

字词 蒲鲁东


Pierre Joseph Proudhon


Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre-Joseph_Proudhon






1. 这里需要指出的支援背景,除去已知的费尔巴哈的一般唯物主义、黑格尔的辩证法之外,还有青年恩格斯、赫斯和蒲鲁东基于经济学的哲学批判和社会主义观点。更重要的是客观存在于古典经济学中的社会唯物主义思路与方法,而后者恰恰是当时还处于人本主义异化史观构架中的青年马克思表面所拒绝和否定的方面。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:19

1. In terms of Marx’s subsidiary awareness at this point, we can not only include Feuerbach’s general materialism and Hegel’s dialectic which we have already discussed, but also the economically based philosophical criticisms and socialist views held by young Engels, Hess, and Proudhon. Of even greater importance than these in Marx’s subsidiary awareness were the methods and logic of social materialism that already existed in classical economics. Young Marx, who was still operating within the framework of a view of history based on humanist alienation, only appeared to reject and deny these classical economic methods. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: XXXVI.

2. 这三个哲学理论逻辑建构的主要语境是这样交替出现的:第一个时期(不包括青年马克思在转向唯物主义之前的史前时期,即1837—1842年),马克思仍然处于德国古典哲学的传统构架中,此时马克思的支配性理论构架是费尔巴哈式的人本主义话语体系。但马克思初步对经济学进行研究所取得的成果,使他已经大大超出费尔巴哈的自然主义和黑格尔的思辨唯心主义,也超出了青年恩格斯、赫斯和蒲鲁东的一般经济学哲学批判,形成了独特的人本学劳动异化理论即人本主义社会现象学。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:22

2. The primary context of these three philosophical theoretical logic structures developed as follows: In the first time period (not including 1837-1842, the time before young Marx turned to materialism), Marx still operated within the traditional framework of classical German philosophy. At this time, the dominant theoretical framework guiding Marx’s thoughts was a Feuerbachian humanist discourse system. However, Marx’s earliest achievements in economics research already allowed him to greatly exceed Feuerbach’s naturalism and Hegel’s speculative idealism, as well as surpass the general economic-philosophical critiques of young Engels, Hess, and Proudhon, forming a unique humanist labor alienation theory-humanist social phenomenology. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: XXXVIII.

3. 需要指出的是,青年马克思在1844年前后读过西斯蒙第的著作,这可能是受到蒲鲁东影响的结果,而西斯蒙第则是蒲鲁东思想的重要基础之一。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:95

3. It is important to point out here that though Sismondi did not exert direct influence on Marx, his theories lay an important foundation for Proudhon’s thought. It was later, around 1844, that Proudhon would influence young Marx to read Sismondi’s works. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 61.


例句 1:
The socialism theory of Proudhon is regarded as a typical socialism theory of the petty bourgeoisie, which manifests as equalitarianism equality view and anarchism liberty view.

例句 2:
Marx's criticism to Proudhon is a necessity in the development of Marxist thinking.With the development of mature thinking of Marx,Marx has carried on the comprehensive criticism to Proudhon, and this kind of criticism is mainly achieved by political economy criticism.The essence of Marx's criticism to Proudhon is criticizing Proudhon’s historical idealism, revealing Proudhon’s deviating from historical reality and the distorted thinking of Hegel.By studying Marx's criticism to Proudhon, we can deeply understand and grasp the Marxist ideology of development,and have a better understanding of dialectical historical materialism content, and more convince that the necessity of replacing capitalism with socialism.The historical materialism





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