得更准的武器。统治阶级——不论是封建贵族,还是资产阶级——正在千方百计地反对把这种武器交给工人。斗争将是长期的和激烈的。但 是,如果工人们能显示出政治远见、能保有耐心和坚毅精神、能团结一致和遵守纪律、能发扬这一切已经使他们取得这样多辉煌成就的品质,那么,最后胜利保证是属于他们的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷)》,1965: 520

2. This year's Party Congress has particularly important tasks to fulfill. What matters most in Austria is the campaign for universal suffrage, that weapon which, in the hands of class-conscious workers, has a longer range and a surer aim than a small-calibre magazine rifle in the hands of a trained soldier. The ruling classes—feudal aristocracy and bourgeoisie alike—are doing their utmost to prevent the delivery of this weapon into the hands of the workers. The struggle will be long and fierce. But if the workers show the political judgment, the patience and perseverance, the unanimity and discipline with which they have already won so many fine victories, then the ultimate victory will surely be theirs. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1990: 442.

3. 正是组织问题在这种乌托邦主义的昏暗中呆得最久。这决不是偶然的。大的工人党大多数是在这样的时期中成长起来的,那时革命问题只是直接规定日常生活一切行动的问题。因此似乎不必要以具体理论方式揭晓革命的性质和可能的进程,以便推论出对无产阶级觉悟部分应该如何有意识地行动的要求。然而,如何组织革命党的问题只能从革命理论本身中有机地发展出来。只有当革命成为日常的问题时,革命组织的问题才会迫切要求进入群众及其理论家的意识。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:387

3. It is precisely the problems of organisation which have languished longest in the half-light of utopianism. This is no accident. The great workers' parties grew up for the most part in periods when the problem of revolution was only conceived as influencing programmes in a theoretical way rather than as something which informed all the actions of daily life. Thus it did not not seem necessary to spell out in theoretically concrete terms the nature and the probable course of the revolution in order to infer the manner in which the conscious sector of the proletariat should consciously act. However, the question of how to organise a revolutionary party can only be developed organically from a theory of revolution itself. Only when the revolution has entered into quotidian reality will the question of revolutionary organisation demand imperiously to be admitted to the consciousness of the masses and their theoreticians. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 297.


例句 1:
The growth of the Chinese working class, in which Shanghai workers formed the main body, and their class consciousness laid a class foundation for the Party’s establishment, and Shanghai’s highly developed media network facilitated the early dissemination of Marxism.

例句 2:
The first is guiding the masses with ideal and faith. The Party’s political theory and the masses’ ideological education were integrated to arouse the people’s class consciousness.

例句 3:
In Sichuan-Shanxi Soviet Revolutionary Area, Chinese Communist Party gave education to the masses and enlightened their class consciousness and mobilized their revolutionary ardor. Through building variety of work channels, and by the methods of dissemination, education, mobilization and communication the party worked hard to maintain the loaves and fishes of the masses. The experiences not only contributed greatly to the development of the Sichuan-Shanxi Soviet Revolutiona





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