

字词 彼岸


other world; otherworld


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 290.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:9.
[3] Otherworld. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otherworld


印度风俗,凡是办好一件事情,就说“波罗蜜多”,意为“到彼岸”、“度无极”、“事究竟”等。佛教沿用此语,以有生有死的烦恼、染污的境界为“此岸”,而以超脱生死的清净、涅槃的境界为“彼岸”(中国佛教文化研究所,2013:127)。后康德被引用到哲学领域,以“此岸”、“彼岸”来论述其不可知论。此岸,是指经验界限之内;彼岸,是指经验界限之外(余源培,2009:151)。康德认为,此岸的“现象”和彼岸的“自在之物”之间存在着不可逾越的鸿沟,人们只能认识“现象”,不可能透过“现象”去认识“自在之物”,“自在之物”不可能变成“为我之物”,“现象”和“自在之物”是绝对对立的。他的错误在于把“现象”看成是主观的感觉表象,它不表现“自在之物”的任何性质,那么,人们就不可能透过“现象”去把握“自在之物”。安际上,客观世界无所谓彼岸和此岸,现象是本质的表现,而本质也一定要表现出来,认识了现象,就可以透过现象去掌握事物的本质,不可认识的“自在之物”是不存在的。历史和实践已驳倒了他的   先验论和不可知论(彭克宏,1989:39)。


[1] 中国佛教文化研究所.俗语佛源[M].增订版.中西书局,2013.
[2] 余源培.哲学辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2009.
[3] 彭克宏.社会科学大词典[Z].中国国际广播出版社,1989.


1. 早在《1843年通信》里,意识就被理解为是发展所固有的。意识并不在现实历史发展的彼岸。它不是先由哲学家带到世界上来的,因此哲学家高傲地蔑视世界上的小的斗争是不对的。“我们只向世界指明它究竟为什么高斗争;而意识则是世界应该具备的东西,不管世界愿意与否。”——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:138

1. As early as the Correspondence of 1843 [with Ruge] he conceives of consciousness as immanent in history. Consciousness does not lie outside the real process of history. It does not have to be introduced into the world by philosophers; therefore, to gaze down arrogant upon the petty struggles of the world and to despise them id indefensible. “We only show it [the world] what its struggles are about and consciousness is a thing that it must needs acquire whether it will or not.” -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 77.

2. 费尔巴哈以绝望的力量去抓住基督教的全部内容,并非是为了摈弃它,不,而是为了把它拉回到自己那里……我们只是错认了我们自己的本质,因而在彼岸寻找这种本质,现在由于我们看到了神只是我们人的本质,我们就必须将它重新作为我们的东西并从彼岸移回到此岸来。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:376

2. With the strength of despair, Feuerbach clutches at the total substance of Christianity, not to throw it away… [but] to keep it by him forever. What he says is that we had only mistaken our own essence, and therefore looked for it in the other world, but that now, when we see that God was only our human essence, we must recognize it again as ours and move it back out of the other world into this. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 290.

3. 基督教和工人的社会主义都宣传将来会解脱奴役和贫困;基督教是在死后的彼岸生活中,在天国寻求这种解脱,而社会主义则是在这个世界里,在社会改造中寻求这种解脱。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十二卷)》,1965:525

3. Christianity places this salvation in a life beyond, after death, in heaven; socialism places it in this world, in a transformation of society. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 27), 1986: 446.


例句 1:
Foucault's conceptual construction always constitutes an enclave of heterotopia, which breaks the norm of being and the given civilized configuration of all human culture. The so-called heterotopia is in the reality different from the non-existent ideal suspension, Utopia, which is usually a super realistic lead to the illuminating other world. Heterotopia is not the other world, but rather exists objectively right somewhere in this world.

例句 2:
Ancient west moral principles mainly found in mythology and are in the form of godly revelations. After the wise men began to take the revelations from the gods to the human society, moral knowledge no longer possesses the absoluteness of the other world.

例句 3:
Common people in Eastern Han Dynasty longed for eternal life because they didn’t realize the intrinsic nature





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