

字词 历史决定论


historical determinism


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 363.






1. 毫无疑问,马克思当然是在强调历史唯物主义的客观性原则和生产力发展的历史决定论的方面。可是,相对于我们曾指认的马克思对蒲鲁东的双重唯心主义历史观的批评,他并不是一般地批评蒲鲁东那种黑格尔式的显性观念决定论(这一点在《神圣家族》中已经基本完成了),而是在着重说明历史唯物主义和历史辩证法根据一定社会现实情境进行具体研究的方法论话语,以此来批判蒲鲁东的方法论隐性唯心主义历史观,即抽象地面对社会历史特别是社会经济和政治的发展。 ­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:463

1. Without any doubt, Marx emphasizes the principle of objectivity in historical materialism as well as the historical determinism aspect of the development of productive forces. However, relative to Marx’s critique of Proudhon’s dual idealist conception of history that we have already identified, Marx here is not generally criticizing Proudhon’s Hegelian, dominant idea determinism (this point was basically completed in The Holy Family). Rather, he was explaining that historical materialism and the historical dialectic were the methodological discourse of concrete research based on certain real circumstances of society. He used this to criticize the latent idealist conception of history in Proudhon’s methodology, i.e., Proudhon’s abstract conception of social history, especially the development of social economy and politics. The methodological qualification of “definite” or “given” was the ontological qualification of historical subsistence identified by Marx in the first chapter of The German Ideology. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 363.

2. 通过艺术作品这一问题,我们能进一步澄清历史唯物主义从生产方式出发,只能根据社会一历史决定论模式、机械的或结构的模式来理解它,根本不能说明艺术品的创作过程以及它的根本差异。从更小的范圈来说,工匠的劳作(根据语源学的“造物主”概念)体现了劳作与劳动之间的根本差别。——《生产之镜》,2005:83

2. All of this is clarified further through the problem of the work of art about which historical materialism, fixated in the scheme of production, has only been able to comment with respect to its mode of socio--historical determination, mechanistic or structural, never being able to account for the moment of its operation and of its radical difference. But this is also true, to a lesser extent, of artisanal work (according to etymology, “demiurge”), which draws a radical difference between work and labor. -Quoted from The Mirror of Production, 1975: 100.


例句 1:
The general history of fine arts could help us grasp the overall clue of its development in the macro sense, but theoretically it was influenced by the historical evolution and determination of Hegel.

例句 2:
The last chapter criticizes Popper’s anti-holism, which is divided into three parts: Marxism is not holist, whether the whole is the subject of the scientific research and whether human can control and transform the society overall.

例句 3:





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