

字词 合法性


legality; legitimacy; rightfulness


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:512.
[2] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 122.
[3] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975:405.


合法性是西方政治学的一个概念,通常用来指政府与法律的权威为民众所认可的程度。德国社会学家马克斯·韦伯曾认为合法性指的是人们对统治地位的确认和服从。受其的影响,尤根·哈贝马斯在《现代国家中的合法性问题》一文中对合法性的概念、原理及其在当代资产阶级国家的出现等做了深入地探讨,他“认为合法性就是承认一种政治制度的尊严性,一种统治制度的合法性,要以被统治者的合法信仰为标准来衡量,这涉及到对国家结构、活动方式、政治决断和政治领导人的素质的信任等”(潘小娟,2001:149)。合法性可以有许多不同的基础,如统治者的世袭地位、制定和执行法律时遵守的宗教习惯、决策的范围和内容等(李盛平,1989:210)。在一个现代的民主政治体系中,政策的合法性的假设的基础在于,该政策遵守了适当的程序,执行政策的有关官员具有法定的权力做他们已经做过的事。也就是说,合法性这一概念取决于社会的普遍接受。“合法与否是政策制定过程成功或失败的基础。在一个民主社会中,如果受公共政策影响的那些人不相信政策是合法的,那么政策就不能有效地执行。因而,连续性和稳定性取决于合法性因素。当认为政策不合法而不予接受时,就需要领导使用压力来保持自己的权力”(克鲁斯克等,1992,via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006088544&d=3E912897DF0B04B0C5E8E25A293257CD)。


[1] 潘小娟.当代西方政治学新词典[Z].吉林人民出版社,2001.
[2] 李盛平.公务员百科辞典[Z].光明日报出版社,1989.
[3] 克鲁斯克等.合法性[A].1992,via:


1. 通过反思共产主义衰亡的消极影响,鲍曼(Bauman)在后马克思主义的争论中扮演了一个不同的角色。只有鲍曼没有那种玷污后现代主义对这一事件的讨论的胜利主义口吻。他的观点带着某种乡愁回顾了共产主义作为资本主义制衡者的角色。鲍曼担心的是这样一种全球秩序:在其中,资本主义没有自身的“他者”,而且事实上意识形态的他者观念失去了一切的道德合法性。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:191-192

1. Bauman puts a different spin on the post-Marxist debate by reflecting on the negative connotations of communism’s demise. The triumphalist tone that can mar some postmodernist treatments of this event (and bourgeois democratic ones as well, as in Fukuyama’s case) is singularly missing in Bauman. Here is an argument which looks back with a certain nostalgia—if a rather reluctant one—to communism’s role as a check on capitalism. What Bauman fears is a global order in which there is no ‘other’ to capitalism, and, indeed, in which the notion of an ideological other loses all moral legitimacy. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 122.

2. 只有你愿意承认是别人的财产的那个东西,才是别人的合法的正当的财产。一旦你不愿意承认,那末它对你来说就失去了合法性,而你就嘲笑对它的绝对所有权。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:473

2. The rightful and legitimate property of another will only be that which you consider it right to recognise as his property. If you no longer consider it right, it loses its rightfulness for you and you will deride any claim to absolute right in it. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 405.

3. 晚期资本主义所固有的利益冲突和对国家干预提出的矛盾要求,必然意味着国家的援助在分配上是机能失调的。这反过来又产生出合法性的危机,因为国家干预意味着开启了调控与(自由)选择之间的矛盾问题。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:285

3. For the conflict of interests inherent in late capitalism and the contradictory demands on state intervention tended to mean that state aid was dysfunctionally distributed. This, in turn, created a crisis of legitimacy, for state intervention meant opening up the question of control and choice. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 300.


例句 1:
Proof of the validity of evidence is the essential matter of Exclusionary Rules of Illegally obtained Evidence. That whether the legality of evidence is proved or not has a direct effect on implementation of Exclusionary Rules of Illegally obtained Evidence.  

例句 2:
The competitive election is the prerequisite to political legitimacy, that seems to be aself-evident proposition for many Chinese political students.

例句 3:
Legitimacy” problem of political science research is the core of the political parties of modern political parties in power and the realization of the foundation of effective governance.





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