

字词 资产阶级




Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965:13-14.


资产阶级的英语bourgeoisie来自法语,出自意大利语borghesia,而后者又源于从希腊语pyrgos演化而来的borgo,意思是市镇,而borghese就是指在市镇中心居住的拥有房产的自由人。资产阶级出现在中古时期的意大利,那时住在市镇中的居民开始比住在乡间的人富有。因此他们可以获得相对较多的权力和影响力,越来越接近统治阶级和神职人员,同时逐渐远离平民阶层。这种中古时期的资产阶级原型就是磨坊拥有者,他们能够快速地对当地经济产生重大影响,有时甚至可以对统治者行使否决权。资产阶级首先出现在意大利的威尼斯、佛罗伦萨等城市,原因是意大利不仅从地中海贸易中得到好处,而且还是西欧,北欧同东方各国贸易的中转站。在商品贸易的驱动下,意大利的一些中心城镇商品经济迅速繁荣,为资产阶级萌芽提供了条件。在此之后,资产阶级这一新兴阶级相继在中欧,西欧兴起并逐渐成为一个独立的阶级。值得一提的是,在历史上,资产阶级这个名词曾专指最初的银行家,以及那些从事新兴活动如贸易和金融交易的人士。19世纪之前,这个词特指社会和经济地位低于贵族、高于农奴和无产阶级的广大人群。马克思主义将资产阶级定义为在生产商品中拥有生产工具的阶级,和“资本家”语义相同。马克思认为无产阶级与资产阶级在本质上是对立的,资本家会剥削工人。(资产阶级. via:  http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=RrxULjGiBjMLepwycIlyXl1dync3AfKm4BtOcdOPJSXyLdT_kDRXkXSFiZ6Y5PC399gMi1Gje16n0K1sjq5sU9F-i2hm2xizf6WMlSrka-adhB6luHIlTOmstPCT1o4o)


资产阶级. via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=RrxULjGiBjMLepwycIlyXl1dync3AfKm4BtOcdOPJSXyLdT_kDRXkXSFiZ6Y5PC399gMi1Gje16n0K1sjq5sU9F-i2hm2xizf6WMlSrka-adhB6luHIlTOmstPCT1o4o


1. 中国社会各阶级的情况是怎样的呢?地主阶级和买办阶级。在经济落后的半殖民地的中国,地主阶级和买办阶级完全是国际资产阶级的附庸,其生存和发展,是附属于帝国主义的。这些阶级代表中国最落后的和最反动的生产关系,阻碍中国生产力的发展。他们和中国革命的目的完全不相容。特别是大地主阶级和大买办阶级,他们始终站在帝国主义一边,是极端的反革命派。其政治代表是国家主义派和国民党右派。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:3

1. What is the condition of each of the classes in Chinese society? The landlord class and the comprador class. In economically backward and semi--colonial China the landlord class and the comprador class are wholly appendages of the international bourgeoisie, depending upon imperialism for their survival and growth. These classes represent the most backward and most reactionary relations of production in China and hinder the development of the productive forces. Their existence is utterly incompatible with the aims of the Chinese revolution. The big landlord and big comprador classes in particular always side with imperialism and constitute an extreme counter-revolutionary group. Their political representatives are the Etatistes and the right-wing of the Kuomintang. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 13-14.

2. 七月七日卢沟桥事变,是日本帝国主义大举进攻中国本部的开始。卢沟桥中国军队的抗战,是中国全国性抗战的开始。由于日寇无底止的进攻,全国人民的坚决斗争,民族资产阶级的倾向抗日,中国共产党抗日民族统一战线政策的努力提倡、坚决实行和取得全国的赞助,使得“九一八”以来中国统治当局的对日不抵抗政策,在卢沟桥事变后开始转变到实行抗战的政策,使得一二九运动以来中国革命发展的形势,由停止内战准备抗战的阶段,过渡到了实行抗战的阶段。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:352

2. The Lukouchiao Incident of July 7 marked the beginning of the Japanese imperialist all--out invasion of China south of the Great Wall. The fight put up by the Chinese troops at Lukouchiao marked the beginning of China’s nation-wide War of Resistance. The ceaseless Japanese attacks, the people’s resolute struggle, the national bourgeoisie’s tendency towards resistance, the Communist Party’s vigorous advocacy and firm application of a national united front policy and the nation-wide support this policy has won--all these have compelled the Chinese authorities to begin changing their policy of non-resistance, as pursued ever since the September 18th Incident of 1931, to a policy of resistance since the Lukouchiao Incident, and have caused the Chinese revolution to develop beyond the stage reached after the December 9th Movement,l i.e,the stage of ending the civil war and preparing for resistance, into the stage of actual resistance. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 23.

3. 无论哪一种势力或哪一种派别的文化工作,都是服从其政治任务的。今天的中国,不管在政治上、军事上和经济上,都存在着三种不同的势力,即抗战民主派,日寇、汉奸、亲日派,和大地主大资产阶级的反共顽固派。这三种势力的斗争,也尖锐地表现在文化领域。各种势力的文化工作都是与其政治任务密切联系着的,所谓超政治的文化是不存在的。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1989:22

3. All forces and groups subordinate their cultural work to their political mission. In the political, military and economic fields in present-day China, three different forces exist: the anti-Japanese democrats; the Japanese aggressors, Chinese collaborators and pro-Japanese elements; and the anti-Communist diehards among the big landlords and the big bourgeoisie. The struggle among the three forces is acutely manifested in the cultural field. Every force’s cultural work is closely linked to its political mission; there is no such thing as culture which transcends politics. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 1), 1989: 33.


例句 1:
After the practice of the Great Revolution and the agrarian revolutionary war, the CCP improved its understanding of Chinese bourgeoisie and got some experience in dealing with the bourgeoisie and capitalism.

例句 2:
Theurbanpettybourgeoisieispartofthepettybourgeoisieinadditiontofarmers. Comparedwiththeproletariat, thebourgeoisieandthepeasantry, theurbanpettybourgeoisieisaverycomplexclassinthesemi-feudalsociety.

例句 3:
While the bourgeoisie of Britain, France and other western countries have gained complete control of state power through a bottom-up revolution to expanded political modernization in depth, the German bourgeoisie has failed to be the dominant force of Germany’s political modernization in transformation to modern society.





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