

字词 同一哲学


the philosophy of identity


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 153.
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:20.


同一哲学史德国唯心主义哲学家谢林的哲学学说。他不同意费希特的主观唯心主义,认为在主体与客体的关系中,不论肯定客体在先,还是肯定主体在先,都各有片面性,要把两者同一起来才行。他说:“在知识自身中,即当我知道时,主体与客体之间有如是的统一,使我们不能说哪一个在先,哪一个在后。这里既没有第一个。也没有第二个,它们是同时的,是 一个东西。”这就是他所谓自我意识的原始同一性。谢林进一步阐发了费希特关于主客体统一的思想,认为自我意识是一种行为,是绝对自由的,它能直观自己,把自己区分为被思维的东西和能思维的,即区分为思想和对象。在自我意识中,主体和客体、现象和存在是同一的。在他看来,自我意识作为第一性的东西,比之物质有极大的优越性。因为“自我固然是对象,只是它自己的对象”;因为自我能够使自身成为对象。而物质客体则不然,它们不是为自己而存在,而是为它们之外的主体而存在的;如果把它们作为第一性的东西,必然会产生主体与客体、现象与存在的对立和矛盾。只有把它们了解为“为我”而存在的,才能成为认识的对象,才能被认识。在他看来,人的认识对象不可能是本来就存在的,只可能是创造出来的。因此,谢林认为纯粹的自我意识不仅是一切知识的最高原则,而且是一切存在的最高原则。在他看来,自然和自我(知性)仅仅是纯粹自我意识(绝对)的不同表现罢了:前者是“不成熟的、无意识的”自我,后者是成熟的、自觉的自我。因而,自我意识(或绝对)是唯一的实在,它将存在给与一切事物,而一切事物的实在性“仅仅是那种高级实在性的反照”。总之,主体与客体不仅在本质上是同一的,而且必然要在差别中达到同一。谢林把自己的这些思想称之为“同一哲学”。这种所谓同一哲学无疑是一种唯心主义。不过这个唯心主义的体系却对主体和客体的辩证同一性作了更明确的叙述,为黑格尔的唯心辩证法的出现做了更为直接的准备(金炳华,2003:20)。谢林的哲学可以说是自成体系,并不能为哪一个哲学体系所包容。而且更为特别的是:与大多数哲学家围绕着一个主题和中心而进行哲学阐发相比较,谢林一生的哲学显得很多变。他的“同一哲学”,“自由哲学”、“神话哲学”以及“天启哲学”,每个阶段都自成体系,这在哲学史上也是十分罕见的(王琛,2010:44)。谢林这种所谓同一哲学无疑是一种唯心主义。不过这个唯心主义的体系却对主体和客体的辩证同一性作了更明确的叙述,为黑格尔的唯心辩证法的出现做了更为直接的准备。


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 王琛.谢林“同一哲学”思想初探[J].美与时代(下),2010(10).


1. 沃尔弗干格·门采尔和布鲁诺·鲍威尔互相伸出了友谊的手,可见批判的批判还停留在同一哲学在本世纪最初几年所处的地方,那时谢林否定群众的推测,他力图提供某种东西,甚至提供除了纯粹的、纯哲学的哲学之外的无论什么东西。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:195-196

1. Wolfgang Menzel and Bruno Bauer stretch a brotherly hand to each other and Critical Criticism stands where the philosophy of identity stood at the beginning of this century, when Schelling protested against the mass-like supposition that he wanted to give something, anything except pure, entirely philosophical philosophy. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 153-154.

2. “我所提出的同一哲学,仅仅是整个哲学的一个方面,即否定的方面。这个‘否定’要么应当由对‘实证’的叙述来补充,要么在吸收了以往哲学体系的全部实证内容之后,取得‘实证’的地位,从而上升为绝对哲学。人的命运同样地为某种理性所支配,这个理性总是使人坚持片面性,直到他把片面性的一切可能性耗尽为止。黑格尔就是这样,他把否定哲学作为绝对哲学提出来。”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十一卷)》,1982:198

2. “The philosophy of identity, as I have set it out, was only one aspect of the whole philosophy, namely, the negative aspect. This ‘negative’ had either to be satisfied by the presentation of the ‘positive’, or, absorbing the positive content of previous philosophies, to posit itself as the ‘positive’ and hence to set itself up as absolute philosophy. Over the fate of man also presides a reason which makes him persist in one-sidedness until he has exhausted all its possibilities. Thus it was Hegel who established the negative philosophy as the absolute philosophy.” -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1975: 182.

3. 况且,问题在于,黑格尔在哲学史上占有使他跻身于伟大思想家行列的一席地位,是否就是因为他曾经企图把同一哲学提高到绝对的、最终的哲学呢?当然,这只有在大大改变同一哲学的内容之后才能做到。这一点,我打算以他自己那些举世闻名的著作来证实。如果有人认为,这正是黑格尔应受谴责的地方,那么,我的回答是:黑格尔完成了他迫切要做的工作。在包括研究实存问题的‘实证’科学还没有产生以前,同一哲学应当同自身作斗争,应当超越自身。正因为这样,黑格尔必须努力引导同一哲学超越自身的界限,超越存在的潜在力、存在的纯粹可能性的界限,并且使实存从属于同一哲学。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十一卷)》,1982:199

3. “Incidentally, the question here is whether Hegel’s position in the history of philosophy, the position which is to be accorded to him among the great thinkers, is precisely that he attempted to raise the philosophy of identity to the absolute, the final philosophy, a thing which could be done, of course, only with significant changes; and this I intend to prove from his own writings, which are open to all the world. If one were to say that this is precisely what Hegel is to be reproached with, I would reply that Hegel did that which lay closest to him. The philosophy of identity had to wrestle with itself, to transcend itself, so long as the science of the ‘positive’, which covers existence as well, was not yet there. Hence in this endeavor Hegel had to raise the philosophy of identity above its limitation, the power of being, the pure ability to be, and to make existence subject to it. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1975: 183.


例句 1:
Friedrich Schelling (1775~1854) was one of the representative figures in German classical philosophy and aesthetics. The first principle of Schelling’s early philosophy as identity principle by which he created his philosophy of identity. The system of identity philosophy includes the philosophy of nature and transcendental philosophy.

例句 2:
The early philosophy of Schelling is called identical philosophy which tries to solve the problem of freedom and necessity’s integration. Transcendental philosophy seeks the natural reality and natural philosophy seeks the reality in self-consciousness. And identical philosophy lets absolute identity go beyond the difficult situation set by self-consciousness and regards the rational as the general principle. Identical philosophy surpasses the philosophical mode of intellectual reflection and is based on the way of the intellectual intuitive, and thus the





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