

字词 整体性


wholeness; entirety; totality; integrity


[1] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 271.
[2] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 18.
[3] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 51.
[4] via: http://dict.cnki.net/dict_result.aspx?searchword=%u6574%u4F53%u6027
[5] 夏基松.现代西方哲学辞典[Z].安徽人民出版社,1987:549.






1. 分工是生产技术的专门化,同时也是时空上的生产劳动的整体性与合作进一步发展的条件。“所以,交换和劳动一样,对于有益的和扩大了的生产是必要的。”因而,“没有交换就不能有生产,也就不能继续生产财富。没有交换的劳动和没有劳动的交换几乎是同样地毫无用处”。汤普逊深刻地看到,正是这种扩大了的生产中的“交换把人引出了自我的小天地”。广泛的分工与交换,现实地使人从封建土地上狭隘的封闭生存中解放出来。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:350

1. The division of labor is the specialization of productive technology; at the same time, it is a further condition of the wholeness and cooperation of productive labor in time. Thus exchange is like labor, it is necessary to beneficial and expanded production. Therefore without exchange there can be no production, no further production of wealth. Labor without exchange, like exchange without labor, are nearly the same in their uselessness. Thompson profoundly realized that it was exchange in expanded production that drew people out of their own self-worlds. General division of labor and exchange truly free man from the closed existence of feudal land ownership. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 271.

2. 另一方面,拉克劳和墨菲认为,多元决定表明了一个解构世界,预示着一种被认为不可避免地存在于任何事态中的“剩余”观念。例如,意义的剩余使得从符号的整体性來理解符号成为永远不可能的事情,因为它总是指向当下之外的其他某种事态——可能是许多种事态。因此,“只有作为颠覆它的‘意义剩余’的部分限制,一个体系才存在”。 ——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:29

2. Laclau and Mouffe, on the other hand, think over-determination points forward to the world of deconstruction, prefiguring the notion of the ‘surplus’ that is held to be inescapably there in any state of affairs. The excess of meaning, for example, that prevents the sign from ever being graspable in its entirety, since it is always referring to other states of affairs—quite possibly a multitude of them—outside the present one. Thus, ‘a system only exists as a partial limitation of a “surplus of meaning” which subverts it’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 18.

3. 正是在这种背景下,卢森堡撰写了《群众罢工、党和工会》的小册子,力求把工会的经济改良主义和政治行动之间的鸿沟弥合起来。她想要阐明,群众罢工不再是无政府主义者的工具,因此现在再沿用恩格斯以前对此问题的批判已不恰当了。至于工会的反对,大体上也是不中肯的,因为俄国革命的主要教训是“群众罢工不是‘人为’的,也不是凭空‘决定’,更不是‘ 鼓动’出来的。相反,它是在一定时期遵循历史必然性而从社会关系中产生出来的一种历史现象”。然后,她分析了1905年俄国群众罢工的作用,并得出三条主要结论。第一,群众罢工不是一种孤立的行动,相反是一个“持续数年或数十年整个阶级斗争时期的整体性概念体现出来的征兆”。第二,群众罢工中的经济因素和政治因素是不可分割的。第三,不是群众罢工导致革命,而是相反:正是革命创造了条件,使群众罢工中的政治因素和经济因素能够融合在一起。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:45-46

3. It was in this context that Rosa Luxemburg wrote her pamphlet on Mass Strike, Party and Trade Unions, as an effort to bridge the gap between the economic reformism of the trade unions and political action. She was concerned to make clear that the mass strike was no longer an anarchist tool and therefore that the previous criticisms of Engels along those lines were now misplaced. As for the trade union opposition, this was largely beside the point as the principal lesson of the Russian Revolution was that ‘the mass strike is not artificially “made”, not “decided” out of the blue, not “propagated”, but rather that it is an historical phenomenon which at a certain moment follows with historical necessity from the social relations’. She then analysed the role of the mass strikes in Russia in 1905 and drew three main conclusions. Firstly, the mass strike was not an isolated action: it was rather ‘the sign, the totality-concept of a whole period of the class struggle lasting for years, perhaps decades’. Secondly, the economic and political elements in the mass strike were inseparable. Thirdly, instead of the mass strike leading to revolution, it was the other way round: it was the revolution which created conditions enabling the fusion of the economic and political elements in the mass strike. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 51-52.


例句 1:
At present, there are four ways to reconstruct the integrity of Marxist theory in academia.

例句 2:
Wholeness is the energetic blood vessels of culture.

例句 3:
Marxism entirety which is a scientific method considers all kinds of Marxism theories as the entirety to realize and treat.





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