

字词 形式逻辑


formal logic


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1705.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 11.




[1] 形式逻辑.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=SWu_vU8iUE2srmrCDpTitFYFmKT8SGX6EdQNaxJRf8Pi0GoBtHUnxvNjgSHLYz7m7yYwRIC47iqRTYn3MR0iWDJ-4CLHnuQYXMlQ4RWDWD3
[2] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.


1. 在恩格斯那里,哲学可以有实现和付诸实践的内容这一观念是不存在的,因为恩格斯预期有一天,“在以往的全部哲学中仍然独立存在的,就只有关于思维及其规律的学说——形式逻辑和辩证法。其他一切都归到关于自然和历史的实证科学中去了”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:9

1. There was no notion that philosophy might have a content to be realised and put into practice; for Engels anticipated a time when ‘what still survives of all former philosophy is the science of thought and its laws––formal logic and dialectics. Everything else is merged in the positive science of Nature and History. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 11.

2. 他就是靠这套把戏在上面把一切所为和所不为都变成自我舍弃。可是,他的我并不是现实的我,而只是以上所引的那些等式中的我,即在形式逻辑中、判断学说中作为不具真实姓名的Cajus(某甲)的那个我。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:324

2. His transformation, described above, of all action and inaction into self-denial is based on this trick. Moreover, his ego is no real ego, but only the ego of the equations given above, the same ego that in formal logic, in the theory of propositions, figures as Caius. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 287.

3. 这里实现了“莱茵年鉴”序言中所许下的诺言,即指出:“德国社会科学在其已达到的发展阶段上和英法的社会科学怎样的不同”,什么叫作“科学地阐明共产主义的学说”。要把上面那短短几行字中所有不合逻辑的地方揭示出来而又不使读者感到厌烦,是很困难的。首先我们指出形式逻辑上的错误。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:570-571

3. Here we are shown what we were promised in the preface to the Rheinische Jahrbücher, namely, “how far German social science differs in its development up to the present from French and English social science” and what it means “to present the doctrine of communism in a scientific form”. It would be a lengthy and boring procedure to expose every logical lapse which occurs in the course of these few lines. But let us first consider the offences against formal logic. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 482.


例句 1:
黑格尔用辩证法为形式逻辑奠基,抓住一个“存在”(Sein)、一个“矛盾” (Widerspruch),就抓住了根本。从对上述这两个概念的本体论理解出发,黑格尔对形式逻辑的整套规律进行了逐个的重新解释,指出形式逻辑只有从内容方面来理解才有认识上的价值和意义,而这也就意味着它只有建立在辩证逻辑的基础上才有意义。——“黑格尔辩证法为形式逻辑的奠基”,载于《云南大学学报(社会科学版)》2010年第2期
Hegel adopts dialectics as the foundation of formal logic and focuses on Sein and Widerspruch which are the keys to such philosophical studies. Hegel’s incisive ontological interpretation of the two concepts informal logic reveals that the epistemological value and significance of formal logic relies on the interpretation of its contents, that is, its significance relies on dialectical logic.

例句 2:
Kant believed that formal logic separates from the specific content of thinking, and only the pure form of thinking, not the logic of truth, is unable to obtain new knowledge.

例句 3:
Judgment is one basic form of logic thinking centered on the ascertainment of situation, which is classified as logical judgment and dialectical logical judgment. The basic concept of logical judgment is the philosophy of opposites while the latter one is about ha





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