

字词 理论科学


theoretical science


Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1989: 469.




[1] 王自杭.理论科学与应用科学[J].世界科学,1987(2).
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 在马克思看来,科学是一种在历史上起推动作用的、革命的力量。任何一门理论科学中的每一个新发现,即使它的实际应用甚至还无法预见,都使马克思感到衷心喜悦,但是当有了立即会对工业、对一般历史发展产生革命影响的发现的时候,他的喜悦就完全不同了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十九卷)》,1963:375

1. Science was for Marx a historically dynamic, revolutionary force. However great the joy with which he welcomed a new discovery in some theoretical science whose practical application perhaps it was as yet quite impossible to envisage, he experienced quite another kind of joy when the discovery involved immediate revolutionary changes in industry and in historical development in general. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1989: 468.

2. 但是,大约就在这个时候,经验自然科学获得了巨大的发展和极其辉煌的成果,甚至不仅有可能完全克服十八世纪机械论的片面性,而且自然科学本身,也由于证实了自然界本身中所存在的各个研究部门(力学、物理学、化学、生物学等等)之间的联系,而从经验科学变成了理论科学,并且由于把所得到的成果加以概括,又转化成唯物主义的自然认识体系。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:536

2. At about the same time, however, empirical natural science made such an advance and arrived at such brilliant results that not only did it become possible to overcome completely the mechanical one-sidedness of the eighteenth century, but also natural science itself, owing to the proof of the inter-connections existing in nature itself between the various fields of investigation (mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.), was transformed from an empirical into a theoretical science and, by generalising the results achieved, into a system of the materialist knowledge of nature. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 476.

3. 十八世纪末和十九世纪初理论科学的巨大发展,英国的古典经济学和德国的古典哲学,标志着这些局部体系有独立的意识,标志着资产阶级社会的结构和发展的这些有独立的意识。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:313

3. The great upsurge of theoretical sciences at the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries, classical economics in England and classical philosophy in Germany show that these partial systems, these aspects of the structure and evolution of bourgeois society, have gained a consciousness of their autonomy. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 229-230.


例句 1:
Enhancing culture consciousness is the basic conclusion of studying CCP’s culture theory since the reform and opening up, is the timely requirements of realizing theory and practice development in the new situation, is also striving direction of promoting culture theory scientific development.

例句 2:
Compared with modern social theory, postmodern social theory shows the strong critical characters, the reflective critical attitude to scientific trend of the social theory, the negative attitude to meta-narrative and the orientation of transcending the dualist way of thinking.

例句 3:





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