

字词 理想主义




[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 123.
[2] Idealism. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idealism




[1] 邢爱芬.影响世界格局的国际关系理论[M].北京师范大学出版社,2001.
[2] 詹姆斯•多尔蒂,小罗伯特•普法尔兹格拉夫.争论中的国际关系理论[M].世界知识出版社,2003.
[3] 侯仕福.理想主义及其政治思想渊源[J].重庆交通大学学报(社科版),2007(3).


1. 但是,拿破仑还是把国家看做目的本身,而把市民生活仅仅看做司库和他的不能有自己的意志的下属。他用不断的战争来代替不断的革命,从而完成了恐怖主义。他充分地满足了法兰西民族的利己主义,但是他也要求资产阶级在为了达到侵略的政治目的而需要的时候牺牲自己的事业、享乐、财富等等。当他专横地压制资产阶级社会的自由主义(即他的日常实践的政治理想主义)的时候,只要资产阶级社会的最重要的物质利益(即商业和工业)一和他拿破仑的政治利益发生冲突,他也同样毫不珍惜它们。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:157-158

1. Yet at the same time he still regarded the state as an end in itself and civil life only as a treasurer and his subordinate which must have no will of its own. He perfected the Terror by substituting permanent war for permanent revolution. He fed the egoism of the French nation to complete satiety but demanded also the sacrifice of bourgeois business, enjoyments, wealth, etc., whenever this was required by the political aim of conquest. If he despotically suppressed the liberalism of bourgeois society—the political idealism of its daily practice—he showed no more consideration for its essential material interests, trade and industry, whenever they conflicted with his political interests. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 123.

2. 整个客观世界,“财富物质世界”,在这里不过是是作为从事社会生产的人的因素,不过是作为从事社会生产的人的正在消失而又不断重新产生的实践活动而退居次要地位。请把这种“理想主义”同李嘉图的理论在“这个不可相信的修鞋匠”麦克库洛赫的著作中变成的粗野的物质拜物教比较一下,在他的著作中,不仅人和动物的区别不见了,甚至连有生物和物之间的区别也不见了。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:357

2. The whole objective world, the “world of commodities”, vanishes here as a mere aspect, as the merely passing activity, constantly performed anew, of socially producing men. Compare this “idealism” with the crude, material fetishism into which the Ricardian theory develops in the writings “of this incredible cobbler,” McCulloch, where not only the difference between man and animal disappears but even the difference between a living organism and an inanimate object. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 275-276.

3. 考茨基回避这个问题,实际上就是在这个最重要的问题上向机会主义让步,但他在口头上却气势汹汹地向它宣战,强调“革命这个思想”的意义(如果怕向工人宣传革命的具体教训,那么试问这种“思想”还有多大价值呢?),或者说“革命的理想主义高于一切”,或者宣称英国工人现在“几乎与小资产者不相上下”。——《列宁全集(第三十六卷)》,1985:104

3. By avoiding this question, Kautsky in practice makes a concession to opportunism on this most essential point, although in words he declares stern war against it and stresses the importance of the “idea of revolution” (how much is this “idea” worth when one is afraid to teach the workers the concrete lessons of revolution?), or says, “revolutionary idealism before everything else”, or announces that the English workers are now “hardly more than petty bourgeois”. -Quoted from Collected Works of Lenin (Vol. 25), 1974: 485.


例句 1:
The concept of "Idealistic ideology" is from the perspective of social pathology fully grasping the ideological connotations, based on the history of mankind idealistic view of society to proceed, step by step, taking insights to study core ideological idealism nature and exploring the formation of its social base and its practice of social play features.

例句 2:

例句 3:





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